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Once the scale is passive, Gu Baiyi can't care who the other person is. What is the occasion here? What is your identity?

There is only one word in my heart, dead!

All the people held their breath and looked at the cold shadow of the cold shadow.

The Lord of the Lord shot!

That sword is too powerful, it is the first master of the Quartet!

The elders who had been blood-stained took the direct granddaughter and hurriedly squatted down: "The lord, the old ruin is just a moment of first aid, and it does not hurt the meaning of Murong's thousand nights! This contest, Murong wins thousands of nights. Also ask the Lord to redeem!"

Gu Baiyi walked to the front of the elders with Mu Qianxi, and the sword of Qian Han pointed at his eyebrows.

The other elders were also nervous and rushed to plead with the elders. "The lord, the elders are just a moment of urgency, and the North Han Temple cannot be without a great elder."

"What the great elders have done for the North Han Temple for so many years, we have a clear vision! There is no merit and hard work! Please also ask the Lord to bypass the elders this time!"

I have to say that the supporters of the great elders are quite a lot.

They are begging for mercy one by one, but instead let Xiaobai appear to be a big problem.

It is clear that Murong has not been hurt for thousands of nights, isn’t it?

Mu Qian’s light, if she can, she really wants to wipe this old fox with the thousand cold sword in Xiaobai’s hand, but it’s not working now!

She said: "The elders, since I won the Jade Ice, then the Shaodian of the North Han Temple is the son of the son! You are right?"

The back of the elders was bleeding because of a sword wound, and the heart was bleeding.

It took so long to prepare for the appointment of His Royal Highness.

Qing Er did not get the ice of the Wannian, he used more precious things to let her improve her strength, in order to let her get the place of the temple.

With the granddaughter of the heir to the temple, he was not far from the North Han Temple, but did not expect a half-night of Murong.

Everything is lost!

The elders said: "This is of course! I have seen the temple!"

"I have seen the temple!" The other elders also said.

"See the Temple of the Thousand Nights!" The disciples around the North Han Temple also shouted.

They looked at the young boy standing next to the temple master, even if the level was low, but it was definitely a shocking genius, enough to be the small hall of their northern cold hall.

Soon, Gu Baiyi left with Mu Qianxi.

The elders breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately the lord did not have the urge to directly kill the killer.

"Hey!" There is no outsider, and zero worry is looking at Mu Qianxi, which is completely different from the left-protection method that has no feelings.

Ms. Qian said: "Two uncles, I am fine! The spirit that I just learned, just to suppress the ice element of the jade ice, she can't help me."

"Even if I don't learn new spiritual skills, my poison will poison her. Your niece is not the one who will suffer."

"It's still very dangerous. The second uncle wants to kill the guy directly."

"Uncle, I am mentally exhausted and have to rest for a while."

"Well, let's take a break, and the second uncle will not bother you."

In this battle, the name of Murong’s thousand nights resounded throughout the Quartet.

Murong, the small hall of the North Han Temple, spent thousands of nights, defeating the predecessor of the Eighth Order of the Emperor, Yu Bingqing, with the strength of the Seventh Order of the Emperor!

Not only has a strong spiritual skill, but also the true mastery sword skills of the master of the North Dragon Temple, the first master of the Quartet, the strength is very abnormal...

Various exaggerated statements emerge in an endless stream, and the white harmlessness and Feng Yunxiu in the East Temple of Dongji also got this news.

Bai Wuhai’s face is gloomy: “The **** boy is really a disciple of Gu Baiyi. Gu Baiyi has been hiding for so long, and finally let him show up.”

After a period of injury, Feng Yunxiu’s face was a lot better. He heard this news and he gave a slight glimpse.

"Thousands of nights have become the small hall of the North Han Temple, and a gift is sent to the North Han Temple!"

Xuan together: "Yes!"

However, he was stunned in his heart. The kid became the little hall of the North Han Temple, and the North Cold Hall was absolutely overwhelmed by him.

It is good to be a small hall. There are many resources, and the connivance of white clothes is completely casual.

Therefore, Mu Qianxi wiped out the elixir that he could see.

What are you doing without sweeping? For those who are not a lineup with Xiaobai?

The refining pharmacists in the North Han Temple went to the elders to complain, but is it useful?

In addition to the main hall of the Northern Han Temple, the temple is the largest, and the elders are not qualified.

The three elders who manage the finances of the North Han Temple are also worried at this time!

Where did the Lord of the Lord find such a defeated boy!

With the speed of this kid's defeat, even if the North Han Temple is a Samsung force, he will lose a dime in three years.

After taking the position of the Shaodian Temple, Mu Qianxi can also use this identity to seek various benefits for the Ghost Medical Building. It will not take long for the Ghost Medical Building to develop better and better.

This is much better than in the East Pole Hall!

Mu Qianxi said to Gu Baiyi: "Xiaobai, I haven't returned to the ghost medical building for a long time. I have to go back and see."

"I go with you!"

"Do you want to accompany me to the Lord of the House?" Mu Qianyi gave a slight glimpse.

"Well! I am afraid they will start with you."

With the various hate values ​​that these thousands of days have been drawn by these days, it is very likely that they will be assassinated when they leave the North Han Temple.

Mu Qian said: "If you don't feel trouble, just follow it! Don't let people discover it. If someone is not afraid of death, then take a few shots."

"it is good!"

Murong left the North Han Temple for thousands of nights, and he was still alone, and he left with a big swing.

Everyone is ready to move, someone is going to ask the elders!

"The great elders, Murong left the North Han Temple for thousands of nights, whether or not to send someone to kill him!"

"This kid is absolutely not allowed to leave, or send zero to the past! Zero is the most familiar to the kid."


Although the elders couldn't wait to take Mu Qian's and then they were quick, but the pain behind him calmed him down.

"For the first time, the Lord of the Lord regarded a person as a pain in his eyes. Even if Murong spent a lot of nights and dared to leave alone, the Lord would not be assured."

"Great elder, what you mean... It won't be the Lord's secret to protect him!"

"In all likelihood, there is this possibility! If you don't want to die, you can do it!"

After going out, the road was calm, and Mu Qiang snorted: "These guys, the courage is really small enough."

Those who are bold enough to experience their ruthless and ruthless lord’s two stern shots can still be self-seeking.

Mu Qianxi came to the Ghost Medical Building and said: "Small cold, come out, I have a gift for you!"

When the condensate saw the ice beads containing ice, it instantly widened your eyes.

Her face burst into a fascinating smile, and she rushed toward Mu Qianxi: "The son, I love you!"

It is a pity that she has not waited for her to hold Mu Qian, but a white figure is in front of Mu Qianxi.

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