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At this time, the beauty of the manual, a hurricane swept across the neck of Mu Qian.

Tear off! And Mu Qiang hands shred his clothes directly, of course, there are two white heads with a lot of weight.

Such a big beauty in the powder, but the chest is a horse Pingchuan!

Mu Qianxi stepped back a few steps, said: I did not expect the first beauty of the drunken dreams in the rumor, turned out to be a man.

The beauty coveted: Although I am a man, it is the heart of my daughter. If the son does not abandon the slave, the slave can be under

Hey! A lancet suddenly wandered behind Mu Qian’s back and attacked the back of Mu Qian’s heart.

The more beautiful the beauty looks, the more it will be!

Mu Qian’s figure swayed and escaped the lancet.

But then, a few other murderous, but swept from all directions.

Ice Spirit Shield!

Ice Dragon is on the horizon!

The great beauty recruits are killing tricks, and Mu Qian naturally refuses to underestimate him.


Mu Qiang blocked his hidden weapon, and the beautiful woman smiled: It is a thousand nights, even if the spiritual level is not low, it is not so good.

Mu Qiandao said: Since the beauty of the child knows the power of the young master, it is still awkward! If you accidentally hurt your flowery face, I am afraid

I see, it’s just a thousand nights and a few temples. Isn’t it a thousand nights? The beautiful smile of the beauty.

Mu Qianzhen doubts: What did you find?

From the time you approached me, you were already poisoned. The whole room is also full of poison, even if the temple is taken from a young age, it will take all kinds of panacea medicines. Now you have to use the spiritual power, the poison will also attack!

Mu Qianyan’s face changed and she didn’t think of it! you

So, I want to live the life of the temple for a few nights, it’s easy

The pink figure moved, and her fingertips pressed a lancet to force Mu Qian.

However, I did not expect that this time, Mu Qian was moved, and the white shadow swayed the sword and the sharp sword was on the neck of the beautiful woman.

The big beauty has widened his eyes, you are not poisoned!

Mu Qianxiao smiled: I am a big beauty, I forgot to tell you! The little tricks you played, are the little ones I played the rest! This little poison, can't help me?

It seems that I am looking down on you, thousands of nights!

Mu Qian’s sword draws a blood mark on his neck. He is a beautiful woman. Tell me why you should kill the little master! Xiaoye is a person who pity the jade, if you say, maybe you can still save a life!

Murong spent thousands of nights, do you think that I will believe in your ghosts?

He used poison, and he always had a hundred battles, but he did not expect to turn over in the gutter this time.

This boy, who is only 17 or 18 years old, is actually a poison master!

Daddy, the power of the great beauty who had been cultivated as plain, the strength has skyrocketed.

The bright figure, at this time, the body was braving a dark poisonous mist.

I originally wanted to treat the temples in a thousand nights with gentleness, but I didn’t think that the temples were so difficult, they could only be rude!

In the blink of an eye, his strength has soared to the nineth order of the Emperor.

The dangerous force directly bounces the sword in the hands of Mu Qiang, hehe! The sword in the hands of Mu Qianxi flew out directly.

Mu Qianxi hurriedly retreated, and then numerous lancets rushed to Mu Qianxi under the control of horror power.

The speed is fast, but it is not that Muqian can escape!

Just when the lancet was going to hurt Mu Qian, the window was uploaded! A yellow Buddha came in from the window.

Hey! The Lord Buddha swung in the air and quickly blocked the deadly hidden weapon.

A pale yellow figure rushed in, but his clothes were ragged as if they were sharp clothes.

Of course, having a unique face, wearing everything looks good!

Mu Qiang’s eyes widened, and this guy actually woke up!

To know that she is very confident about her own poison, it is definitely not so easy to wake up.

The sound of the dust asked: thousands of nights, nothing!

The big beautiful man smiled and said: The Sanskrit Son is really kind and hearty. The Thousand Nights Hall deliberately drunk you, even found two ugly women to humiliate you, want to ruin your innocence, you actually still To save this guy.

If the sound is bad, it will not matter if there is anything wrong with it.

This answer, let the big beauty who wants to provoke distraction is speechless!

At the same time, there is also a lot of silent words, this guy does not seem to mind, let her feel a little busy today.

She didn’t have anything to do even if she didn’t make a sound, but he shot!

As he said, there is a cause for it. If this guy is not chasing her in the city, she will not toss him like this.

Now that he has saved himself, it has been flattened.

Mu Qiandao: The monk, we together put this beauty, clean up.

Don't hurt people.

Mu Qiandao said: Good! Don't hurt people, then you can fight, but don't let people run.

The lethality index of this beautiful woman is not low, how can it be caught without hurting people?

If you want to say something, you can't say it. You don't think that you two people, you can get me?


A pink figure and a pale yellow figure are playing like this. The monk does not want to hurt people and has no use of killing tricks.

Coupled with the strength of the ninth order of the Emperor of the Emperor, the sound of the dust is hidden and not exposed to strength, although it can not die, but completely wasted time!

She still wants to go back to sleep!

Tossing a day today, she is also very tired.

Mu Qian’s fingertips moved, and a medicinal needle flew out, directly breaking through the slender neck of the beautiful woman!

You actually attacked. The beautiful woman has wide eyes.

Poison, useless to me

His words have not been finished, and the beautiful face has frozen.

how is this possible?

Too toxic is good for him.

The beautiful woman was poisoned. The sound of the sound could be knocked down by him, but he stopped.

This is impossible! The big beauty still can't accept this fact.

Mu Qianxi smiled: Beauty, you play poison with me, it is the biggest mistake!

Can tell me now, why are you killing me! Mu Qianqi bullied the beautiful woman and asked.

At this time, the beauty of the beauty can not be brought up, the poison can not be used, and the body is stiff like a piece of wood.

Say or not, I am a dead end. Assassination of the North Han Temple, can I still live? The beauty of the beauty is very frustrating.

Give me a break directly! Don't be so much nonsense!

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