Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1232: I'm late

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Followed by Bai Wuhai, and then they also chased them up.

Mu Qianxi was completely surrounded by them, and it was really difficult to escape.

Rong Ren’s gloomy road: “You can’t escape! Do you think that you have some poison, can you stop us?”

Having said that, if he had brought a good antidote to the drug when he came down, it is estimated that he is not so good at this time.

Rong Rendao: "Hands! Grab this woman as soon as possible."

Their own strength is even higher than the peak of the ninth order of the Emperor, but now it is suppressed to the strength of the Quartet.

In the East Pole, the unexpected moves of Mu Qian’s slogan gave them a break, and now they are dealing with a thousand people, they are very relaxed!

The palm of the hand, the boxing style, the sword gas shredded the void, and rushed toward Mu Qianyu.

"Ice Spirit Shield!" Even if the enemies facing it are stronger, Mu Qian will not be so shackled.

Yan Longjian crossed a curve in the air, she said coldly: "Red Lotus!"

The red-red fire lotus collided with the attack of these top peak masters. The loud noise of "Boom!" came from a deep pit on the ground!

Even the walls of the East Pole City have cracked cracks!

The white man took a few steps back, and Mu Qian’s face was super bad.

Rong Rendao: "This woman is already the end of the strong, continue to attack!"

Rong Ren approached Mu Qianxi. He smiled and said: "Although you are using the eternal sword to block the attacks of our brothers, you have to say that you still have some ability, not enough."

After that, he grabbed it toward Mu Qian’s neck.

Just when he was about to succeed, he was suddenly wrapped up by the wind blade, and a wave of fire rushed toward him.

The water and fire double element attack, you don't need to look, you know who is coming.

A black figure was in front of Mu Qiang's body, his hands are now wrapped in white gauze, his face pale as paper!

Admired a thousand miles, said: "Cloud repair!"

Feng Yun repaired the worry to Mu Qianxi: "Millennium, I am late! You are fine!"

Mu Qianxi shook his head and said: "Nothing serious, but you..."

It is clear that he will succeed soon, but Feng Yunxiu, who has been running out halfway, has stirred up the yellow.

His gloomy road: "Feng Yunxiu, do you want to pity the cherished jade regardless of the task?"

Feng Yun repaired the amber-colored scorpion and faintly swept to him: "The sword of eternal, this young master will be sent, personally sent to her, you do not need to intervene! You now, leave me to the Quartet!"

Rong Ren smiled. "Ha ha ha! Feng Yunxiu, you are ordering me! Yes! You are a family leader, but there is only one person left, and what is it! I listen to you by what of."

"I don't obey my orders, then I will send you away!"

After that, Feng Yunxiu shot him.

"You are crazy, do you really want to betray your Highness? What are you going to do?"

"As long as I get the sword of eternal, I have no betrayal." He didn't want to betray, and he didn't want to be injured.

Feng Yunxiu had a lot of concerns about Rong Ren and Mu Qianxi. As a refining pharmacist, she knew that Yun Xiu’s physical condition was very bad.

Now he doesn't know what way to make his strength improve so high that he will be damaged.

Although Rong Ren was stopped by Feng Yunxiu, Bai Wuhai and others did not intend to stand there and did not move!

"Hey!" Countless Dao Li arrows flew out, Xuan Yi they started.

Xuan Yi looks at the complex look of Mu Qiandao: "Mu girl, you leave as soon as possible!"

White no sea anger said: "You Xuanwei is going to rebel?"

Xuan Yi cold channel: "We Xuanwei, only listen to the command of the master."

"There are some ants, but I still want to get in the way!" A white man was cruel.

The strength of Xuanwei is very good in the Quartet, but it is completely vulnerable to these white people!


A few tricks to fight, Xuan Yi, they can not support.

Mu Qian said: "Xuan Yi, you retreat! Let your master and son leave me here."

However, it is useless. Xuan Wei only listens to the order of Feng Yunxiu, but he will not buy the account of Mu Qian.

Bai Wuhai approached Mu Qianxi at this time, and Mu Qianyi waved and slammed.

"Yanlong lore!"

She feels that the efficacy of the drug can not be supported for a long time, and finally, the strength is not to blame.


Bai Wuhai did not think that the strength of the inexplicable improvement of the Millennium is so tricky, but still chasing after the end!

"Red Lotus!"

The red-red fire lotus condensed and seemed to drain all the power of Mu Qian.

"Boom!" The fire lotus is like a fallen red sun, slamming into the white sea.

Even if Bai Wuhai resisted with all his strength, the whole person was bombarded by the red lotus on the wall, and a human figure was drawn on the wall.

"Hey!" A blood spurted out of the mouth of Bai Wuhai, white no sea card in the wall, pale.

The white smoke face changed a lot. "Hey, hey, you're fine!"

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi also spit out a blood, and the strength also fell back to the first level of the Emperor.

And some white people, at this time rushed toward Mu Qian, and now they can't escape.

Mu Qiang’s face is so heavy that he can only go. Even if it is possible to expose the crystal, you must leave!

When those people approached, a light blue glow enveloped Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang felt the movement in the Shenshui Dragon world. Her face flashed a touch of joy, and Qingying woke up.

The last time there was such an abnormal situation, even though she studied all the majors of the department, I still don’t know how to solve the situation of Qingying. Where does the blue shadow come from?

A blue figure appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, such as silky ink flying, the stunning face is like a beautiful ink painting by the thick ink.

The calm dawn became deep, and he looked to Mu Qianxi and shouted: "Thousands!"

Will call her name, that means that today's Qingying should return to normal, Mu Qianxiao smiled: "Blue Shadow, you wake up!"


Some white people saw that Qingying suddenly appeared, and he looked at him with some vigilance. "Please also, please don't worry about it!"

Qingying doesn't know what it means to be a nosy, but these people are hostile to Qian, naturally it's damn!

The cyan figure flashed and he attacked.

The speed is so fast that they are shocked by a cold sweat!

"There is no spiritual power, but it is so strong. Who is this guy?"

"In the end, the monster that ran out of it, the knot!"

Judging from their combat experience, it is very difficult to deal with this person alone. This person is too fast.

But if you do it together, you can't believe it.

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