Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1295: Owner plaything 2298

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Seeing that, Mu Qian’s mouth screamed.

How many flaws have you made in your life!

Mu Qianxi looked at him slowly: "The three ancient drug families in the ancient times, the Jun family, the Ye family, the family. I am also very surprised. There are also descendants who are still alive. I didn't want to be like you? You are What's the big deal?"

I am not surprised at all. I want to keep him a citizen. The other person naturally knows his identity.

Ruan said: "Are you a gentleman? Or a Ye family?"

"No, no..." He soon denied it.

"Even if these two have descendants, you can't do it to you, you..."

He stood up awkwardly, "You..."

In this world, the only person who can easily stop the embarrassing family to stop the extreme secrets is their master.

Or, they are the masters of the Lord.

Mu Qian said: "Yes, I am the contractor of my life."

Trembling, "You... are you telling the truth? I... I have to take a look at myself..."

Mu Qiang took out the soul of the eternal life. When I saw a medicine trip with an ancient atmosphere, this medicine trip was exactly the same as the most strict totem of their family protection!

He suddenly remembered where this is, this is the North Han Temple!

"Come on, you can't let anyone know." He hurriedly said.

Mu Qiang took it up, but I know that I know.

Gu Baiyi was very surprised, and the nephew had already got the eternal trip.

The North Palace has been working hard for so long, and even destroyed the three major drug families, but found nothing.

He finally knows what is the meaning of the night of his nephew?

Trust him, so there is no intention to conceal him, even afraid that he is difficult to choose.

However, this also put her at risk. When she thought of this, Gu Baiyi could not help but worry.

No one knows more about the North Palace than he does. He is a man who has no means to achieve his goal. He will definitely let anyone know that the child has an eternal trip.

"Hey, I have seen the owner."

At this time, I was in front of Mu Qianxi.

The three major drug families, in addition to Jun Mo is only interested in eating strange food, Ye Chen and Yi still have a strong sense of family identity.

Especially the family, because the family has come out personally.

I like beautiful people all my life, so most of my family members are male and female, and they are experts in refining love medicine.

Unlike the Jun family and the Ye family, the family specializes in poison.

These are all the same time that Aoki told him when she found out that some of the poisons were exclusively studied in a room.

He also couldn't think of a face-to-face, and Mu Qianxi only took his identity, and even the old end of his family was clearly known by Mu Qian.

Mu Qian said: "Get up! I am so painstaking to save you, what is important is your talent and ability, otherwise I will not bother to control you."

She has no obligation to make up for her life, but his poisonous talents and accomplishments are high. And her ghost medical building is going to the East Temple, it is the time of lack of people.

However, he did not expect him to make things bigger, but fortunately still in the range that can be controlled.

He bowed his head and said: "The slaves know that they are wrong. It is the slave family who is too impulsive, and asks the master to redeem."

Mu Qianxi covered his face with a black line: "You speak normally."

Looking forward to Mu Qian said: "This is the normal performance of slaves, especially in front of the master. After all, our family members are the main playthings."

Even if it is a plaything, it is obviously a derogatory term, but it is exceptionally open and even honoured.

"The master of the Lord is our master, and the slaves can't help themselves..."

"stop and stop!" Mu Qianxi helpless.

She prefers that the descendants of the three major pharmacists are like the food of Junmo. It doesn't matter if you eat more, you can afford it!

But this kind of fox, really trouble!

I stopped for a while and said: "The slave sin should die, and the North Cold Hall has destroyed my family, so I want to kill the North Han Dian Lord’s most loved thousand-night temple to make the North Cold Hall Lord sad. I didn’t think it was the master..."

"The master can punish me casually. If I don't punish me, the slaves will be upset."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You can't hurt me if you can't do it. It's enough to do things in the future! Roll back and rest! Give me the body, reincarnate and look at him! Feed on time!"

Mu Qianzhen really didn't want to face this product for a minute, just leave! Staying here again, she will want to smoke!

Ramp: "Reincarnation, you are the death cycle!"

The reincarnation smiled and said: "I still have a little brain in this kid, hurry up and make up your body! I have refining it for you and a lot of poisonous Dan!"

It is a good thing to have a good poisonous Dan, but now the flattering face is stiff and I want to vomit.

When Mu Qianqi returned to his room, Gu Baiyi followed him and said, "Hey, you shouldn't tell me! You should let me avoid it."

Mu Qian said: "I have already got the eternal trip, before I met you. Xiaobai, you are doing your best to protect me, I don't want to keep you in the drums, isn't it?"

"But you don't know about the North Palace. He is even more insidious than Mu Lin."

Mu Qian said: "I want to know what the North Palace is doing? He is so far away from me. I just can believe that you can do it, so I want you to know?"

Gu Baiyi was completely stunned, and this wholehearted trust made him feel that he could not fear anything.

Mu Qianqi asked: "The lord of the temple, now the eternal ding is on me, do you want to wipe me off and take the eternal trip to take the merits!"

Gu Baiyi walked to the front of Mu Qianxi, and looked down at Mu Qianxi. The face like a snow and ice showed a warm smile.

"Is it stupid? How can I be willing?"

Mu Qianxi is also a glimpse, said: "I am not stupid!"

"When you have a eternal trip, you must not let people know." It is a moment to be able to survive for a while!

Even if he can't, he won't allow the North Palace to be a slap in the face.

Mu Qian said: "This is of course."

"The elders, I found out the identity of that person! The surname of the man is the singer of the drunken dreams, because the assassination of the temple, the temple, and the back to the North Han Temple!"

"And he is a woman dressed as a man!"

Soon, a few more black shadows rushed over.

"The elder elder, the secret method of the man's operation, is very similar to the secret law of the three major pharmacists. It is very similar to the thought that the lord of the family blew himself up!"

"Sure enough!" The elder smiled.

"The people of these three tribes have finally found one. Murong has finally done a good thing for thousands of nights! With the elders going to the main dignitaries, you may be able to ask the map of the eternal traces from the family. whereabouts."


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