Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1274: Chicken ribs useless

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As soon as this was said, the black-faced refining pharmacist made everyone glare.

"Zhang Guzhu invited us so many people, you want to be alone."

The black-faced refining pharmacist said: "The strength of the spirit can show the strength of a refining pharmacist, and you simply don't deserve to rob Dan."

Then, this black-faced refining pharmacist exudes a violent spiritual pressure, which makes many refining pharmacists' faces pale.

They did not think that the mental power of this black-faced refining pharmacist would be so powerful.

However, after standing in the crowd, Mu Qian, his face is very calm.

Because of the opening of the Mantra, the spiritual power is madly boosted under the oppression, and now this pressure is simply a small fight.

The black-faced refining pharmacist showed a smug color on his face. "Make sure you know the difference between us! I want to fight with me, dream!"

"Zhang Guzhu, can you show me Dan?"

Zhang Guzhu learned that the black-faced refining pharmacist had such a strong mental strength and was ecstatic.

"If this is the case, then first let the black master see Dan Fang. If the black master does not succeed in refining, then the next refining pharmacist will refine the Dan."

Although everyone is dissatisfied, but who makes them skills is not as good as people, can only hope that the black master alchemy failed, so that they have a chance.

Zhang Guzhu handed the Dan Fang to the black master. The black master looked at the Dan Fang and groaned. "Return to Dan, what is this medicine?"

If everyone listens with their ears up, turn to Dan? This medicinal medicine, they have never heard of it, absolutely not simple?

Even if they didn't get the soul, at least they could remember this Dan, and the result was destroyed by the **** guy.

They are even more hateful to this black master!

Mu Qianguang flashed, and turned to return to Dan, just a Tianji Yipin medicinal medicine, this medicinal pharmacist can be refining at random.

What makes her even more incredible is that this drug is completely useless to treat the child.

It’s just about changing the air transport. This medicinal medicine is called one of the great chicken ribs in the inheritance of life. I don’t know which boring refining pharmacist created it.

Such a tasteless medicinal herb, some of the refining pharmacists think of what is a tall medicinal drug, looking at their expectation of expression, Mu Qianxi is also speechless.

Mu Qianxi does not know what Zhang Guzhu is going to do?

Anyway, this medicinal medicine is useless, so no one can successfully cure the stagnation of the sacred fruit, she will wait and see.

The black master said: "This master is preparing for alchemy. See you poor, you don't have to shun it, watch it here! Anyway, you don't know how to refine it?"

The black master waved his hand and took out his own medicine, and he planned to show his talents.

At this time, Zhang Gu main road: "Black master, refining this reincarnation, need special medicine Ding to refine. I found this medicine tripside next to Dan."

Zhang Guzhu took out a dark medicine tripod. When he saw this medicine trip, he was soaked up.

This medicine is not easy!

When the two medicines are put together, everyone can see that the dark medicine is good.

Compared to the dark medicine Ding Ding, the black master is like a broken copper.

The black master's eyes are shining, and watching this medicine Ding like it is incredible. "This is definitely a baby! At least the heavenly spirit, Zhang Gu master can get these treasures, luck is not normal!"

Zhang Guzhu sighed: "Unfortunately, my disappointing boy, these treasures are clouds, I just want my child to recover! If the black master can really cure me, let alone the soul, this medicine tripod It is also thank you."

The refining pharmacists were shocked by the big hand of Zhang Guzhu. It seems that this Guzhu really loves his son very much!

What good things have fallen into the hands of this guy, and other refining pharmacists resent.

Mu Qianxi is lazy and watching the play on the side. Zhang Gu’s generous and generous side is too much, and there is absolutely a conspiracy.

Zhang Gu master is ready for the elixir, and there is a good medicine, the black-faced refining pharmacist is absolutely clean.

He will definitely succeed!

Mu Qianxi also believes that he will be successful in refining, after all, it is only a heavenly medicine.

She did not think that as time went by, this thought that the black-faced refining pharmacist was more and more strenuous.

At this time, the black-faced refining pharmacist controls the elixir in the medicine, and the cold sweat on the forehead!

This remedy is really extraordinary! It is so energy-consuming.

"Let this guy arrogant, see if you can't support it!"

"It seems that we also have the opportunity! What is great in mental strength, and refining medicine is not empty."


They also saw the hard-working appearance of the black-faced old man, and then began to gloat over the side.

Mu Qianxi saw that the black-faced old man was sweating in his head, and groaned in his heart: a heavenly product, a drug, just as it is?

wrong! Absolutely not a problem with remedies, but...

The spiritual strength of Mu Qianxi was dispersed, and she finally found the problem.

Refining this medicinal medicine is definitely not enough for a high-ranking refining master to exhaust his mental power. The reason is that this is a very different medicine.

This medicine trip is consuming the spirit of the black master.

Like a savage beast, the greedy devouring, this guy is stronger and less than it eats.

Good evil medicine tripod!

"Hey!" A loud noise, the drug exploded in the medicine tripod.

A burst of black smoke came out and a burning smell came out.

Fried Dan!


The face of the black-faced old man turned into a black coal at this time. He said: "It’s just a failure, I can succeed! I want to refine..."

"Ah!" Before he finished speaking, he felt that his head was about to explode and he screamed directly.

"Oh!" After the pain, he fainted directly to the ground.

"This is the end of the effort."

"I thought this guy is so powerful! It turned out to be a bluff!"

"As far as he can bear this ability, he still wants to swallow the Danfang side and occupy the Tiandian medicine trip."

Zhang Gu’s main face is disappointing, saying: “Come on! Send the black master down, take care of it, and treat the black master with the best medicine.”

"Zhang Guzhu really is very homely!" said the refining pharmacists.

Zhang Gu main road: "This is a reincarnation of Dan is really difficult to refine, it seems that I have not saved."

"That guy can't refine, it doesn't mean we can't refine it!"

"The owner of the valley is assured that I will be able to refine it successfully."


However, they all want to be alone.

One of the refining pharmacists said: "This is the order of Dan and Alchemy. It is ranked by the strength of mental strength. I don't know what the refining pharmacists think?"

"This is a good idea, more spiritual than spiritual!"

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