Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1244: See under the high

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Yue Zedao: "You are the boss, I can't let you have something."

"These people are the best players. You can't cope with them. If you don't want to involve her, you can't leave."

The nature of Yueze is to consider the safety of Muqian, the master of the peak, they really can't help.

Yueze they retreated, and the whole chilly valley was evacuated under the deterrent of some people.

More than a dozen white figures appeared in front of the condensed fat, and the condensed fat face sank, and the cold road said: "Mu Lin 琅 too looks down on me! Let me use some of you to catch me."

In the least use of these words, these people are completely angered. "You have been seriously injured, and this is the lower plane, we are enough to take you!"

"Miss Leng, you still don't want to support it."

The figure of the condensing grease flashed, and she whispered: "You are going to die!"

There are many people coming from the other side. If she restores her strength, there is no problem in running away.

Now that the strength has not recovered, she can only pull a cushion back is a back.

"Boom!" The outside has been hitting the endless.

In the cold heart pool, a vortex was formed, and the power in the pool was unscrupulously poured into the body of the person at the bottom of the pool.

The third order of the emperor, Mu Qianyi once again broke through.

It has risen two levels, but the power in the pool has not stopped, and continues to linger in the body of Mu Qian.

If someone else is struck by this force, it is estimated that the veins will die and die.

The Curtain of the Curtains fell because of the last change, and the repair of the ribs was greatly widened. This degree can be tolerated.

"So weak, I see how you die!" Some white people, seeing the strength of the condensed fat is only the first order of the Emperor, incomparably contemptuous.

There is already a blood mark on the body of the condensed fat. She must insist that she can't die here.

Today, she is betting!

Mu Qianxi can't save her, it doesn't mean no one to save, that a mysterious Tsing Yi man.

He is even around here, but she understands that without the order of the thousand, even if she is dead, he will not do it.

Therefore, he must insist on admiring the millennium.

"Hey!" There was another blood mark on the condensed fat.

These white people are also very happy to see her struggling, not giving her a fatal attack, but constantly tormenting her.

It is estimated that it will not take long for the condensed fat to become worse than the first time she saw her.

Mu Qianxi did not know the outside accident, and with the power accumulated in her body, she broke through again.

The fourth order of the Emperor, that power, let her directly rushed to the fourth-order peak.

Under normal circumstances, the second order is already the limit, and the third order under the pool has reached the limit.

The power in the chilling pool has returned to calm, and you want to use the estimate to wait for the next opening.

"Hey!" Mu Qiansui broke through the water and found that except for her, others were gone.

Presumably, she spent more time. They should be worried if they waited outside for so long. Let’s go out and talk.

There are many obstacles when you come in. It is obviously easier to go out when you go out.

However, when Mu Qiang arrived at the river, he suddenly saw the condensation of fat and blood in the fight with the white people.

Some of the white people's dresses and moves are too familiar to me, and those who have joined hands with Bai Haihai are too similar.

The condensed fat is already at the end of it, and some of them seem to be enjoying the process of killing her.

Even if the body was bruised, the condensed fat was still sticking, not giving up, and there was no weak expression on his face.

Mu Qianxi did not impulse to rush out, there are many other people, and each one is a master.

If you rush to help, you will only let it go directly.

Mu Qianguang turns, there is!

She replaced the usual clothes and put on a very expensive dress.

Although these clothes are rather cumbersome, she does not wear them often, but there are quite a few Mu's homes. I heard that the uncle said that it was the shackle of the shackle of the daughter.

From the age of one to twenty, she was filled with the entire warehouse, and she was dumbfounded at the time. It is worthy of being the owner of the local family!

In order not to let the old man's mind waste, she brought a lot of it, and now it should be able to come in handy.

After Mu Qiang was put on the Chinese costume, even this ridiculous chilly valley suddenly became like a gorgeous palace.

Mu Qiang’s figure flashed, stepped onto the bridge and went out.

"Okay! Don't waste time with this waste woman, kill it directly! Carry her head and go to the power!" One of them was human.

"The big brother said that we are wasting a lot of time in this lower level."

After that, his sword moved and was lifted high, ready to drop the head of the condensed fat to the ground.

The condensing fat didn't want to die, but now she fell to the ground and had no strength to escape.

At this time, a cold, no wobbled sound came, "Stop!"

The voice was cold and ruthless. They saw a beautiful and graceful woman. Her appearance made the world lose color.

Some of these people are shocked and can't speak.

One of the bosses suddenly collapsed: "See your Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness, it is His Royal Highness..." Other people are also stunned.

The strength of Bai Wei is not so good, not everyone has seen His Royal Highness.

Only a few of Bai Wei's top can only see the temple far away, but with a glance, they will never forget.

"Hey!" Faced with this noble woman, they can only kneel down, like dust.

The condensed fat was pale and stunned by the woman: "Mu Lin 琅, Mu Lin 琅..."

Although some of the serious injuries were unclear, she found something wrong in the next moment!

This is not Mu Lin, but...

For a time, a quiet and murderous approach!

When they respected Mu Qian’s reverence, Qing Ying shot.

"Oh!" All of their attention was drawn to the "His Royal Highness", and even the defense around them was relaxed.

Therefore, the blue shadow shot, and instantly killed three.

They were shocked and hurried: "Protect Your Highness!"

Even the weakest Bai Wei, in the Quartet, there are really not many people who can block.

Soon, they surrounded the Qingying, and several others retreated to the side of Mu Qianxi and began to protect Mu Qian.

"Who are you? Did you sneak up on us?" The boss, screaming at the shadow.

The dawn of the Qingying swept them, and said a word without fluctuation, "Dead!"

"Boom!" Qingying immediately called them.

And Mu Qian, who was guarded behind them, moved gently at the fingertips. All the needles were like rain, and they rushed to the four people in front of her.

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