Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1262: Pampered the sky

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What is the black cliff, it is purgatory!

Twenty years, fifty years in that place, they have been completely destroyed in this life.

Seven less they shouted: "The Lord, please also forgive me, this... this is too..."

Gu Baiyi is cold and ruthless, cold channel: "Take these three, drag on!"

Everyone is ashamed, the Lord of the Lord never disposes of people, and the disposing person is so a ghost.

The masters of the seven and six less want to plead, but look at the eyes of their master, where dare?

If he really dared to plead, he was really afraid that the lord would cut it.

"As for the five elders..."

The five elders were also shaking at the moment. They thought it was a punishment, but they did not expect a cold moon to fall.

"The Lord..."

The elders want to stop, but how can they go through the white sword!

A sword collapsed, and the five elders fell directly into the pool of blood, and their eyes widened.

He couldn't think of death, and the Lord would kill him without saying anything.

Originally thought that at most it was the abolition of his elders, and the lord even killed a word.

Others are also very surprised by the behavior of Gu Baiyi, but the owner of the temple is not the same as the ordinary owner.

He never thought about how the North Han Temple, the North Han Hall lost a nine-level master how?

The other elders who were on the sidelines were also frightened, fearing that the lord would kill them without saying a word.

That Murong thousand nights, what is it?

For the sake of him, the lord directly abolished the three of the four cold, and also directly killed the five elders?

The elders were also afraid of taking care of Bai Yi’s shot. He hurriedly said: “These people are watching by the side, regardless of the matter, all abolish the position of the elders and drive out the North Han Temple! The Lord thinks this is the case, how?”

The North Han Temple is their cuddling, and this punishment is also a sunny day for them!

I did not expect that because I was only obsessed with the status of the five elders, I watched the five elders deal with a new kid who entered the temple, and they destroyed everything that they had earned through their life.

"Roll!" Gu Baiyi cold channel.

These people, thanks to Dade's away.

In the temple, there are only those who have not disposed of, and only the saint jade ice is left.

On the face of Jade Ice, there was no color of fear. As a result, Gu Baiyi said coldly: "You are not qualified to be the saint of the North Han Temple."

Yu Bingqing's entire portrait is thundered. This identity is her glory, and she can also get her the best cultivation resources in the North Han Temple.

But the one she admired most, no words, no.

"The Lord..." The elders changed their faces.

"Do you want her to go to the Black Cliff for a decade?"

In the words of Gu Baiyi, the elders are not eager to ask for help.

Although Gu Baiyi does not matter, his identity is here.

The elders said: "Subordinates obey!"

Gu Baiyi is like a fall wind sweeping leaves, and all the people involved in this time have been disposed of.

At the same time, I also warned everyone in the North Han Temple to provoke the owner, and don’t provoke a lot of nights!

They all feel that there is no North Han Hall in the temple for decades. It is estimated that there must be a small hall, and the attitude of the Lord to Murong’s thousands of nights.

The best elixir of the Northern Cold Temple is on the body of Mu Qianxi. In addition, the refining technique of Mu Qianzhen is strong, and the seemingly serious injury is almost restored.

"This thing, return it to you!" Mu Qian took out the token and threw it to Gu Baiyi.

Gu Baiyi took the token and then stuffed it into the hands of Mu Qianxi: "I have already sent it out, and it is naturally yours."

Ms. Qian said: "I only knew three days ago that this token represents the identity of the Lord of the North Han Temple. You are not afraid that I will ruin the North Cold Hall."

"Nothing!" Gu Baiyi didn't care at all, as if he had nothing to do with the North Han Temple.

Mu Qianyi, "Xiaobai, you are the master of the North Han Temple, really do not care about the North Cold Hall. If I take this token number, let the North Han Temple give the White East Sea to the East Temple, and you will lose both." Regardless of?"

"When you want to do it, you can do it, but..."

"But what? You didn't agree?"

"I want to order the entire North Han Temple to fight with the East Temple. I have to find a way to control the North Cold Hall. Now the North Han Temple is under the control of the Great Elder. Give me some time?" Bai Wuhai’s account is to count It is.

Mu Qianyi turned his eyes and said: "You! It is an emperor who was overhead."

"If you know that today's situation will happen, I shouldn't concentrate on cultivation. Otherwise, I won't be able to avenge you as soon as possible."

Ms. Qian said: "I will find a way to deal with Bai Wuhai. In fact, I came to the North Han Hall just to save people?"

"Save who?" Gu Baiyi asked.

"It's a bit of a hassle to explain, but it's a big deal. If you don't have a real power, it's still very useful. I need your help."

Although she once concealed her identity from her, she was not completely deflated, but she was well aware of all the things that white clothes had done, and he was trustworthy.

I completely trust him, and the second uncle can naturally not hide from him.

"Hey, let me say it directly!" Bai Yi looked at Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi asked: "The left guard of your North Han Temple is zero. What do you think?"

"The subordinates of the most loyal ministers of the elders, the ability to handle the talents is very strong." Gu Baiyi replied. ,

"In fact, the reason why it is so obedient is because the elders have been banned in his body. Controlling him can not betray, like a beggar. And he is the only relative in the world."

Gu Baiyi’s face showed a horrible color. The last time he entered Yucheng, except for Feng Yunxiu, it was for zero.

Her relatives are among the ranks of the North Han Temple, but how can he not think of it, who will be zero?

"I killed the elder!"

Although taking power is a technical job, killing is simple for him.

"Kill the elders, my uncle will die! The elders can't kill, at least they can't kill before they think of a solution, but they can only contact him if they touch the ban. I came here to know the secret to the elders."

Gu Baiyi said: "Whatever you do? I will cooperate?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Thank you for your cooperation with Xiaobai, and I will make up for it."


Mu Qianxi practiced in the palace of Gu Baiyi, and there was a very good sparring object. She recovered more and more quickly.

Gu Baiyi was miserable, and that a beautiful face was smashed into a pig's head every day.

If he never went out, he would have to throw it all over the Quartet.

The people who served in his palace knew that the lord could pamper the little son, and he was not angry when he was smashed.

Days passed, and Mu Qiang got the news. Zuo Hufa’s execution of the mission came back.

Mu Qianxi said: "Xiaobai, let people bring a word! Say that this son lacks a sparring object, let the left guardian law come to me as a partner."

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