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Gu Baiyi had no objection and promised: "Good!"

This news came out and everyone was shocked.

"The Murong is too arrogant and arrogant for thousands of nights! It is necessary to protect the law as his partner. He is so strong. Is it possible for a master like Zuo Baofa to be a partner?"

"The left guard is unselfish. If the main guard is protecting Murong for a thousand nights, it is estimated that the left guard will cut a sword that I don't know."


When the elders heard the news, they frowned.

"Since this Murong has arrived in the North Han Temple for thousands of nights, I have some unpredictable thoughts. I usually love to practice retreat, and now I have not stepped into his retreat." The elders are low.

An old man next to him said: "The lord has never been interested in female color, I am afraid..."

"Shut up! The things of the Lord, can be what we can criticize." The elders scolded.

He was silent for a while, then said: "The Murong asked me for a thousand nights. I gave him what I wanted. Anyway, everything is under my control. Maybe it is close to the only child I care about, I can explore that. The bottom of the guy."

"Let zero come!"


The things that the elders accounted for, zero could not be violated, so they went to the palace of the Lord to report.

Zero feels that the cold palace of this lord seems to have popularity compared to before.

As soon as he walked in, he saw that a man who was as cold as a mountain and cold snow slammed at him, and he always looked at him if he didn't care.

Zero-low road: "I have seen the Lord!"

This time, when he returned from the mission, he listened to the rumors of many of the lords.

For a teenager, he piped the three rabbit scorpions to the black cliff and personally killed the five elders and removed the identity of the saint.

All this is absolutely incredible.

Zero can't understand the idea of ​​the Lord at this time, but after knowing who the person is, it is estimated that it will be overkill than white.

Gu Baiyi said faintly: "She is waiting for you inside, come with me!"

Zero is not interested in the teenager who is favored by the Lord, he is just to complete the task.

When Mu Qianhao heard the footsteps, he stopped the cultivation. The body flashed and ran to the man who was wearing a dark red robe and excitedly grabbed him: "Two uncles!"

In front of this white-brown juvenile hangs a strange face, but the pair of scorpions, this familiar smile, how can I not recognize it?

"Hey!" The eyes of zero flashed the excitement.

But after the excitement, he felt that something was wrong, and there was an outsider!

This outsider is the Lord!

Zero body exudes a cold killing, and the sword screams in the scabbard.

If he is exposed, he will make the deaf child dangerous. Even the first master of the Quartet, he will kill at all costs.

Mu Qiang held down the arm of zero: "Two uncles, white clothes are people I trust, I have told him everything, no need to guard!"

White, actually called so close.

The murderous face of Zero is now more horrible and black.

Gu Baiyi, the name of the Lord of the North Han Temple, is rarely known in this world.

Because the owner of the North Cold Hall often retreats for a few years, never going out, even if he is out, he is looking for a few old and undead challenges that are comparable to his strength.

Therefore, only some of these people know his name. Only the elders in the entire North Han Temple know.

If the elders once again said that they had missed their mouths, he did not know the name of the lord.

Mu Qiang felt that his uncle's breath was somewhat unstable, and he buckled his wrist: "Uncle, you are hurt."

"The old thing lets you perform dangerous tasks."

Mu Qianzhen hurriedly pulled the zero and gave him a bandage. The uncles and the two could finally sit together and chat together, and Mu Qian is also very happy.

Gu Baiyi gave the space to them, and the children were happy, everything was fine.

Anyway, Zero will be detained by Mu Qianxi. In addition to reporting to the elders every day, this is definitely the most enjoyable and happy time of the past ten years.

"The elders are completely a copper wall, and they are impeccable. There is no breakthrough at all." Mu Qianxi has some troubles.

The more she stayed with her uncle, the more she wanted the second uncle to regain her freedom and restore his own memories.

Looking at my baby prostitute in order to save him to rack his brains, zero is also very distressed, "Don't be anxious, as long as you are good, I don't care."

"What is it doesn't matter!" Mu Qian took a look at him.

"Your heart, your lifeblood is pinched in the hands of the old fox, I can't feel at ease in one day."

"It’s not good for the second uncle!" Zero is also annoyed.

Mu Qiang has not found a breakthrough, but the elders of the North Han Temple came to look for Bai Baiyi, saying that there is something to discuss.

Mu Qian said: "There are some old things to do with ghosts, Xiaobai, I will accompany you! Lest you be bullied by some old guys."

Zero is very helpless, his niece is short, but it is good to protect him. What other men are protecting?

This is the owner of the North Cold Hall, who dares to bully him!

Anyway, the left guardian is a bit jealous, eat the vinegar of the owner.

The entire Quartet is not expected to be the first master of the Quartet will be bullied, do you think so?

If the strength is fierce, Xiaobai naturally does not have to be afraid of anyone, but playing Yin, it is not expected.

Mu Qianxi cares about him and makes Gu Baiyi feel a little happy. He nodded: "Good! Let's go together."

Zero: "The Lord, my family is the treasure of our family. No matter who we are, we can't allow her to suffer a little wrong."

Gu Baiyi looked at the zero road: "He is also the one who cares for me, the only one who cares."

Ming's answer to the clothes is touching, but the zero feels that the fist is a little itchy. I really want to punch it.

This time, elders, please take care of the past, but there are major issues to discuss.

In addition to the five elders, all the elders have arrived, and the three elders who are retired are also seated. You are cautious.

The familiar white shadow appeared, followed by a teenager wearing a white robes with the same texture as his.

All the elders have straightened their eyes, and the elders on the side of the elders said: "The Lord, this meeting is of great importance. Although this kid is a member of the North Cold Hall, he is not eligible to participate because of his identity and qualifications. This meeting."

Gu Baiyi’s indifferent road: “She will leave! The Lord will leave! He will stay, the Lord will leave!”

The elders heard the words, and they were hurt!

They want to rush, and the lord has given them a multiple choice question.

I have never found out that their lord is so difficult, and the faces of the elders present are even more exciting than the palette.

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