Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1273: Give you a ride

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Ms. Qian said: "I didn't intend to hide in Tibet. Now the Ghost House has been stable. In the North, they dare to do it for me, come on!"

"Boss, still too risky!" Yue Ze did not agree.

"Now I have recovered my strength, but I have to hurry up to a higher level. The gentle way is not enough! I need external pressure!" Mu Qian said.

Yue Ze can only helpless, he is very clear that the boss is pushing himself.

He said in a low way: "I know, if the boss really has an accident, our ghost medical building will definitely make them feel restless!"

After explaining some things about Yueze, Mu Qiang took the condensed fat and set off for Wing Tiangu.

Because the owner of the valley invited the refining pharmacist, the elders of Jiangtian of Wing Tiangu have been waiting for the arrival of the guests outside the valley.

Soon after, there was a five-level flying sacred beast in the air. The elder Ginger greeted the disciple to meet.

"I don't know which refining pharmacist is coming to our wing valley."

There are four or five people standing above the flying sacred beast. The youth around a white robe old man said: "Our master is the chief refining pharmacist of Tian Lingzong."

Ginger Elder's eyes brightened and smiled: "It turned out to be the great master of Bai, and there is a long way to welcome the miss!"

Although the other party is a two-and-a-half-powered deacon elder, but the refining sergeant did not even give him a look, arrogant.

The five-level holy beast has not yet landed, and suddenly a burst of six-level holy beasts swept through.

The wings of their flying sacred beast were stiff and almost fell from the air.

"Six-level holy beast!" They were completely stunned.

The sixth-level sacred beast is comparable to the existence of the high-level spirits. Even if the high-level spirits capture the sixth-level sacred beast, there are few people who can tame the sixth-level sacred beast.

The other party uses the six-level holy beast as a flying sacred beast.

Elder Ginger hurried to meet, the White Master was somewhat unhappy, but there was no on-the-spot attack.

Originally thought to be a master of refining medicine with strong background and strong background, but they did not think that the six-level holy beast Tianjun bird stood on two young words like a woman.

The woman in white is as cold as a cold jade, but she is beautiful and can't be seen. It looks like she is in her early twenties.

And the woman in her purple dress is only sixteen or seven years old, and the unparalleled face makes everything around me eclipsed.

The face of the White Grand Master is black, and I thought I had a bad person! It turned out to be two yellow-haired little hoes.

There are two little hoes, but the elders of Jiang are somewhat disappointed, but the other party can use the six-level sacred beast as a flying mount, Ye Fei is a leisurely generation.

He smiled and said: "I am the elder of Jiang Tiangu, the elder of Jiang, I don't know where the two girls are from?"

Cooling grease cold channel: "Ghost Medical Building!"

Some people were a little surprised, Ghost Medical Building, Ghost Medical Building actually sent people?

If it is a ghost medical building, it is not surprising to use a six-level holy beast to make a flying mount.

Whoever makes the ghost medical building not bad money, the speed of collecting money makes everyone jealous.

The great white master said coldly: "Ghost doctors are afraid to come out and see people! Even sending two yellow-haired hoes to Wing Tiangu, is it estimated that it will not help? Or go back!"

Mu Qianxi walked down from the flying mount and said: "I am late, but I am willing to win the soul of the soul! You want to roll, I can send you a ride!"

"Little cold!"

The little cold leaped from the air, and the ice element spirits came out, letting this white master cast a cold sweat on his forehead.

Master! This looks like a young woman, at least a nine-level master.

Elder Ginger hurriedly stood up and played round. He smiled and said: "The visitor is a guest! We are very welcome in Wing Tiangu, please, please inside."

Mu Qian said: "Small cold, come back!"

The face of the White Grand Master has become darker than the bottom of the pot. This ghost medical building is really too arrogant, hateful!

The refining pharmacists who come here are not simple, but such young people have never.

Zhang Gu, the owner of Wing Tiangu, saw a glimpse of them, and Jiang Elder said: "Gut, these two are from the ghost medical building..."

"My surname is!"

"Master Mu!"

Zhang Guzhu, a sigh, admire...

However, it is impossible to think about it. Mu Qian will not be so swaying, it is simply not to be killed.

"This is the white master of Tian Lingzong."

Come here is the guest, Zhang Guzhu people warmly entertain them.

After all three people have arrived in three days, let’s announce what they are going to do.

A soul fruit, but attracted a lot of refining masters.

As for the refining pharmacists under the refining masters, there are self-knowledges that can’t be robbed of these masters, and certainly not.

Three days later, after all the refining pharmacists came, Zhang Gu said: "Today, we are convening all the refiners to come because I want all the refiners to refine the medicine for me?"

"Dan medicine? Tianji several drugs?" they asked.

"My child has become a waste person because he has cultivated a scorpion and gone into flames. You can see it with me."

Some of the refining masters went to see the little owner, and when they saw their faces, they became dignified.

The owner of the little valley was completely in a coma, the mental power was completely destroyed, the meridians were all broken, and only a little angry.

Such a patient, so save?

Unless you can get back to life.

They shook their heads, and Mu Qian went to the bedside of the patient.

A careful inspection, Mu Qianzhen has some doubts, if it is just a fire, not so?

There is no trace of mental astigmatism, it is too strange!

At this time, a refining master said: "Zhang Guzhu, Shaogu Lord's injury is too heavy, we can do nothing, you are still ready for the future!"

"Zhang Guzhu, it seems that I can't help."


What did Mu Qianxi say? Because she found that the Zhang Gu master did not show despair or grief after hearing the words of these refining masters.

Zhang Gu main road: "The old man got a Danfang. If you can refine this medicinal medicine, you can cure me. Unfortunately, no one of the pharmacists in Wing Tiangu can refine this medicinal medicine, so please ask everyone. Come here."

The refining pharmacists flashed their excitement on their faces. "What kind of medicinal medicine actually has such an effect?"

"The meaning of Zhang Guzhu is that I am willing to share Danfang with us."


For the refining pharmacists, Dan Fang is a deadly temptation to them, especially the powerful Dan Fang.

Master Zhang said: "Of course! All of you can see Dan Fang."

Zhang Gu is so generous, but it makes other people very dissatisfied. After all, everyone wants to swallow this Dan.

A black-faced refining guru came out and said: "No need, just give me a person to see Danfang, I will be able to refine the medicinal herbs to save the landlord."

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