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Mu Qianxi smiled: It is you who have always been talking, you have a lot of nonsense!

Give me a shut up!

Soon, the big beauty can't say anything.

Because this **** kid in front of him, with the white **** that had just robbed the past, blocked his mouth.

The big beauty has a smoldering fire!

Mu Qianxiao smiled: Is the beauty of the big man very moved? If you don't want to talk, I will not let you say that you are considerate. Now you want to say it and you can't say it, right?

correct! What is the taste of this girl?

You must be vomiting blood!

Sounds like a dusty road: thousands of nights, is this too much?

Mu Qiandao: The Son of the Son, you must do good deeds, your own territory, you are free. But this is my place, I should listen to me, do you understand?

Sounds like a dust: Ah!

Mu Qiang took a clap: Come in!

A few white figures as soon as possible, one knee squatting in front of Mu Qianxi: See the Shaodian, it is late, and sin should die.

Mu Qiandao said: I didn’t come late, I came to better, and invited the beautiful woman to my palace.


Mu Qiang’s voice to the sound: the monk, the wine is also finished, I am satisfied with the two you chose, or will I find you a few more?

The face of the sound is no longer calm, and some flustered words: thousands of nights, let's go back!

Go back and go back!

When Mu Qianyi walked out of Drunk Mengxuan, he saw Gu Baiyi walked over with a cold face.

Gu Baiyi said: I will pick you up.

Ms. Millennial: It’s hard work, let’s go!

I know that there is movement on the side of Drunk Mengxuan, Gu Baiyi may be able to sit still!

He thought that it was a slap in the face, but he did not expect to encounter an assassin.

Gu Baiyi did not seem to see the sound of the dust, but directly ignored the sound of the dust and left with the thousand.

The sound is very calm to keep up!

Murong’s kid was assassinated for thousands of nights, and the kid is also today, let him arrogant and let him run rampant! Big and small.

what a pity! That assassin, there is no assassination succeeded!

That an assassin is not the one we sent. Is it that the kid has offended someone?

Anyway, the reaction of some people in the North Han Temple is that the temple was assassinated for thousands of nights, all happy!

It is obvious that Mu Qianxi is very unpopular in the North Han Temple!

Mu Qianxi came back, and the white man also pressed the big beauty into it.

How to deal with this person?

Mu Qiandao said: Wash people to the temple, throw it into my partial hall, wait until the less busy, then go to the good fortune?

The white man stunned, and he was a man in the temple.

Although wearing women's clothing, but the clothes are dew point, I can see that this is a man with long eyes.

Mu Qiandao said: This small hall likes men, hurry to get things done.


At this point, the big beauty really wants to crash.

Originally, Murong spent thousands of nights as his prey, but did not expect to become a dish in the family.

After these people left, Gu Baiyi said: Hey, don't make trouble!

Gu Baiyi's face is a little black, and the man in a woman's dress has a hooked face.

Mu Qianxiao smiled: Hey! Xiaobai, you won't take it seriously! I deliberately scared the guy, I am exhausted today, I have no time to play with him!

Not tomorrow! Gu Baiyi's low road.

Then I will go tomorrow night! Mu Qianxiao smiled.

After that, Mu Qianxi took a break.

Gu Baiyi was cold and cold, and now he killed the man.

The big beauty who was brushed felt that it was cold and seemed to be stared at.

After washing, he changed into a men's clothing, even if he put on his men's clothing, his style is still not reduced.

In the middle of the poison, he couldn’t move. He was lying in bed thinking about when Murong came back thousands of nights. What exactly should he do?

Is it really necessary?

As a result, he waited until dawn when he was restless, and did not wait for Mu Qiang to come over.

You must be mad at the beauty of the big man, Murong thousands of nights, you play me!

Thinking about not coming at night, always come during the day!

The big beautiful woman waited for a day in the daytime with the panda eye, and had no appetite to eat at all, but still did not see anyone.

The sorrowful state of the great beauty was very clear, and then sent a personal message.

Hey girl, we said in the temple, you still have something to eat! Otherwise, you have no strength to serve our home hall this evening.

The face of the big beauty is green for a while, purple: Road: Roll! Give me all!

In the evening, it is time to meet the great beauty.

As soon as the door was opened, a white shadow blocked the way of Mu Qian.

Mu Qiandao said: Xiaobai, are you going? Maybe the news you heard this evening will make it difficult for you to choose?

Gu Baiyi, a little bit, my choice is on your side anyway, so there is no hard choice.

Mu Qianxi glimpsed a little, said: That white you want to eavesdropping and eavesdropping!

Xiao Baiyi’s unrelenting choice is on her side, and she has something to hide.

The beautiful eyes of the big beautiful people were black, and finally they heard the sound of footsteps outside.

The door was pushed open and he saw a face he wanted to tear.

He gnashed his teeth and said: "Thousands of nights, you are finally here!" You can let the slaves wait for too long.

Mu Qianxiao smiled: It seems that the charm of this small hall is very big! I am so honored that I have missed so much beauty.

You still kill me directly! From my mouth, you definitely can't get the answer you want.

Mu Qiandao said: Although you really want me to kill you, but your beautiful eyes are written, you are not willing to die like this.

Mu Qianxi stared at the pair of charming scorpions, and they were dead and reluctant.

Big beauty: Fall in your hands, how can I not die?

I can't kill you, but I have to look at your performance. Mu Qian’s eyes looked at him with ease.

I did not expect that the Temple of the Nights really likes men, and I still look at my face. The big beautiful man laughed and laughed.

The big beauty closed her eyes: I want to survive, even if I am insulting, I am willing.

After that, he undressed in front of Mu Qian’s in public, revealing the delicate skin like jade!

Then, he also turned out a lot of things, this thing is definitely the top of the favorite medicine.

He added: This is the various medicines I have prepared. I don’t know what the thousands of nights are going to let me use.

He put a super-hooking posture on the bed, and looked back at Mu Qianxi, but in fact, it doesn't matter if all the temples are used. Even if I don't like men, just take this medicine, just let me toss me. It is willing. As long as the temple is small, I am satisfied with it.

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