Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1296: Shaodian male pet 2712

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(.+? Look at it. +?.net, the phone looks even better!.+?) The elders came to the palace of the Lord with a mighty man, and they saw that Mu Qiang lazily came over. . 135%7924?*6/810

Mu Qianxi said to them: "The elders, you have a lot of time, and you have time to come here."

"The old man is not coming to the door. He wants to have a person with thousands of nights."

"Who? If it is zero, this small hall can not give. My strength has not broken through the emperor, you can need zero masters to do the sparring."

"Nature is not zero! What I want is the poison master who brought you back from Drunk Dreams."

"Although the beauty of the beautiful people led to the chaos, but the lord did not care, the elders will not have to gossip!" Mu Qianmei brows slightly, very unpleasant.

"Nature is not, the old man has already determined that the poison master is from the three ancient drug family of the ancient times, the old man wants to ask something from his mouth."

Suddenly, a pink figure appeared in the sight of the elders.

When he heard this, he rushed to the side of Mu Qianxi with tears in his eyes: "There are thousands of nights, you can't do me!"

He shrugged and hid behind Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qian looked at the elders: "What do the elders want to ask? Just tell me just fine, you scare the beauty, but not good!"

Mu Qianxi is playing with his hair, and his behavior is extremely embarrassing.

The elder's face was black and said: "It's not a small thing at this time, or I personally ask better."

He sneaked his head and said: "What is your old thing? I am a man of thousands of nights, so you can catch it if you want to catch it."

"I don't go with them, the temple, you must protect me." He grabbed the sleeves of Mu Qianxi, afraid of being like a frightened rabbit.

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumping, male **, this guy is afraid to say.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The elders, you also heard, the beauty is not willing to go with you! I am naturally reluctant to let go."

There was also a trace of anger in the nephew of the elders. "How is this going?"

Mu Qiang looked up and proudly said: "Can't you do it? The elders have been making a fortune in the North Han Temple for so long. I won't even forget the temple that I am the North Han Temple. This North Han Hall, except the temple. I am the biggest outside the Lord, you are not qualified to let me do anything."

"If you want people, you can go to the owner. If the lord agrees, this beauty will give the great elders."

"But" Mu Qianguang turned and looked at the elders: "But the elders are old, don't you know how to move?"

Mu Qian’s words are very explicit, and I have to cry out of grievances.

"The temple, I am the person of the temple, and the death is the ghost of the temple. How can you say that?"

At this time, the two men were entangled and smothered, and the face of the elders became more exciting than the palette.

The elders are low and said: "He is a family member. This matter is of great importance. Please also ask the Shaodian not to mess around."

Mu Qianqi doubts: "Why are the people of the three major pharmacies matters? Isn't it a refining pharmacist? There is no family inheritance that is better than the refining pharmacists in the North Han Temple! No big deal." ”

"I know that the elders are fascinated by the beauty of the big beautiful people. Don't be so sloppy. Although the old age is a little older, they are all men, I know!" Mu Qianxi sings.

The elders are going to be hurt by Mu Qian’s anger. As for the order above, it is the secret of the North Han Temple.

It’s not surprising that Murong’s kid, who has just become a small hall, doesn’t know, but what is he saying?

How could he look at a freak that is not male or female!

"No one in this small hall can be touched, even if you are a great elder, you can't!"

"Come on! Send a guest!" Mu Qianxi directly wants the master in the temple to catch people.

The elder's face was gloomy: "I am going to ask the Lord."

As a result, Gu Baiyi did not see him directly!

"Boom!" The elders were mad at the punch of a tree in the palace of the Lord, and left in anger.

He does not believe that when a small Murong can maintain the descendants of the family for a long time?

When the elders left, Mu Qian took the shackles away.

Ruan said: "Master, the elders already know my identity, or do I leave first?"

"Since the old things know your identity, it is estimated that if you leave my site, it is estimated that they will become their intraday meals. Or stay here to restore strength?"

Ruan said: "But, the Lord will really help us after knowing my identity?"

"Of course."

When the light is dark, he said: "Master, then I want to tell you something! I am absolutely true. Gu Baiyi is on the surface for you, this North Han Temple is definitely not our long-awaited place. ”

A thousand miles, "What?"

The dawn of the hustle and bustle became cold, and said: "My family is different from the Jun family and the Ye family. Because it is good at using poison, it is the most difficult to break! Even if the North Han Temple is out of the nest, it is not enough for us to destroy the family. !"

"After their first failure, the Lord of the North Han Hall appeared. Something happened because of his appearance, and my family was destroyed! It was also his order to carry out cruel slaughter on our family."

A thousand miles, said: "This is completely impossible?"

Xiaobai simply doesn't know about that!

Ruan said: "Although I was still young at the time, but the man of the North Han Temple, that face, I will never forget! So after I saw him that day, I would like to go with him."

The vengeance of the genocide, even his most respected grandfather is also in the hands of that man, he will not remember correctly.

Even if you are so sure, Mu Qianyi will still not believe.

"Oh, whether you are not mistaken or not, it is definitely not him!"

"Not him, there is a second first master in the Quartet. Even if it is easy, can you pass the elders of the North Han Temple?"

Mu Qiang’s light sinks, “Even if you are, how are you?”

Maybe Xiao Bai is also forced to do so, not afraid of him, so did not say.

As he said, the face can change, but the strength of Xiaobai, who can copy?

Twilight is dark, saying: "I am the master's person, and our entire family's life is the master! Even if there is a **** vengeance with him, we will not do anything against the command of the master."

"I know that the master cares about him. I can't compare him to the whole family. Today I said this, but I don't want the owner to be deceived. I don't want the master to be in danger." Some lost, but engraved in the blood. The principle of the middle, but let him suppress other emotions. (.+? Look at it. Net, mobile phone is more cool!.+?)

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