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After a shot of Feng Yunxiu’s injury, he waved his hand: “It’s a waste of effort to play against someone like you!”

"Come on! Look at your little hall, don't let him step out of here!"

Feng Yun repaired the road: "Rong Ren, you stand for me!"

Rong Ren turned back and said: "Fail the Lord, do you want to betray your Highness for a counterfeit goods?"

Feng Yun repaired the hole and fiercely shook. He smiled and said: "Hehehe! I am laughing, how can you betray your Highness?"

Feng Yun repairs the low road: "Rongren, you listen to me, millennium is not a counterfeit goods! She is her! And if you dare to hurt her, I will definitely let you pay the price, I said to do it!"

Rong Ren gave a slight glimpse, and the pair of beautiful amber scorpions radiated cold light, so that he could not ignore his words.

No matter how slow his progress in this low-level plane, he is not afraid to be a small person.

Rong Ren sneered: "Let me pay the price, I am waiting!"

After stepping out of the hall of Feng Yunxiu, Rong Ren ordered: "Call the news and say that if you don't come, I will kill one person after three days! After six days, her right arm can be killed. Huang Quan, seeing her out."


"Hey!" When Mu Qianxi got the news, Mu Qianxi directly crushed the cup.

Mu Qiang stood up and said: "The East Pole Hall is really a deceit, take me to the refining room."

"it is good!"

"Be prepared for the advanced flying sacred beast, the more the better."


"and also……"

Three days later, the other party was going to kill, and Mu Qian’s action was fierce.

To get rid of it thoroughly, you must also save people.

Three days later, the masters of the East Pole Hall lurked in the dark, and now it has become the Longtan Tiger Cave.

At this time, Mo Jin and Jun Mo were tied to the tower of the East Pole Hall. The guards around him were even more strict.

Jun complained bitterly: "Although I really want to give me a meal, but I would rather starve to death in this situation, and ask her not to come."

Mo Jin helplessly said: "Is this possible? You don't know the master?"

Because of understanding, Jun Mo is even more worried at this time.


"Little beauty!"



Mu Qianxi wants to go in person, and it is still a person to go forward, everyone is in a hurry.

Mu Qian said: "I am going to attract their attention alone. They won't kill them until they get the Yanlong Sword! You can attack and save people according to my plan!"

"No!" They are all the same.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Stars, purple, nine nights are not to say to you, anything to listen to me?"


"That won't be! Don't defy the order!"

The zero brow is close to the road: "Do you want to order the second uncle!"

Mu Qiang pitifully took the zero: "Uncle, you promise me! I plan to have no problem, and there is an defensive spirit of absolute defense, will not be injured. Second uncle..."

Under the request of Mu Qianxi, Zero does not seem to have any resistance. If you don't agree, you can't bear it!

He touched the head of the millennium: "You can't take risks!"

"I know!"

Mu Yi, they can only be silent, although they do not want to agree, but the order of the owner is everything!

Mu Qiang plundered the East Pole Hall. Now her strength has fallen to the first level of the Emperor. The combat power is not at all useful, but she also has the last remedy to improve the first-order strength.

After eating the medicinal herbs, the strength of Mu Qiang reached the first order of the Emperor.

The power of an emperor is approaching the East Pole, and the white brows are slightly stunned. "Emperor, is it that the little girl has become a emperor, how is it possible?"

Rong Rendao: "If the person who comes is not someone with an eternal sword, then directly kill the instigator."

A purple figure entered the East Pole Hall unobstructed. When the purple figure appeared in front of them, Rong Ren looked at the face and almost kneeled on the floor and shouted at the Highness.

But the clear voice made him wake up. "I am coming! Let me go!"

Rong Ren stared at Mu Qian, the five senses, the outline, really like!

In this world, how can there be such a person as His Highness.

However, apart from her appearance, she is completely different from her highness, but there is still a noble spirit of obedience.

Bai Wuhai looked at Mu Qianxi, and his mouth sneered a sneer. "Mu Qianxi, you actually came."


"Little girl!"

Seeing that Muqian came, not only came but also came alone, they were fainted.

Mu Qianxi looked at Bai Wuhai Road: "In the end, it will not let people go! The White House Lord wants the artifact to be bright and robbed. It is even with these means, and is not afraid of jokes."

Rong Rendao: "You are not enough to come, want us to let go, come out with Yanlongjian!"

Mu Qianxi took out the Yanlong Sword from the air. This red-red perfection exudes the artifact of chilling gas, let Rong Ren's eyes widen.

"Is this the sword of eternal? Let's get it..."

His words have not been finished yet, a cold drink came, "Yanlong lore!"

The red-red fire dragon rushed toward him.

Now the strength of Mu Qiang is the first order of the Emperor, and Yan Longjian now has the sword spirit, even if it is the master of the ninth-order peak, she can do it.

The fire dragon came to the fore, and Rong Ren and Bai Wuhai’s face sank and hurriedly escaped.

Rong Ren ordered: "Give me this little girl!"

"Little red, invincible!"

Mu Qianzhen summoned them two, but surrounded by more than a dozen peak experts, there are two of them, but not enough!

At this time, the sky was suddenly dark!

It’s not the night, nor the thunderstorm, but the air is full of flying sacred beasts!

These flying sacred beasts, finally do one thing! They sprinkled a pack of medicine from the air!

"Oh la la!"

All the medicine bags contained in them were all poisons. This sprinkling of the entire East Pole Hall was shrouded in this gray-black poison powder, which disturbed everyone's sight.

Mo Jin said with amazement: "This is the master's hand!"

Jun Mo’s mouth madly pumped up. “Under the whole world, except for the little girl, who dares to do this!”

"Do you know how much money to use for these poisons, how much does it cost? You estimate that it is not enough to give her a life."

This is definitely a big deal, so many poisonous powders are spilling over the entire square, and no one is expected to be able to consume it.

At this time, Bai Wuhai was also shocked. Even Rong Rong, who came down from the top plane, was shocked.

"These poisonous powders are so wasteful, this..." This is entirely to use these poisons that are comparable to the heavenly medicines as sand!

Bai Wuhaidao: "Rong Daren, now is not a surprise, you still have to run the elixir poison! The poison of this little girl is very evil!"

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