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Yu Bingqing then explained calmly: "This is not the case. This is just a special assessment this time. Once someone gets the ice, the next exam passes."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It turned out to be like this! But I am also very curious about the next assessment, so as not to be told that I am going to the back door, I still check it as usual! I will not take shortcuts."

Yu Bing Qing Yi, this kid has not even bought it!

Seven little of them have a fire, this kid is too ignorant!

She did not give up and said: "This eternal chalcedony is only used by the ice elemental spirits to enhance the strength of the ice spirit. The son is not an element of the ice system. I don't know if you would like to follow me. Exchange? As long as the Holy Virgin can get something."

In order to get the ice marrow of Wannian, Yu Bingqing intends to bleed, and let go of the body and not promised to pay the treasure, who let her meet a guy who does not enter the oil and salt.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "The genius treasure, this son is not lacking! Even if it is missing, the saint is not estimated."

Seven little of them were angered by the words of Mu Qian, and this kid has a big tone!

What is the identity of this kid, what is the identity of Qing Er!

In the identity of the Qing Dynasty North Han Temple, as long as there is a treasure in the world, she wants someone to help her find it.

Mu Qian said: "And you also said that this thing can enhance the strength of the Ice Elemental Master. My maid is also an Ice Master, just for her."

Such a precious thing, she actually wants to give a maid!

Even if Yu Bingqing is calm, the face is a bit heavy.

Is it true that she is more than a little maid in the hall of the North Han Temple?

Seven less cold channels: "If you don't have the power of the first level of the spirit, it will be wasted. Is it that your maid has cultivated to the first level of the spirit."

If you really have this strength, you will not be a maid to this kid!

Mu Qian said: "My maid, of course, is not the first order of the spirit."

Six less: "If it is the emperor, it is really wasted."

"She is not a spirit!"

Their faces are getting more and more ugly. "Wang, you are willing to give her such precious things, it is really generous!"

"The Spirit King is not!"

The faces of these people have become difficult to read, even if Yu Bingqing is angry at this time.


"This saint and the son have no enmity, and you have humiliated the saint with a humble saint. Isn't it really a bully for you to be a saint?" The pair of icy scorpions braved anger.

Mu Qianxi is very innocent. "You have misunderstood the Virgin. I have absolutely not humiliated you."

Originally! Xiao Linger is not a spiritual emperor, but also a spiritual king. The people are the masters of the nine-level peak of the spirit emperor!

"The 10,000-year-old ice marrow is originally our goal! If we have not hurt the snow monkey, it will not be the benefit of your left-handed fisherman. We should have a share of this eternal ice. But this saint has always liked it. It’s cheap, so you want to exchange it with you, but you’re so ruined.” Yu Bing is so aggressive.

Seven less: "Yes! We should also make a share. Since you don't want to face your face, then the average age of the ice is divided into five!"

Six less: "Yes! That's it."

Five less calm words: "It should be!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Oh! Equals! Genius treasure, whoever gets it first! I am not familiar with you, why share it with you."

"We hurt the snow monkey!"

"How do you think that a little skin injury can hurt a six-level sacred beast?"

"What are you going to do to exchange with this saint?" Yu Bing Qing.

Mu Qianxi looked at Yu Bingqing, and smiled with a smile: "If the saints make a difference, let me be a small hall of the North Han Temple, maybe this son will consider giving you the ice of the year!"

This time, Yu Bingqing was really mad at Mu Qian.

"You are a disciple, you are delusional."

"You still want to be a small hall in the North Han Temple, dreaming!"

The two words of Mu Qianxi’s jokes completely bombarded them.

At this time, Mu Qianxi suddenly shouted: "The three women of the Virgin and the North Cold Seven attacked the candidates during the assessment! The elders will come to judge!"

"As the examiner of this assessment, the attacker was attacked. Is this the rule of the North Cold Hall?"

Mu Qianqi shouted loudly, and there were also referencers around him who seemed to hear it.

Mu Qian said: "You have to grab, you can grab it! But then I have to let the elders preside over justice."

After listening to the words of Mu Qian, their faces are all green.

Their current status is that they cannot be shot by the assessors.

The face of Yu Bingqing is frozen, and there are seven less: "Qinger sister, what should I do?"

"Go!" After Yu Bingqing finished the word, it disappeared.

If she stays there again, she will definitely kill this kid at all costs.

Let him go first, as long as he is still in the North Cold Hall, it is her.

Watching them disappear, Mu Qianyi is also good at the continuation of the assessment.

Xiao Hongdao: "Master, why don't you let them have a meal."

"Now I have just entered the gate of the North Cold Hall, or do not expose my own strength is better. If they want to play in the future, your host will not be afraid of them." Mu Qianqi's mouth slightly evoked.

Soon, the ice field was opened and the assessment was over.

Mu Qianxi also went out, and as soon as he walked out of the ice field, Mu Qianji felt a few cannibal eyes staring at her.

Mu Qiang turned in the ice beads, although the number she collected did not get the first, but it entered the top ten, ranking seventh.

Seven less also wondered, the kid played with the snow monkey for a thousand years of ice, even found so many ice beads!

After the name of the person who passed the announcement was announced, the person who was eliminated was left blank.

Yu Bingqing brought a veil, but they felt that the smell of the sacred lady was colder.

Yu Bing Qing Dao: "The second assessment, start!"

A burst of white light sent them to a contest.

There are a total of 30 contests, and each of them has an average of 100 people.

At this time, seven less said: "This is a brush-and-match test. The last remaining person in each contest can participate in the final round of competition."

Five less: "Now, I announced the start of the test."

At the beginning of the test, all the people started.

For the other downfalls, they didn't pay attention to a few points, just pay attention to that white boy.

Look at the strength of this guy in the end there are a few pounds a few, even dare to be so arrogant, even Qinger is not in the eye.

Mu Qianxi seems to be young and small, and some people who think about picking soft persimmons start to attack Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qiang’s figure flashed and escaped the attack of the man.

This is a very normal thing, but seven of them are like seeing ghosts.

"How can this be?"

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