Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1313: Too shameless

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Mu Fengling did not use force, the sword was thrown into the sky by him!

The epee fell from the sky and the goal was the elders.

His cold road: "You can go to death."

Although the elders avoided this sword, they widened their eyes and said incredulously: "How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible?"

"Hey!" At this time, the beginning of zero began to vomit blood, pale face is not like people.

"Hey!" His epee fell to the ground.

At this time, Mu Qianzhen could not manage the elders, and hurriedly helped Mu Lingling.

"Two uncles... two uncles..."

At this time, Mu Fengling wanted to open his eyes and look at the people in front of him. He looked at the last glance, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t open his eyes.

I can't say a word, I can only listen to the call of my child, and he is also a heart.

"Reverse! Dare to betray me in this situation, the power of rebellion is that he can not imagine." The elders laughed.

Mu Qian said: "Unlock the ban! The old things of the idiot. If my uncle is dead, do you think you can live?"

"He will die, even if I lift the ban, it will be useless. To kill me, kill it directly!"

At this time, the elders made something that they could not think of completely, because he ran directly to the sword of Bai Yi.

Gu Baiyi stunned, and the sword hurriedly deviated.

Even if the situation of Mu Fengling is very bad, Gu Baiyi is not likely to let him die now.

Gu Baiyi avoided, and the big elders flashed a glimmer of light, and they shot directly toward Gu Baiyi.

Gu Baiyi did not dodge quickly, but he was still hurt by the elders.

At this time, the blue shadows and invincible Xiaohong all rushed over and stopped the elders who wanted to escape.

In any case, you can't let this old thing run.


Just now the elders let so many people attack the Millennium, and now he is trapped in being surrounded.

Gu Baiyi, the first master of the Quartet, and the blue shadow of the singer, he is unable to escape today.

Mu Qianxi feels that the life of the second uncle is getting weaker and weaker. Even if he dare not act rashly, Mu Qianxi also took out the best pharmacy and gave him life.

"When you are alive, wake up to me! If you dare to continue to sleep, I will burn you."

Mu Qianxi said that he would do it and bring out the soul of the soul.

She said to Yan Longdao: "Yanlong, give me a burn! Burn his body hard, see him wake up."

Yan Longdao: "Master, is this really good? If your life brother wakes up, it will hit me ass!"

Mu Qian said: "I am your master now, you have to listen to me. No matter what means, you must wake him up."

Now the body of the second uncle is no longer able to recover her ability.

Woke up in a lifetime, there is still a line of life!

"Oh!" Yan Long really started to burn the soul of the soul.

Suddenly, Mu Qianxi discovered that there was a familiar black gas on Mu Fengling’s body.

And the source of this black gas is the heart...

"Tear it!" Mu Qianxi tore the top of Mu Fengling's shirt and saw a black pattern on his heart.

This pattern does not have the complexity of nine nights, but she recognizes it, this is a spell!

The old guy gave the second uncle a ban on the cursing family.

This black gas made her medicinal and had no effect at all.

The body, the soul is annihilated by this black air, she has no way at all.

Mu Qianzhen remembered the part of the four Wan Man Daquan, which was only a rough look through the way to find a cure for nine nights.

Now she seems to have caught a little life-saving straw and wants to find a glimmer of life!

When Mu Qianxi was looking for a cure in the Wan Man Daquan, suddenly a golden Buddha light enveloped Mu Fengling.

The appearance of Buddha light, the dark power was forced back into the body of Mu Fengling, and the black lines disappeared.

Mu Qiang looked up and stood in front of this man who was not dyed with dust. He was covered in Buddha light and looked very holy.

"Sound if dust!" Mu Qianxi looked at him with some horror.

Did not expect that he actually came!

His Buddha light can control the power of the curse.

The sound is like a dusty road: "Thousands of nights, the barren power is limited, this mantra is surprisingly evil, I can't support it for a long time. If you haven't found the law of salvation, the barrenness is helpless."

Mu Qian said: "You must hold on."

The Buddha light holding the sound of the dust suppressed the power of the curse, and Mu Qian quickly made the first line of vitality to keep the second uncle.

The elders knew that they were not opponents of these people, but he unexpectedly continued to hit the sword of Bai Baiyi.

Invincible: "This old thing, too shameless!"

"It’s so despicable to beat, I want to drown him now!" Xiaohong was also very annoyed.

After stabilizing the vitality of Mu Fengling, Mu Qianxi continued to find clues in the Wan Man Daquan.

This is the source of the spell. As long as you explore it carefully, you can learn a lot about it.

But there is not much time, it must be fast...

Spiritual power is consumed in madness, and Mu Qian finds herself getting closer and closer to what she wants.

Just when Mu Qianxi wanted to find the hair of the rescue, the elders went crazy and went to the sword of Gu Baiyi.

"Since you want to kill me, I will let you kill me! But I don't know who will laugh at the end!"

Many of the great elders in the front were loaded, but this time it was really moving, and Gu Baiyi wanted to get out of it.

"Hey!" Thousands of cold swords directly penetrated the heart of the elders.

Mu Qianxi saw this scene, his heart was cold, and he had to find a way!

But the elders are dead. When he dies, even if there is a way to lift the ban, it is too late.

Mu Qiang stood there and stood there, some lost.

Gu Baiyi tightly held the sword and did not dare to look at the expression of Mu Qian.

At this time, a calming Fanyin was introduced into the ears of Mu Qian.

"Thousands of nights, the left guardian is in a state of calm. I am afraid that the person who is practicing is not dead..."

When his words were not finished, he felt a figure rushing to Mu Qian.

"Be careful!"

That is the great elder!

The person who Gu Baiyi pierced the heart suddenly became a black fog.

His face changed a lot, "Hey!"

The tricks of the cursing family should not be underestimated.

The elder elder smiled and said: "Want to kill me, do you think it is possible? I will kill you half-heartedly, then make it my embarrassment. When it comes to Mu Fengyun and your grandfather, then I am the hero of the cursing family. It!"

"Ha ha ha!"

His hand was black and his nails became sharp like a talons, and he caught the heart of Mu Qian.

Their cursed family has the means to let people without a heart die.

Of course, the premise is to exert some dark prohibitions and become an embarrassing embarrassment.

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