Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1271: Yun Xiu Daohe

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Gu Baiyi exudes a cold chill, letting the condensation grease rush back a few steps!

Condensed fat 瞥 瞥 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这

But it is as dangerous as a sword that is unsheathed!

She does not belong to the Quartet. She was even stronger than the Spirit of the Nine, but she still felt dangerous in front of this man.

Mu Qianxi looked at the condensed fat road: "I didn't use the ice beads, I gave it to you to cultivate. But Xiaolinger, you are too enthusiastic, but this son is a bit too much to eat."

The condensed fat put up the enchanting smile and became cold and said: "Yes!"

Yue Ze knew that Mu Qiang came and was very excited. He was very angry and came back. He saw Mu Qianxi and he smiled: "Congratulations to the boss became the Shaoguan Temple of the North Han Temple. Someone will cover me later."

Mu Qianshao patted his shoulder and said: "Xiao Zezi, mix well with the son! Keep you fragrant and spicy."

When I saw the boss, Yueze was naturally happy.

But there is an automatic diffuser next to him, and he has to care.

This man is cold, but it is much better than a man like Shura.

Yueze Road: "This is the owner of the North Han Temple! I am Yue Ze, the deputy landlord of the Ghost Medical Building."

Gu Baiyi just glanced at Yue Ze, but he rarely thought about people other than Mu Qian.

The adaptation of Yueze is also very strong. If Bai Baiyi does not make a sound, he will directly treat people as air.

"Boss, you still have a face to say that you are savoury and spicy. Recently, I have been exhausted by the expansion of the ghost medical building. Some things you have to deal with, don't want to go today!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It seems that these days have been bitter for you. Today, I am willing to accompany my gentleman, and spend the night with you, walk up!"

Gu Baiyi looked at the girl who was so arrogant, so she was so fresh that she had a little warmth in his frozen heart.

There are a lot of things in the Ghost Medical Building. It’s really a big night for a big night.

This made Gu Baiyi look distressed. He said: "These things are given to your little brother."

Mu Qianyi turned his eyes and said, "You are the same as you, just hanging a name, being a mascot! I want my power to grow in my hands, how can I not do it?"

"The landlord? Isn't it a ghost doctor?" Gu Baiyi has never been interested in things other than cultivation, and the news of the ghost medical building is only because of Mu Qian.

Deaf children play a decisive role in the ghost medical building, but the ghost doctor is the landlord!

Mu Qian said: "That's not easy, ghost doctor is me!"

In the blink of an eye, the light green light envelops Mu Qian, and the white boy in front of him is replaced by a fairy-like teenager.

Xiaobai is one of the most trusted people of her. She knows that she has a lot of secrets and is not bad.

"This is what the ghost doctor looks like. Whoever makes me a ghost building doesn't have a foundation? It's natural to use some obstacles to make it mysterious and powerful."

Mu Qianxi is willing to share secrets with him and make Gu Baiyi very happy. He said: "Now, the first master of the Quartet has made a backing, not too hard."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Where are you back to the door, but I am willing to accept it. Let you be the chief guest, the treatment will definitely not be worse than the North Cold Temple, and you will never be ill-treated." ""

If the North Han Dian, some of the guys know that Mu Qiang not only got the position of the North Han Temple, but also took the house of the Lord to be polite, will definitely be angry with the top of the head.

Gu Baiyi said: "Good!"

The Ghost Medical Building has developed very smoothly in the north, and there is no need to be jealous of other forces besides the North Cold Hall.

If the North Han Temple really has a heart, he can quickly know that this small hall can be well prepared. It is definitely not as passive as it is in the East Pole.

After dealing with the ghost medical building, Mu Qian asked: "There are several other elixir, is there any news?"

Looking for the Phoenix family and the Lingling family is not something they can do in the ghost medical building, so it is given to nine nights.

And to find the refining of yin and yang, she is still able to do it. Now, in addition to the scent of Jiuyang Xuanguo, it is also a bad taste.

Yueze Road: "Now the forces of our ghost medical building are all spread out. As long as there is a square, there must be news! Don't worry about the boss."

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Yeah!"

"Xiaobai, let's go back! Lest the old guys suspect that they haven't seen them in action for so long, and it's estimated that they really didn't have the courage to do it." Mu Qianxi was lazy.

Back to the North Han Temple, someone sent a lot of good things.

"Thousands of nights, the Temple of the East Temple, Yun Xiu Shaodian sent people to give gifts, do you want to see them in person."

They also feel strange, they have a strong rise in the temple, although the level is not high, but the combat power is enough to threaten the cloud repair less temple.

However, Yun Xiu Shaodian actually came to congratulate, it is too strange.

They did not send gifts to the Lord of the East Temple!

Mu Qian said: "I will see you!"

The person who sent the gift to Feng Yunxiu was his personal guardian Xuanyi. It is obvious that he is very sincere thanks.

Mu Qianxi saw the handsome and straight-hearted youth of the Xuan Yi: "Xuan Yi, I haven't seen it for a long time! Are you and Yun Xiu still okay?"

The boy in front of him, with a cynical smile.

Obviously, he has a noble identity, but he is still lazy.

Xuan together: "Thousands of nights."

Mu Qianxi said: "What are you doing with such a face? You must be licking a stinky boy now, don't think I don't know."

The color of Xuan Yi’s face is shifted, and the topic is: “The gift that our master has prepared for you, don’t you look at it?”

"Look! Of course!"

Sure enough, Feng Yunxiu still knows her very well.

All that was sent were the elixir that he liked very much. Ms. Qian said: "Great, thank you for me!"

"Well! This son has to prepare some gifts."

Xuan Yi looked at Mu Qianxi, and then stopped talking, then said: "Thousands of nights, can you borrow a step!"

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Okay!"

When the two of them arrived at the uninhabited place, Mu Qian’s spiritual power swept through and found no outsiders in the dark.

Mu Qian said: "What happened to the cloud?"

Xuan together: "Thousands of nights, the relationship between you and the ghost medical building is good, I don't know if you can contact the ghost doctor?"

The lord of the temple did not allow him to go to Mu Qian, but did not say that he was not allowed to find Murong for thousands of nights.

Mu Qiang’s face sank, “Yun Xiu was seriously injured.”

That time, Feng Yunxiu fought with that Bai Wei. It was not a good injury, but there are enough remedies to be able to raise it!

Now Xuan Yi asks him to look for a ghost doctor, and the injury suffered by Yun Xiu is definitely not simple.

Did someone come to the Quartet and then blamed Yun Xiu for seriously wounding him.

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