Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1233: War father and daughter

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Several people combined into a formation and began to besiege the blue shadow.

Even if they were grouped into a siege, they wanted to pull out and attack Mu Qian, but they were blocked by the shadow of the blue shadow.


Their attack fell on the shadow of Green Shadow, and he did not hurt him.

Everyone's face is full of horror, "perverted defense!"

"This guy is not a person, it is a beggar!"

"You must kill him soon!"

"Waste!" Rong Ren originally thought that they would quickly win the Mu Qian, but did not expect him to entangle with Feng Yunxiu for so long, and did not give people.

Even if you don’t catch people, so many people can’t deal with a man who suddenly appears.

Feng Yunxiu’s face is not very good. He is almost at the limit, but he is struggling to support it.

Rong Rendao: "Feng Yunxiu, you still give up early! I dare not let the family stop, but if you accidentally abolish you, you can never let your Highness see you."

Feng Yunxiu continued to attack indifferently. "Rongren, you have too much nonsense."

Feng Yunxiu has been pestering him all the time, and he can't get out.

The rest of the East Pole Hall was sent out to chase another group of people, and the elite left behind was stopped by Feng Yunxiu, and now it is actually available.

He bowed to the white sea lane that fell from the wall: "White no sea, what are you still doing? Not ready to catch the little girl."

The only blow was that Bai Wuhai was also frightened.

The injury was too heavy, he did not dare to act rashly, but now he has to do it.

What's more, the strength of this little girl has fallen to the first level of the Emperor, and it is very good!

Bai Wuhai said to the white smoke child: "Smoke, let's do it together and kill Mu Qian!"

White smoke nodded: "Good."

Mu Qianxi is now seriously injured, and the ranks have also fallen to the first level of the Emperor. In the face of the siege of their father and daughter, it is difficult to stand up.

"Hey!" The medicine needle flew out, and even if it was so, it would do its best to attack.

Mu Qianxi cold channel: "White House Lord, you are the master of the Samsung forces, even with your daughter to deal with me, it seems that you really do not mind losing your face and throwing the entire Quartet!"

Bai Yaner said: "Mu Qianxi, I see you are a great embarrassment for me! Your old man is a waste, and now it is not clear, you should be me!"

The white smoke waved his hand and the cold and sigh of breath slammed toward Mu Qian.

A sword gas directly blocked the attack of the white smoke, and a mad voice came. "It’s a joke. What you have is worthy of my family."

A black man rushed out, carrying a mask and holding an ordinary sword.

The voice has also been disguised, but Mu Qiang knows who the person is, the second uncle.

Because I didn't want to expose the zero to the great elders of the North Han Temple, Mu Qianxi did not let him participate in this rescue operation, but did not expect that such disobedience did not follow them, but they came here!

Bai Wuhai: "Who are you?"

Zero waved the kendo in his hand: "Of course, the person who wants your dog's life. Your father and daughter dare to join hands to bully my family and find death!"

"Don't you move, these two people, I will clean up!" Zero also saw that Mu Qianxi was seriously injured and should not be shot.

He is more than enough for these two remnants!

Zero one person singled out the white sea and the white smoke two, in the battle of the killing, the two of them lost!

At this time, another group of white people are dealing with the blue shadow.

"Invincible, Xiaohong, you go to attack!" Mu Qianxi smiled.

Maybe the frontal combat is invincible and Xiaobai can't deal with the peak master. Now some people are concentrating on dealing with the blue shadow, and the sneak attack is still possible!

Although the second uncle let her stand and rest, Mu Qianqi wanted this battle to be quick.

I originally wanted to play but I ran. Now I have added three new reinforcements. Maybe it is not necessarily her.

"Hey!" Mu Qian's medicine needle flew out and attacked some white people in the back.

"Hey!" An inadvertent, scratched the skin with a needle!

Toxins invade the body, even if they are the masters of the peak, they will be unlucky.

"Hey!" Qingying and Mu Qianxi cooperated perfectly. Someone poisoned the chain, and he blamed him for his illness and solved it.

"Oh!" The more people die, the weaker the formation, and soon Green Shadow begins to harvest their lives.

They shouted: "Boss! Help!"


"Damn! What the **** is it?" Rong Ren's face sank and poured into all the power, and he slammed Feng Yunxiu.

"Hey!" Feng Yunxiu fell to the ground, his face was pale and could not move.

Rong Ren rushed up to deal with Qingying with his younger brother. Mu Qianxi first went to see Feng Yunxiu's situation and hurriedly healed him.

The battle in front of Feng Yunxiu was pressed by Mu Qianxi. "You should rest now! The strength of Qingying has become stronger. I believe he is fine."

With more than a dozen moves against the blue shadow, Rong Ren’s face is more and more horrifying.

"I didn't think that this quadrangle had such awkwardness! It was also owned by a royal family. It was a violent thing!"

His glory reveals the color of greed. He naturally does not dare to swallow the eternal sword, but if he gets this, the trip to the Quartet will also gain a lot!

So, he is more desperate to attack the blue shadow.

"Hey!" The white smoker screamed and screamed.

The zero sword directly stabbed a **** hole in the body of Bai Wuhai, and Bai Wuhai’s face was pale and fainted, and the breath was weak.

Zero swords move again, the goal of the next sword is the heart of the white sea, the white smoke child rushed to resist, directly hit by zero.

The sword is about to pierce the heart of the white sea, and suddenly the face of zero becomes a little bloody, and the body seems to fall apart.

"Two uncles!" Mu Qianyan changed his face and rushed over.

Even if the strength of Mu Qianxi is only the first order of the Emperor, the white smoked child who is seriously injured does not dare to do it, nor dare to save his dad, but can only rush back.

I dare not hear that she heard the words "two uncles" from Mu Qianzhen, a slight glimpse!

Mu Qianxi hurriedly held zero, whispered: "Two uncles... Two uncles..."

At this time, zero is about to lose his mind. He is hoarse: "The elders found that I didn't die but didn't go back to life. I just told me that I have to go back to the North Cold Hall."

"I am sorry, I can't stay with you. Now you are..."

"Uncle, you don't care about me! I have a way to get out, you can leave quickly, don't let the elders doubt you, and then obliterate you!" Mu Qianxi hurriedly said.

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