Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1247: Are you crazy

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The face of the boss is going to be dark!

Trap, which is this **** is a trap!

It is a heavenly medicine, he will never admit his mistake, and the quality is very good.

"Hurry up and destroy the remedy, fast!"

His reaction is still too slow.

When his younger brother took the shot, Mu Qianxi had already handed over the dandruff to the condensed fat.

She said: "Come on, this slag, and wait for you to recover after cleaning up!"

The condensed fat directly swallowed the medicinal herbs. In the face of the rushing person, a few pharmacy needles were greeted.

It is a pity that the strength of the fourth-order Linghuang is still not worth mentioning for them.

"Looking for death!" In front of the enemy, when he was envious of the death of a thousand, a blue figure appeared like a ghost, twisting his neck.

"Damn!" The boss, once again entangled the blue shadow.

Qingying entangled them all, which made the boss's face more and more ugly.

He already knows the **** weakness of this damn, as long as he grabs his master, in fact, this guy is not terrible.

He suddenly pointed the sword at his heart, and a drop of blood was forced out by him.

The person’s eyes became reddened. “I really didn’t think that I would be forced to be a dead object by this, and I’m forced to this point!”

Forced out the blood, using the mystery, his strength directly doubled, enough to entangle the blue shadow.

"Oh!" Even so, his attack fell on the blue shadow, it is difficult to hurt the blue shadow.

"There are even so strong shackles in this quadrilateral. If you give this guy a gift to your Highness, it is definitely a great achievement. Such a good scorpion is not worthy of possession." He whispered.

Now his plan is not to kill the blue shadow, but to entangle the blue shadow, entangled in death.

Once that little girl was solved, not only did he stop him from completing the task of condensing fat, but he also got a strong shackle and dedicated it to His Highness.

His plan was successful, and he couldn't kill the blue shadow, but it was enough to entangle the blue shadow, let others have the opportunity to start with Mu Qian and the condensation grease.

"Industry fires!" Invincible and Xiaohong did solve the two poisonous hapless, but now it is difficult to stop these peaks without poisoning!

"Hey!" Just hit a face and they were injured.

A red lotus blooms in the sky, and the thousand chills are cold: "Red Lotus!"

The red-red fire lotus rushed toward the people in front of us.

The power of fire is somewhat horrible, but their peak strength is enough to block.

"You can still smash it with your hands! The fourth level of the Emperor, such a weak strength, you struggle again, it does not help!"

As they approached, a cold voice came. "If I take it, will it not help?"

The condensed fat suddenly appeared in front of Mu Qian, and the murderous air from the bottom of the eyes made those people involuntarily step back.

"You... you recovered..."

They felt that the condensed fat seemed to really recover. Her highness chased her for so long that she didn't let her die. The condensed fat is definitely a hard bone, and it is also a very difficult guy to deal with.

Suddenly, the condensation grease started.

"Ah!" Ice on them, nailed out a few big blood holes!

Her indifferent way: "Inadvertent!"

Take a fire and burn them all!

The condensed fat is not a soft-hearted person. Now she has the opportunity to turn over and she will not be polite to these dogs.

The recovery of condensed fat began to kill the Quartet, and Muqian was safe. Even the invincible and Xiaohong had nothing to do, and they hid in the arms of Mu Qianshao and asked for help.

Mu Qianxi looked at the figure of the condensed fat battle. "It really is very strong! Maybe in the past three years, the owner has earned it."

In the boss who played against the blue shadow, he watched his own hand being smashed by the condensed fat. He was so angry that he had to spurt his eyes.

"condensing grease, you...you..."

"Touch!" Qingying punched him and flew him out.

When he climbed up again, his opponent had been replaced with condensed fat, and some of her younger brothers were completely annihilated, and one lived mouth did not stay!

Qingying naturally returned to the side of Mu Qianxi.

"You... how can you recover so fast, you..." She is still unbelievable.

The condensed fat is actually very strange. The effect of the medicinal herbs on that day was amazing. This speed of recovery was something she had never had before.

She whispered: "Your death is coming."

This guy has double strength is not a vegetarian, even if the condensed fat restores strength, it is still difficult to play with her.

However, the secret is also limited, until the time of the secret surgery.

"Oh!", a spurt of blood, his power instantly weakened.

Hey you are sick, want your life, condense fat and sizzling shots, recruits are killing tricks, let them hang a lot of color.

With a single condensing fat, he couldn't handle it, let alone the one that didn't work.

The white man bit his teeth and said: "The condensation grease, I will not let you go."

Suddenly, his whole body became violent, this time instead of using the mystery to become strong, but he wants to blew himself.

The condensed fat changed color and wanted to leave, but the other party was completely out of her life to entangle her, she could not get away.

He is ironic and wants to take her to the funeral!

"Oh! Oh, even if I am dead, I will complete the task assigned to me by my Highness." The white man's face showed a mad smile.

"Blue Shadow!"

Mu Qianxi rushed to the front of the condensed fat with the enthusiasm of the millennium, and the blue shadow entangled the guy, and the curtain smashed the condensed fat.

The body of the condensed fat flew out, shocked: "You... what are you doing?"

This individual is not interested in her strength and wants her to do things for her? If she is dead, who is she going to do?

The condensed fat smashed: "Mu Qianzhen, are you crazy?"

At this time, a relaxed voice came, "I am normal."

I haven't waited for the condensed fat to pass. Suddenly, the violent force broke out from the white man. The horrible air wave spread from the white man.

Invincible and Xiaohong pulled away the condensed fat that was still in a daze. "You, this woman seems to be quite sensible at ordinary times. It’s been so stupid for so long! Don’t go, look for death! This is the peak of the blast!"

"Boom!" A loud bang, a crack in the spider web appeared on the ground, and all the surrounding beasts fled.

The condensed fat looked at the place covered in dust and was in a daze. She was an orphan and had been alone.

Because of that strange character, she never had friends.

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