Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1288: Pit light son

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The sound is really eaten, it seems that the big fish in front of the eyes is like ordinary vegetarian food.

After eating the small hill, Mu Qiang gave him a small hill.

"Vatican Son, then eat wow! You are more like a Buddha when you eat a round toot! You are so beautiful and not like that."

Mu Qianxi thought about the perfect man in front of him and turned into a rounded look. He couldn’t help but laugh out.

Mu Qianxi gave him a clip, and the sound was out of courtesy and had to be eaten!

After eating, Mu Qian continued to...

Have finished eating, and continue...

As long as it is not the spirit of the beast, eating so much will definitely be supported.

Although the sound of the dust is the Son of the Sacred Heart of the Sanskrit God, but after all, it is human, it will eat!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The Son of the Son will never be a waste of food."

I have to say that the strength is high, it is good, it can be digested quickly, and the sound really solves this table dish.

Mu Qianxi feels that it is a bit too bad to ask him to eat meat. It seems that he is too cheap!

It should be the grandfather of the East Emperor or the chef for nine nights to give this saint to a big meal.

The elders learned that Mu Qiang took the sound and went to eat meat, and his face became darker than the bottom of the pot.

"Which **** Murong spends a night, what time is it going to be?"

If the kings of the Fanyin Kingdom know that their Son is being taken to eat meat, it is estimated that they will be tempted to settle accounts.

Ms. Qian said: "The treasurer, checkout!"

The treasurer saw that the two young people had finished eating this table, and it was extremely surprised.

The treasurer said: "A total of one thousand pieces of Shangpin Lingyu."

This price will definitely scare a large number of people.

Expensive, really expensive, can catch up with the remedy.

But the treasurer has no way, it is so expensive, all kinds of meat are made with very powerful and rare spirits, but not ordinary poultry.

Mu Qian said: "If the sound is dusty, what are you doing there? Don't you pay soon?"

The treasurer was also very surprised. The obvious man was brought by him. The dish was his point. Why did he pay for the seemingly gentle man?

Is this son specializing in bullying honest people!

If the sound looks like a thousand, the eyes are soft.

Mu Qianxi seems to be unaffected by him. He said: "Which look? I said that if you ask for dinner, it does not mean that I will pay for it! Do you still have no money?"

The sound is like a dust: "I don't have a spiritual jade."

The Sanskrit Son, there are countless people to send, Lingyu this thing is absolutely the lowest level, he did not bring it!

Mu Qian said: "There is no spiritual jade! You must have brought a lot of treasures on your body, what a miracle! Spirits! Take it out and I will exchange it for you."

"It turns out that it can be!" said, the sound of the dust has come up with a lot of golden spirits, and some elixir.

The treasurer is also a person who knows more and sees that the spirit is stunned.

This light, so much like the heavenly spirit.

There is that elixir...

Mu Qianqi rushed to the front of the sound very quickly, and collected the things: "These things can be exchanged for a thousand Lingyu, I will exchange it with you!"

Although she is also a local tyrant, she has to say that as a belief in the vast West, the sound is also a super local tyrant.

The treasurer looked in his eyes and his mouth madly pumped up.

What did the son do? I even handed in a guy who is such a friend.

So many treasures, don't say a thousand spirits, even if you buy him thousands of restaurants are more than enough.

Mu Qianyu paid the money and left the restaurant!

She looked at the sky: "Now it is still early, I will take you to another fun place!"

"big big big!"

"Small! Small!"


As soon as I entered, I heard a very noisy voice.

Ms. Qian said: "I want to be a small man. You have only two choices for others. One is to play with the little master! The second is to leave!"

The gamblers here are stunned. "Where is this arrogant boy, it’s too embarrassing!"

"Here, dare to talk like this!"

"Hey!" Mu Qiang came out a lot of Lingyu, and it is still the top quality Lingyu!

She yelled at them: "What do I dare to do?"

Seeing that pile of Lingyu, they took a sigh of relief!

This is too bad!

Soon, the casino became quiet and it didn't go.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "If the sound is dusty, please gamble with me!"

The sound is like a dust: "But I don't have a spirit jade!"

"There is no spiritual jade, you have other treasures, aren't you? I don't mind."

"This... this bet, some bad!"

"But I just want to play, don't you want to accompany me? Come out and play with your heart! Don't be so stingy."

On the other hand, Mu Qian’s swaying is entangled, and the sound is recognized.

"The Great Elders, the Temple of the Thousand Nights has entered the gambling with the Son. Then the place where the fish and the dragons are mixed, the sacred son can go." The elders of the elders rushed to report.

The face of the elders is going to be green. "No one can manage the lawless boy? I am going to see the Lord."

As a result, Gu Baiyi said: "The elders, you can't manage your identity for thousands of nights, or don't worry too much."

The elders are angry!

Mu Qianxi is the easiest to buy and buy with Xiaoyin.

The sound is completely the first time to play, I don’t understand!

Lost once, and then took out the spirits, so that everyone has their eyes out.

"Scratch! There is still a defeat!"

"If you lose once, you will come up with such a powerful thing, strong!"


Mu Qiang smiled and accepted, and entangled her with her to grab the dragon, this time she wants this guy to lose the light.

If the sound has been lost for countless times, the baby in the space is getting empty!

However, he is not a fool, finally knows what to play, and knows that Mu Qian is in the hands!

The mental power spread, and he was not found to be the size of the scorpion.

Others are not aware of it, and Mu Qian’s mental strength is very strong, and immediately immediately isolates the spirit of the sound.

The sound of the sound of the horror of the spirit of the horror, looked up to see the Millennium, Mu Qianhui back to her pure and harmless smile.

"If the sound is dusty, your luck is a little bad!"

Other gamblers have won and lost, but the sound has not won once.

It’s a bit smarter, but the spirit is better than nothing. This time I lost again.

If the sound is too big and loses, everyone else can see the blood in his heart, but he does not seem to feel a little.

The last sound is ridiculous: "I have nothing left?"

Mu Qian said: "You should have a space spirit!"

Everyone's mouth madly pumped up, this kid slaughtered the sheep, he felt the second, no one felt the first.

The sound of the dust came out with a smooth buddha saying: "Good! In the last game of betting!"

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