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The sound is as if: "There is a temple for a thousand nights."

"Let's say it!" Mu Qianxiao smiled back, like a wolf who just turned a little sheep.

It is clear that all the malicious things are written on the face, but there is no slight change in the face of the sound.

"Let's go!" Mu Qianyi waved his hand, and then swayed and swayed away from the North Cold Hall and went to the North Cold City.

When Mu Qian’s forefoot stepped out of the North Cold Hall, someone reported the news to the elders.

"The great elder, Murong spent the night, the kid actually left the temple with the Sanskrit Son, and none of the guards took it."

The elder's face was gloomy. "Mu Rong's life is not worth the money. If the Sanskrit Son is out of trouble, it will be too much trouble. I really don't know why the lord defends that **** Murong."

"What should I do?"

"People are secretly protected. If there is an accident, protect the Sanskrit Son, you don't need to care for thousands of nights."


Mu Qianxi knew that someone followed them and took the sound through the most prosperous streets of the North Han Temple.

A handsome and luxurious teenager plus a son who is not so dirty, the whole street has become a sea of ​​people because of their appearance.

Onlookers, after the admiration of Mu Qianyi, although handsome, but not as good as the sound, many people are coming to the sound.

All sorts of eyes fell on the sound of the dust, and the holy light seemed to make everyone want to worship.

Mu Qianxi walked in front of the road: "Vatican Son, you don't have to lose the temple."

She smiled reluctantly, and she was the one who led the most rare animals to be seen on the street.

Even if it was surrounded by tens of thousands of people, but the voice of the dusty face still hangs the soft and holy smile, do not mind being stared at by various people.

The elders were so angry that they were hurt when they got the news. They sent people to clear the scene.

The Sanskrit Son, can only be seen by some of the people who want to see it.

All of a sudden suddenly became a lot less, and this move seems to have no effect on the latter person.

Mu Qianxi slowed down and walked to the side of the sound of the dust: "Vatican son, the son of the Son, you are always like this in the Fanyin Kingdom, like a rare animal is generally onlookers, so the quality of the heart is so strong, No change in color."

The beautiful Sanskrit was introduced into the ears of Mu Qianxi. "Is the rare animal a beast?"

"This is not the point of my question."

“Poverty rarely leaves the temple, so there is nothing to say about it in the night.”

"You are not a little unhappy!"

"People's love, why should I not be happy? That thanks."

Mu Qian said: "Well! You said it is reasonable, with you being watched for so long, I will take you to a big meal."

Mu Qiang took the sound to the largest restaurant in the North Cold City, and greeted him as soon as he entered the door.

After all, the two men caused such a big sensation, he also knows.

"Two guests, please!"

Ms. Qian said: "Give me the best and the best private room, don't tell me that I don't have it. If you don't have one, you don't need to exist."

The juvenile is very arrogant, the momentum is compelling, and the treasurer has nothing to do!

"Of course, there are some. Please ask above, please let the two sons be satisfied."

Ever since, Mu Qianxi went upstairs with the sound.

Mu Qianqi then began to order, saying: "Give me all the meaty dishes in your store."

The treasurer was completely shocked. He was the first to see such a la carte.

"We have a lot of meat dishes in our store. You two are afraid..."

"On the right, Xiaoye, I have money!"

The North Cold City is a lot of people, so it is so overwhelming and exaggerated. He is definitely the first time he sees it.

The treasurer said: "I don't know what the guest needs?"

After the sound was taken from the seat, there was no sentence.

Sitting on the side, it is a world of peace, calm and peaceful.

Mu Qian said: "I ordered the dishes, my brother naturally likes, what are you doing? Not ready to serve."

"Yes is!" The treasurer did not dare to say anything, and was directly bombarded by Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi saw the man who was about to become a Buddha statue that would not speak. "The Fanyin Son, don't you know that you are Geng Geng this year?"

If the sound is ridiculous: "Thousands of nights of the temple ask the barren age verbs wrong."

"Then, are you saying or not?"

"The poor is not over twenty."

"I am really curious about how strong your strength is!"

"Slightly weaker than Yun Xiu."

Mu Qianyi turned his eyes and giggle!

On the surface, it is the seventh order of the Emperor, but it can be tied with Xiaobai.

Mu Qiang smiled and asked: "I don't know if the Sanskrit Son has anyone who likes it?"


"No! Like a man or a woman?"

"The Buddha has made the poor and cultivated, and has not considered this matter."

No matter how much the question asked by Mu Qian, the sound is calm and calm.

This is a powerful force!

Ms. Qian lazy leaned against the chair and closed her eyes slightly. She asked so much but there was no useful information.

She lazily said: "Sure enough, chatting with your monk does not mean anything."

Mu Qianxi is too arrogant, and the cabinets are naturally hot and delicious.

This is a super box, the location is very empty, but the dishes are filled with it.

Ms. Qian said: "The monk, open it! It looks very good."

The sound of the dust has started a cup of tea: "The barren tea is enough."

"How is this going? This small hall takes you out, but makes you hungry, I will deliberately be good."

After all, Mu Qiang began to add a pile of meat in front of the sound.

She said with pity: "I think the Son of the Son does not have the heart to be guilty of me because of this!"

The teenager is as light as water, and it seems that the pitiful eyes are more ridiculous.

"Barren is a Buddhist disciple."

"Monk, haven't you heard that a word called wine and meat has passed through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart stays in the heart. As long as your heart is toward the Buddha, eating anything is only a matter of form. Since you come to the dust, you have to experience the dust of your life for so long. Only then."

The sound of the sound of the quiet scorpion flashed a wave, and read the ten words that Mu Qianxi said, why he never heard of it.

"Eat and eat! You are welcome!" The meat in front of the sound must be piled up into a small hill.

She has inquired that the Fanyin Kingdom does not have so many rules, but I have heard that the Son of the Son is extraordinarily demanding himself and is strict with himself.

Today, she is going to break everything she has been insisting on for a long time, and see when he is dressed.

Mu Qianxi is also a little hungry, and it is not an elegant start to eat quickly.

The sound of the dust looks to the opposite juvenile: "Thousands of nights of the temple are justified, and the barren is not in the form of the surface."

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