Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1245: Who am I asking?

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Camouflage to deceive them, but can not be delayed, must be vigorous and vigorous.

Otherwise, when they return to God, they may see that she is a fake.

The four men did not expect that their Protected Highness would do them behind them.

"Hey!" Several people were recruited without exception.

"Hey!" They were soft on the ground and widened their eyes: "His Royal Highness, why?"

Mu Qianxi is also somewhat surprised. It seems that a woman is particularly good at brainwashing her hands.

Obviously killed, these people seem to have only puzzled, but no resentment!

The old man who was entangled with Qing Ying was greatly shocked. "No! This woman is not His Royal Highness. I dare to pretend to be a Highness, **** it!"

And they even admit their Highness, and they sinned!

When these people rushed up, Mu Qian said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, block them!"

When Invincible and Xiaohong blocked them, Mu Qianxi rushed to the side of the condensate.

"Hey!" The needle fell on her body and stopped bleeding for her.

Then take her away, Qingying Xiaohong and invincible.

The white people who have already damaged most of the people have not been able to catch up with Mu Qian, and let them break into the mountains.

Although they are masters of the peak, it takes a lot of effort to find someone in this vast mountain range.

Already smashed the enemy, and Mu Qian took the condensate to treat the wound while walking.

Nowadays, the condensed fat is her own, and naturally it is not like the last time.

Mu Qian said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, go find a place to rest."

"it is good!"

Invincible and Xiaohong found a cave of the Holy Beast, which had been driven away by the violence of Invincible and Xiaohong.

The condensed fat can finally rest, and Mu Qian said: "I can finally replace this body."

The condensed fat is worthy of the millennium, and the body of the robes is of extraordinary quality. It is not like this square.

It is estimated that in Xuantian, only Mu Lin has this qualification to wear.

But this woman in front of her eyes seems to be very disgusted. If she is just like Mu Lin, it is not enough to confuse some of the white Wei, but the dress is completely different.

Noble temperament can not be completely concealed because of the clothes, even if she is also considered to be Mu Lin in that moment, not to mention the fact that there is no such thing as Bai Wei.

The cold face of the condensed fat melted instantly. She smiled voluptuously: "The owner, I didn't think you would use this method to save me."

"One or two treat me as another person, and I can naturally save people with the least cost. They are really fooled." Mu Qianxi faint.

"Who are you in the end? Too much like, like the running dog of Ms. Mullin, I was cheated by you." The condensate looked at Mou Qiang with a burning gaze.

Mu Qianxi complained: "This question, you ask me, who do I ask? After I was born, I became a shackle and my mother was missing. My uncle also lost my memory."

"Whether the little uncle said that when I was at the peak of the 9th order of the Emperor, I would tell me everything, but I don't know if he will fulfill his promise when he cultivates to the 9th level of the Emperor."

Mu Qianqi clenched his fists. "If he dares to lie to me, I can't spare her!"

Mu Qianxi said to the condensate: "What you need to know now is that I am a million, you must fulfill the promised person!"

The condensation grease smiled: "I understand!"

"However, I saved you for the second time! Shouldn't you behave?"

Condensed fat cockroaches are powerful: "Even if the deadline is over, no matter who you are, my condensed fat will never be against you! You are in danger, I will not sit idly by."

Mu Qian la la la: "The performance is not bad! But the trouble is very fast."

Yes, some Bai Wei, chasing it.

Mu Qianxi swept the condensed fat road: "No! You don't have anything to trace the incense, they will catch up so fast?"

Condensed fat: "I have doubts before, now I can be sure! Mu Lin will definitely leave something like a soul mark on me, so that her running dog can chase me."

"The Seal of the Soul!" Mu Qianxi seized her hand.

"If you don't mind, let me see, but you don't want to resist!"

Let go of your own soul to find out, if someone is good, she can easily break it, and the average person will never do it.

The condensing fat is very light. "Of course, now, my life is yours."

When the condensed fat released his soul, Mu Qiang discovered a golden mark.

Mu Qianxi was very rude and wanted to erase the mark, and the condensation was shocked.

"No! Mu Lin's spirit is very strong, forcibly erased, not only useless, you will be countered."

However, Mu Qianxi has already started, and her reaction is still too slow.

The condensed fat is very fearful. This one saves her twice, and it is amazing. The peerless girl is going to have an accident.

But what surprised her, Mu Qian, not only did not have an accident, but erased her soul imprint.

Mu Qianxi took back his soul, although it seems that the soul is over-consumption, but there is nothing big.

"You...you..." The condensate was quickly stunned into stone.

Mu Qian said: "My spiritual level is low, but the soul is not bad, I will not do things that are not sure."

Is this good? Abnormal! The condensed fat is licking in my heart.

If you let the curtains know that their soul mark has been erased by a first-level emperor, it is estimated that it will hit the wall!

Mu Qian said: "Qing Ying, they are here, ready to do it!"

The leader who took the lead took a piece of gold inlaid jade: "The induction is broken here, what happened?"

"Is it..."

"Hey!" I haven't waited for them to come up with reasons. Qingying has already shot them.

The two forces collided and they stepped back.

"You really are hiding here, and we have finally found it."

Mu Qianxi said: "You found us, but can you get us?"

Seeing Mu Qianxi, this boss has a fire in the eyes, it is this woman, and he has lost so many brothers.

"Damn! You still have the face of Your Highness. Do you think you can use the face of Your Highness to confuse us for the second time?" He said, he wished that he would give up the eight thousand.

Mu Qian said: "This family has grown into such a natural, pure. I am facing the face of your Highness, why don't you say that your house is facing my face!"

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