Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1254: Holy lady eating 瘪

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"Hey!" The needle stuck into its wound.

The poison of mankind, with the strength of its six-level holy beast, should be able to resist it.

But it! It is wrong.

Suddenly it felt that his strength was getting smaller, and invincible knew that this guy was poisoned.

Take it and find the location where it is.

The sharp cat's claws penetrated the snow monkey's defense very smoothly, and then dug out its spiritual core.


"Give me my spiritual core."

The snow monkey is going crazy, and it doesn't know why this kitten penetrates its defense so easily, but its spiritual core is absolutely impossible.

Otherwise it will die!

When it is invincible to attack insanely, invincible but turned into a white shadow to leave.

It fell in the arms of Mu Qianxi and smiled: "Thanks to the master, you help me, I got it."

"Boom!" The huge body of the snow monkey crashed into the ground.

It still glared at the curtain, and licked the snow-white kitten in the arms of the millennium.

"Give me my spiritual core and give it back to me..."

Invincible: "This can't be done!"

Invincible very bad holding the nucleus, directly smashed down.

"Scratch!" Hearing this sound, the snow monkey is going crazy.

Its gaze began to diverge and shouted: "Human, you... you must not die."

After the invincible three, five, and two were finished, he snorted: "This monkey is dare to curse the master."

"Go and find the ice marrow! It's a good thing."

Xiaohong found the cave of the snow monkey, and in the depths of its cave, it was made of 10,000 years of chalcedony.

There was only a small bowl of chalcedony in Wannian, and Mu Qian received it in the bottle.

Her hand fell to the bottom of that small pool.

She gave a slight glimpse and said: "The ice element here seems to be stronger than the 10,000-year-old chalcedony. Is there something below this?"

Xiao Hongdao: "Master, I will dig out for you to try?"

Xiaohong used the flame to smash the entire ground and found a small space below.

In this small space, an ice blue bead is suspended.

Mu Qianxi felt that this bead was familiar and surprised: "Water Dragon Holy Pearl."

That bead seems to have also sensed something.

Originally it was at rest, suddenly broke through that space and appeared in front of Mu Qian.

"Master is careful!" Invincible and Xiaohong looked at the beads cautiously.

Mu Qiang felt that this bead exudes a strong ice elemental power, and it said: "This is not a holy dragon!"

Although this thing is not a holy dragon of the water dragon, but it is very spiritual, rushed to Mu Qian, and turned around at the hand of Mu Qian.

In her hand, she is carrying a dragon ring.

The water condenses into ice, and the ice melts into water. What is the connection between the ice beads and the Shenshui Dragon Ring at this moment?

Mu Qiang received it in the Shenshui Dragon Ring. When it entered, Mu Qian felt that there was still a chill in his fingertips.

Then, a familiar voice came.

"Water Dragon thanked the owner for finding the ice dragon holy beads, with the aid of the ice dragon holy beads, the water dragon will wake up as soon as possible, absolutely not let the souls make the times."

Mu Qian’s face flashed a touch of joy, and the ice beads that look like the water dragon’s holy beads turned out to be the ice dragon holy beads, useful for the water dragon.

The soul is definitely her most jealous guy in this world, unless she discards the Dragon Sword, or she can't escape this guy's pursuit.

But Yan Longjian is her close comrade, how can she discard her.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I am looking forward to it!"

This trip to the ice field, the windfall is a lot.

"Qinger sister!"

"Qinger sister, you are fine!"

"Clear children..."

When Yu Bingqing woke up from the drowsiness, he heard several familiar voices calling her.

She opened her eyes and saw seven of them. Yu Bing Qing said: "Is Grandpa coming?"

Seven less: "The elders did not come, but the snow monkey, already dead, we are safe."

Yu Bingqing hurriedly stood up, because the snow monkey shredded his clothes, and this stood up and spring.

The veil is no longer there, and that face makes the three young masters look straight.

There was a chill in the eyes of Yu Bingqing. "You turn over!"

"Yes!" They turned around timidly, but the beauty in front of them was tempting, but they were not willing to confuse them.

Yu Bingqing changed his clothes and went to the front to see the **** snow monkey, which had been killed.

In this ice field, someone even found it here.

Her face changed a lot, saying: "Not good, Wannian chalcedony!"

The man killed the snow monkey and couldn't take the eternal marrow.

As they found the cave of the snow monkey ready to go in, a white-breasted teenager walked out gracefully from the cave.

Seven less they saw Mu Qianyi, "Boy, who are you?"

Mu Qian’s faint saying: “People passing by.”

"The Wannian ice marrow must be taken away by you and handed over."

Mu Qiang took out a transparent bottle, and there was a milky white ice crystal that was chilly.

He gently shook the bottle and said: "You said this is the ice of the ages."

Seven little faces are not good enough to swear by the Millennium, "The Wannian ice marrow is really got it by your kid, hand it over!"

Seven less are prepared to grab the ice of the Wannian, so that the great work can be done, so that the beauty can make a difference.

Who knows that Mu Qian’s figure is swaying and he has easily escaped his attack.

Seven of them were seriously injured by the snow monkey, and they fell into the ground and fell directly to the ground.

"Touch!" All the hair was dropped on the hair.

Six young and five less looked at the thousand, this kid has just been fast.

Can defeat the sixth-level holy beast, I am afraid that it is not weak.

Nowadays, all of them are seriously injured, I am afraid that they will not be able to.

Yu Bingqing also thought of this, she walked gracefully: "This son is also participating in the inner hall assessment! You can get the ice of the age, your luck is really good."

"If you are willing to give me the eternal ice, this saint can save you all the assessment and let you enter the North Cold Hall."

If other appraisers hear this beautiful saint, it will definitely be the heart of the ice and the hands of the two years.

The jade ice and the seven young people who were present were thinking this way, but they never thought that Mu Qianxi seemed to laugh and laugh: "The saint of the North Han Temple is going to use power for personal gain?"

Seven little people have widened their eyes, this kid is no problem!

They have never seen a man who can refuse the requirements of Qing.

Even Yu Bingqing’s face showed a horrified expression. From small to large, no one had let her eat it.

And he also said that he used power for personal gain! Yu Bingqing's hand, tightly clasped the skirt.

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