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"This is impossible, you are arrogant!" The man was very angry.

After all, these white people became mad and killed toward Mu Qian and Qingying.

"Hey!" Their violent attacks were all blocked by the blue shadow.

Obviously, it is the power that can destroy anybody's body, but it falls on the body of this Tsing Yi man, but there is no wave of it.

Not long ago, they thought that the blue shadow was an extremely difficult enemy to deal with, but now they found that the blue shadow is not right.

"He is not alone at all, he is embarrassed."

"I really thought that if you have this one to protect you, can you escape a death? Dream!"

"Booming!" They attacked wildly and wanted to break through the defense of the blue shadow to kill Mu Qian.

In fact, the condensation grease is also very worried, and the blue shadow is stronger, it is only a person.

If he did not stop Bai Wei, Mu Qian is dangerous.

She hurried out and said, "I will help."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Of course you have to help! But not now, now you still have peace of mind to sit and rest!"

The condensed fat didn't know what medicine was sold in the squash, but she saw that she had other plans and stopped.

"Invincible, Xiaohong, you are here."


Mu Qianxi lost a bottle of medicinal herbs to the condensed fat road: "eat it, avoid getting poisoned."

After the preparation work was completed, the condensed fat saw Mu Qiang take out various poisons.

She only felt a dazzling moment, and then she felt the whole cave became dangerous because it was full of poison.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "As long as they dare to come in, come in and die."

She brows slightly, seems to feel that it is still not perfect, so he secretly added a few hidden weapons.

Some of the hidden weapons are so delicate that she has never seen them before.

Mu Qiang took a clap: "Complete!"

Condensed fat road: "Even if the cave is poisonous, we can count them. If they found the cave to be destroyed, then our situation is just as dangerous."

Mu Qiang smiled and looked at the condensed fat: "If your strength is fully restored, will it be dangerous?"

The condensed fat is stunned. "My strength is restored? My strength should not be able to recover so fast!"

Mu Qian said: "I said that I can recover, naturally can recover so fast!"

After that, Mu Qianxi took out the eternal soul and the elixir, and prepared for alchemy.

The entire cave is filled with the smell of poison, but she is alchemy in this mixed smell?

Is this a refining of poison dharma or a drug that allows her to recover?

Mu Qianxi looked at her with a look of horror and smiled: "Reassure, you can't kill you, you can eat it with confidence."

She was really in the alchemy, and the condensed fat felt a very shocking thing.

That is, Mu Qian can be able to separate the poison from the side while using water to separate the poison.

Even if the entire cave is poisonous, it can't interfere with the poisonous half of the medicine.

A single-use alchemy! The only person who can do this is that she only knows that only the Prince of the North Palace can do it.

But this girl in front of her, the level is still so low, but it seems to be more relaxed than the one-day refining pharmacist of the Xuantian world.

This refining drug is like a skillful performance for her.

She had long known that she was a refining pharmacist, but she did not think of her refining ability, which would be unexpected.

The wind and the clouds are moving, the thunderstorms are all over the sky, and the condensed fat is surprised: "Tianjie medicinal herbs, you actually refine the Tianji medicinal herbs."

Mu Qianshao swallowed a bottle of pharmacy, and now the strength is not as good as the original. It is still a little difficult to refine the medicinal herbs.

Already in the final step, she can't fail!

It has just been clear and clear, but now it is full of clouds.

One of the white people said: "Boss, the situation seems a bit wrong."

"This is the opposite of the Tianji medicinal herbs. It is absolutely correct! Someone refines the medicinal herbs in the cave."

At this time, it is estimated that there is only one reason for refining Tianji Dan medicine, that is, to restore the condensed fat.

If the condensed fat is restored to their same strength, plus this one Tsing Yi man, who is the deer, it may be!

"Hurry up and kill the cave, you must not let the medicinal refining succeed, and you can't let the condensed fat eat the remedy."


In the face of coming, invincible and Xiaohong did not stop at all.

If you want to go in, let them go in! Once inside, oh...

The two little beasts laughed uncomfortably.

Two white shadows broke into the cave and they saw Mu Qiang in alchemy.

Originally thought that there were other people in the cave who were refining medicine, but they did not expect that it would be a woman who looks a lot like their Highness.

At a young age, I was able to refine the Tianji medicinal herbs. The alchemy talent is very good.

"Block her!" Two people rushed to Mu Qian, ready to start.

In the face of these two guys, the condensing fat in the shackles of the injury, are too lazy to do it.

These people have not had time to start to admire Mu Qian, the spiritual power in their bodies began to smash and almost let their bodies explode.

"Hey!" They had a face like earth and spit out blood.

"It's poisonous here!"

"There is poison here, but she is alchemy! Her refining is definitely not healing medicine, traps, traps, let's go!"

There are poisonous people here, they don't want to stay for a moment, and rushed out of the hole.

Mu Qianxi is too lazy to chase, because Xiaohong and Invincible must be waiting for them outside!

"Invincible world, only me alone, idiots! Come and die!" Invincible madness.

"The fire is burning!"

Invincible and Xiaohong's strength can not match them, but now two people are already very poisonous, invincible and Xiaohong to deal with them is very easy.

"Hey!" The poison is in the attack, facing the two ferocious sacred beasts, they are losing.

They can't think of it, and they will lose one day in the hands of the fifth-level holy beast.

"Boss! There is poison in the cave. There is no cure for the drug. It is a trap. Don't go in!"


They vomited blood and finally told them the intelligence of the boss.

That old avenue: "Break the cave."

The caves are closed and poisonous is not good for them, so they must be blasted.

His first man, concentrated all the power, punched like a thunder to the cave where Mu Qianyi was.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the entire cave collapsed in an instant, all the stones turned into gravel.

The hit of the peak master is really extraordinary.

After the sound of the explosion subsided, there was a sound of shattering of the ice layer, and the hand of Mu Qian’s hand was holding a white jade-like remedy. “It’s finally succeeded at the last moment. ”

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