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"Hey, you must be careful." Zero whisper.

White smoker horrifiedly said: "Uncle, you actually called his uncle, he is Mu Fengling, Mu Fengling is still alive! But he looks like it seems to be dying!"

"Ha ha ha! Mu Qianxi, your uncle hurt me, he is now reporting the report! Retribution!"

"Hey!" Mu Qian's pharmacy needle rushed to the white smoke.

"If you don't want to die too fast, just give me a hurry!"

In the face of Mu Qian’s attack, the white smoker panicked and summoned a shield to block.

How terrible the poison of Mu Qianzhen is, she is very clear.

Mu Qiandao said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, send two uncles to leave!"

At this time, Feng Yunxiu and Rong Ren heard the three words, three people slightly shocked!

Mu Fengling!

Rong Ren is not entangled with Qing Ying, but wants to rush to stop zero.

Mu Qianqi shouted: "Blue Shadow, block them!"

Qingying perfectly executed the orders of Mu Qianxi and blocked Rong Ren.

Zero reluctantly looked at Mu Qian’s eyes, but was forbidden by the body and forced to stay away.

Mu Qianqi whispered: "Two uncles, take care!"

"Hey!" Some white people couldn't tell the difference with Qingying. At this time, they were stalking with no one around them.

Qingying immediately stayed at the side of Mu Qianxi. Anyone who is close to Mu Qianxi will give him a counterattack.


"The Lord! The Virgin!"

"Little Hall!"

The Emperor and Emperor of the East Pole Hall, which was stopped by the poison, all came.

"Lord, we are chasing!"

Even some of those who chased them were also folded back. Today, the East Pole Hall has a lot of people.

They asked for the life of Bai Wuhai, but Bai Wuhai was stunned by zero serious injuries at this time. They looked at it with shock. What happened to someone who injured the temple?

The white smoker whispered: "The **** murderer has almost killed the cockroach, and I have to kill me for any cost."

She screamed at the Millennium, and now there is only one person who can fight, and she does not believe that she can stop everyone.

Feng Yun repaired cold and said: "Give me a hand! Anyone of you, dare to try!"

"Little Hall!" They are very puzzled!

"Small temple, Mu Qianxi seriously injured the owner, sin must die!"

"Yun Xiu Shao Dian, Mu Qiang has an eternal sword in his hand, must take her."

"Don't you listen to the words of the lesser temple?" The lord was unconscious, they were the orders to listen to the temple, but...

Bai Yaner said: "Are you listening to this saint, or Feng Yunxiu, Feng Yunxiu is a traitor."

This made people feel embarrassed. At this time, Rong Ren suddenly appeared behind Feng Yunxiu.

"Seal the Lord, you now, don't say a word, it's better!"

He directly touched his hands and made Feng Yunxiu unable to speak.

"Hands! A small hall in the district. What you have to do now is to obey my orders. When you wake up in the white sea, you will have the benefits."

This adult, but the strong and respectful of the Lord, they have to listen!

"Please ask the adults to order!"

Rong Rendao: "Use all means, give me the woman, do it!"

When the enemy came to the forefront, Qingying could fight the wheel again and it was not good for them. When the second uncle left, she did not have any worries. This place should not be left for a long time.

Mu Qiandao said: "Crystal Ying, send us out of here."

"Hey! Master, this little thing, in fact, you don't need Crystal Ying adults to shoot! I can do it."

"Cloud on the Qionglou!"

"I used the space stone, and it is still almost repaired. It can be fully activated. The owner can use me to shuttle around the plane in this plane, but it is not enough to pass through the space stone."

Mu Qianyi said, "The space stone is not enough. How much space stone did you use to repair you? It has not been repaired completely."

At the beginning, she had gained a lot of space stones and would not be used up by the guy who lost the game!

The weak road of Qionglou on the cloud: "The...the master, there is actually one tenth left!"

"There is one tenth of the rest, so you are not using nine tenths. You are too defeated."

"I have no way, after all, I have damaged so much, hehe!" Yun Shangqiu Lou pitifully said.

"Don't cry, come out! Send us away!"

"Yes, master!"

When the people in the East Temple attacked, they suddenly felt that the air was dark.

An exquisite and magnificent Qionglou appeared in the sky, and Rong Ren completely stopped. "This is the Qionglou on the cloud, how can it appear here."

“The cloud on Qionglou, the cloud on the Qionglou appeared.”

Others were also amazed that Yun Shangqiu Lou attracted their attention.

Mu Qianxi said to Qingying: "Blue Shadow, let's go!"

After they were amazed, they saw Mu Qianzhen rushing to the cloud on Qionglou.

Rong Ren was completely stunned. "They don't want to die! At this time, I rushed to the cloud on the Qionglou, not afraid of being strangled by the space storm?"

"Hurry up to stop them! Fast!"

Mu Qian can not die, the sword of eternal, still in her hand.

"Hey!" Countless figures, plunging into the air, ready to stop Mu Qian and Green Shadow.

"Hey!" Qingying’s fierce fists slammed down, and with the shadow of the empty figure, many people fell.

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi also sneaked with a drug needle, want to catch up with them, no way!

Soon, they went to the place where the space storm spread. Mu Qian is the owner of Qionglou on the cloud. The space storm can't hurt them naturally. The cloud has opened a way for Mu Qianxi!

"They went in and went to the cloud on Qionglou, and the space storm has subsided."

"We also took a look at Qionglou on the cloud. I heard that there are many treasures on the Qionglou in the cloud!"

They are all eager to try, but they are just getting close.

"Ah!" A scream of screams came.

These people, no matter how high their strength, under the smash of the space storm, completely turned into nothingness.

Some of the people who were a little slower behind were soaked in the back, and the space storm did not calm down. Fortunately, they were slower!

Otherwise dead!

Rong Ren’s face sank, “a bunch of idiots!”

"The space storm does not hurt the Millennium. She is the owner of the Qionglou Building on the cloud. Damn! Stop the Qionglou..."

He rushed into the air and mobilized everyone to attack the cloud on Qionglou.

But I want to stop the cloud on the Qionglou, how can it be so easy.


When they were bombarded, the Yunshanglou directly entered the void and let them dry their eyes!

The Qionglou on the cloud disappeared completely, and Rong Ren’s face became darker than the bottom of the pot. His gloomy road: “Damn the Millennium! As long as you are still in the Quartet, I don’t believe you can find you!”

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