Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1293: Poisoner blew

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Gu Baiyi worried that the safety of Mu Qianyi had been hidden in the dark, but he saw that this enchanting smuggled goods was seduce in the temptation.

Gu Baiyi, who has always had a very good endurance, can no longer conceal his murderousness, killing his anger, and the sword is coming.

The temperature of the entire hall was everywhere, and Mu Qian had not had time to let Gu Baiyi stop, and countless swords rushed to the beautiful woman on the bed.

The beauty of the great beauty is in the poison of thousands of miles, and it is impossible to escape this sword.

In an instant, the bright red blood splashed on his bed, like the snowy skin, and there were countless blood marks.

Of course, Gu Baiyi did not die, because he knew that Mu Qiang did not kill this guy, there should be a reason.

hiss! There were countless wounds on the body, which made the beautiful woman take a sigh of relief.

He looked at Mu Qianxi with tears in his eyes: a thousand nights, a slave, a slave, is this a slave? Is this going to die?

In this way, Gu Baiyi wanted to give him a few more swords.

The white shadow flashed, and Gu Baiyi was in front of Mu Qianxi.

When the big beauty saw the cold and perfect man like a god, the pupil suddenly slammed.

The delicate appearance of the delicate drops disappeared in the blink of an eye, and there seemed to be a storm in the pair of charming scorpions.

The owner of the North Cold Temple, long-awaited! ! The fascinating voice, which became gloomy at this time, is like a goblin crawling out of hell.

Gu Baiyi looked indifferently to the beautiful woman, and if he didn't want to die, he would be safe!

The eyes of the great beauty were getting darker and darker. Suddenly, a burst of dark green mist erupted from his body, and the mist wrapped the whole room.

Hahaha! For a thousand nights, the slaves should thank you for it. If you and I have no chance to enter the North Han Temple, let everyone in the North Han Temple die today!

The power that was suppressed by the poison of Mu Qian, once again broke out!

Do not!

The outbreak is even more horrible, and at this time his strength is not lost to a peak master.

His cracked wound was originally bright red blood, but now it has become a poisonous dark green.

Gu Baiyi's face changed, hey, he wants to blew! Must kill him!

Mu Qiandao said: Xiaobai, his poison can't help you, you hold me to restrain him, I think of a way! Don't kill!

Gu Baiyi: I know.

The white shadow flashed, and he plucked the poisonous shadow.

There is a fascinating color in the eyes of the big beautiful people. I am really miscalculated. The people in your north cold hall are so resistant to poison, even if it is my poison, I can't let you tell.

However, you can't stop me.

boom! The horrible explosion sounded in the palace of the Lord.

The terrible poisonous sky, everyone in the North Han Temple was stunned.

Hey! The elders came over with the elders. I wanted to support, but I didn’t think of it.

Big elder, there is poison here, we are close to

Come over the chief refining pharmacist, fast!

The chief refining pharmacist came, and their faces changed greatly!

The elders, such a terrible poison, I am afraid that the most horrible poisonous poison was released before the peak of the poisonous singer. We can’t help it, I am afraid that he

The Lord of the Temple is the first master of the Quartet, and there will be nothing wrong with it! Let's retreat first!

The elders have lived so much for a long time, but it is very clear that the consequences of the smashing of the poisonous singer will be a consequence. The lighter of the North Han Temple will not have a live, and the entire North Cold City will become a poison city.

Evacuation! Hurry up and evacuate!

The lord

The Lord will be fine!

When the elders said that they were evacuating, zero wanted to rush in.

The elders noticed this anomaly. He chilled: Zero, what are you doing?

The main lord and the temple of the thousand nights still replied in the zero.

The old man believes in the strength of the Lord, as for Murong’s thousands of nights, it’s better to die!

The low-pitched scorpion flashed a killing, and the old guy dared to say this!

The elders are also afraid that they will not be able to kill him. He directly orders: zero, follow me!

He really wanted to go against this order and wanted to go in and see how the deaf child was, but after the elders issued the order, his head was blank and left completely uncontrollable.

No feelings, no consciousness, it is a walking dead.

The elders looked at the zero and felt weird. Is it because the ban has failed, and it will be strengthened after a while.

boom! Gu Baiyi and the great beauty are teaching, and the poison is continuing to pervade.

The water element has a barrier, and Mu Qian took out a variety of elixir to start dispensing the potion.

I have to stop this guy, she didn't expect it, he actually got out of it.

This guy's toxic accomplishment is definitely the highest she has ever seen, plus the secret of controlling the esoteric, it is not easy to suppress it now.

The great beauty has been injured, but he has a sword directly in his heart, and his heart has once again strengthened his strength.

The poisonous mist encased him into a scorpion, which formed the strongest poison shield.

Cold moon shadow!

Thousands of cold swords came out of the sheath, and the swordsman fell sharply.

However, Jianmang only made a hole in the dark scorpion, and instantly merged.

When Mu Qianxi saw this scorpion appear, he knew that there was no time left.

This guy’s extreme disagreement comes from the explosion. It’s really beyond the expectations of the Millennium. Fast, it must be fast!

While admiring the situation of the great beauty, Mu Qian’s action on the hand did not stop.

At this time, a pale yellow light floated over, accompanied by the baptism of the baptismal.

The Sanskrit Son is here!

The saint is coming!

The golden light wrapped the dark poisonous mist, and it seemed to be evolving.

This power of evolution is definitely a powerful force that Mu Qiang has never seen before!

At this time, the hoarse voice of the great beauty came.

Fanyin Son, this is my contradiction with the North Han Temple, you still don't want to gossip!

If you do this, you will not only let yourself fall, but also cause countless deaths. Inferior nature will not sit idly by!

Today, no one wants to stop me.

The madness of a poisonist’s madness is really not so easy to stop.

At this time, Mu Qiang stopped his hand and put the medicine into the medicine needle.

The body shape flashed, and Mu Qian rushed to the side of Gu Baiyi: The big beauty, making such a big thing, you should also close it!

The beautiful woman's low road: The temple of the night is trying to persuade me to stop, but now I don't want to close my hand, I can close it.

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