Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1231: It’s you who die

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Rong Ren’s gloomy road: “This is no need to say you!”

These toxic powders are actually just appetizers.

"Booming!" A burst of explosions came, and the people in the ghost medical building began to release poisonous bombs.

The explosion made the entire people in the East Pole city look in the direction of the East Pole, and a large East Temple was covered in black, like a smoldering forest!

"East Temple, what happened in the end?"

"Is it a ghost medical building?"


At this time, a loud voice came.

"The sword of eternal is in the hands of the Lord, you want to grab, you can come to me to grab it! But if you dare to move the ghosts of the medical building, the poison powder can not kill you, the poison can drown you!"

"After all, my ghost medical building is lacking, but poison, medicine, and money, there is absolutely no shortage! You can try it!"

In the East Pole Temple, although other forces did not dare to intervene, they absolutely sent people to investigate the news.

Mu Qian’s voice is not small, they naturally heard it, could not help but look at the horror, mad!

Too crazy!

However, when they saw the horror of the East Pole Temple, they had to deny that the owner of the Mu, absolutely said that it was absolutely unambiguous!

This is a pile of poisonous money, the East Pole Hall is burnt, not to mention them, this matter must be reported to the door owner (the sovereign), the ghost medical building is not easy to provoke!

The woman dared to be so arrogant, and Rong Ren was completely angry. "Give me a woman, and a hostage... Look at the hostage!"

When they were going to catch the hostages, Ziyou and Xingchen had already saved them from Mo Jin and Jun Mo.

Mu Qianxi shuttled through the poisonous mist, and their sights were disturbed. In addition, Mu Qianxi now has the strength of the peak. They want to seize the Muqian, but it is not easy!

"Ring Luo Yin!"

The water element is mixed with the poisonousness around, and a seal is rushing toward this white man!

Then, the red-red sword was dazzling, and a ruined red lotus fell from the air.

This sword, Yanlong is blessing!

"Booming!" A loud noise, the iconic main hall of the East Pole Hall, was destroyed by this red lotus!

"Mu Qianxi!" White has no face to be green, and rushed to Mu Qian.

"Oh! This is the power of the Eternal Sword, too strong!" Secretly hiding some of the spies, and took a sigh of relief.

Mu Qianxi avoided the attack of Bai Wuhai. She said: "This family does not accompany you to play."

After that, she rushed outside the East Pole Hall.

Today is just to save people, she does not intend to fight hard with the East Pole Hall, after all, today's strength is too hard to risk.

"Don't want to go!" Rong Ren yelled.

"Hey!" Several peaks lingered in front of them.

Mu Yi Shen said: "Home, let's go!"

When Bai Wuhai and Rongren chased them up, they faced all sorts of strange weapon attacks.

Rong Ren’s face became darker than the bottom of the pot. “These people will have these tricks.”

After they have saved the people, they will go out of the city directly!

The East Pole City is the base camp of the East Pole Hall. It is natural not to stay for a long time, but she has prepared her position in the East and chaos the wilderness.

However, some of the guys from Xuan Tianjie can't deal with it. When they are out of town, these people are chasing after them!

Even more difficult is that a white woman is in front of Mu Qian’s face, and her sly face reveals a cruel smile. “Hey, where are you going?”

Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a dark light, “White smoke!”


"Little beauty!"



The white satin is like a sharp blade that sweeps across the cheeks of Mu Qian.

With the backing of the meditation, the strength of the white smoke has become more abnormal.

"Ling Emperor Jiujie!" must catch up with her old man, and Mu Qian’s face sinks.

White smoke said: "Hey, I will come soon, you can't escape."

Mu Qianxi is admiring Mu: "Mu Yi, Zi You, Star, you escorted my ghost medical building to leave, do a good defense."

Mu together: "Homeowner, you are not in town, we..."

"I believe you can do it!"

"Little beauty, I have to stay to protect you!" Purple smiled.

"As long as I don't have any worries, do you think they got me? This is the order."

"Night will kill me!" Purple secluded and sad face.

He knows that there are a lot of cards in the hands of Xiaomei, but let her alone have no sea on the white, and on the other, I can rest assured that some of the guys on the Xuantian step.

"If you don't agree, I will kill you now." Mu Qian’s threat of evil.

Star Road: "The hostess, under his command!"

Stars retreat, and Mu Qian’s sword greeted the white smoke.

"Looking at them, they haven't caught up yet. I will pack you up first. What do you think?"

White smoke sneered, "Clean me, you dream!"

The white satin tore the air and became illusory for a while.

Mu Qiang's face is calm, it seems that the white smoke seems to learn a new move.

The white silk is hidden and it seems that there is no danger, but this danger is hidden in the dark and becomes more dangerous.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly, but the cultivation of white smoke did not come home, which was hidden under her mental power and felt nothing!

Yan Longjian out, Mu Qianzhen cold channel: "Yanlong lore!"

The red-red fire dragon wrapped her white satin, which was suddenly attacked. No matter how the white smoke works, it is difficult to resist the attack of this flame.

After the sword spirit, the flame that erupted from the Yanlong sword was even more terrible.

Even if the white smoke child advances to the nineth order of the spirit, it is still difficult to resist!

"Hey!" The good aura of the white smoke was turned into nothingness in the flame.

The long sword roared away and hit the heart of the white smoke. Mu Qian said: "This time, it is you who died!"

White smoked his face pale, and a white shadow swept over. "Mu Qianxi, I want to kill my daughter."

The thunder of the 9th-level peak of the Emperor of the Spirit, punched the past, and the horrible destruction of the power of the peak seemed to tear the whole space apart.

Mu Qianxi’s rushing operation is escaping, the water element is running wildly, “Bingling Shield!”

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"Hey! Hey!"

As the ice layer shattered, Mu Qianyu flew down to a few tens of meters away, and her mouth overflowed with blood.

White smoke is not much better. The sword did not really penetrate her heart, but her heart was damaged.

"Hey!" She squirted a spurt of blood.

She whispered: "Hey, kill her, you must kill her and avenge me."

Mu Qianxi wiped off the blood from his mouth and smiled: "White House Lord, you are coming very fast."

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