Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1314: Powerful nine nights

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A burst of light blue light broke out in front of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianqi originally thought that only Crystal Ying took the initiative to protect the Lord. When she fell into a cold and familiar embrace, she realized that he was coming!

Nine nights are coming!

The tall figure protected Mu Qianxi in his arms, and the elders felt a force that was more rupturable than the power of the curse.

In the guardian close to him, his hand instantly turned into a boneless bone.

When he was full of horror, he looked at him nine nights.

The pair of cold scorpions carry this coldness that is not human, it seems that the whole world is like a grit.

He is like a demon who can't win, and he makes the elders tremble.

"Hey!" He squatted directly on the floor with his knees, and he didn't seem to know the pain.

All this is his physical instinct. He has no idea why this is so?

The fear in this person’s heart has already caused his mind to be implicated.

Gu Baiyi, who is coming over, is on the other side!

He came, and when he was most dangerous, he protected her.

Qingying still disappeared with no expression, hidden in the dark.

He grew up and looked at the man in a black man who was full of danger and anger. He clearly exuded the breath of the stranger, but he regarded his master as the most precious treasure in the world.

A good man? Who is he?

The power of darkness is tearing the body of the elders and tearing his soul.

"Ah!" His face turned blue-violet, shouting with tears.

"Adult, give me a happy, adult..."

The disgusting atmosphere of the cursing family made the nine-night means more and more embarrassing.

The flesh and blood of his other hand disappeared, and only the white bones remained.

Next, it's legs!

"Ah!" The elders screamed and stunned.

I fainted, but I had to wake up again with pain.

Mu Qianshao cold channel: "Old things, lift the prohibition of my uncle."

"Ha ha ha! Lifting... Lifting..." The elders laughed wildly.

"If his obedient obedience is not countered, the old man still has a way to get rid of it. Now that he has suffered such a big counter-attack, I am afraid that even if it is the patriarch of our cursing family, there is no way to lift it!"

"You are dying! I am going to die, your uncle is destined to bury with me. After all, he is the perfect masterpiece of my life."


Mu Qianzhen is really angry, there is not much time to waste, but she does not want to let the elders die too cheap.

He didn't lie!

"Hey!" The two needles stabbed the eyes of the elders. 67.356

The eyes are one of the most vulnerable places in human beings. They are pierced with a highly toxic needle, which is no worse than the nine-night force.

The sharp fine needles pierced the eyes of the elders, and the elders rolled on the ground, and the painful twitching.

At this time, a voice of evil spirits came, "Don't burn, don't burn! Xiao Yaner, you are daring, even the adults dare to burn."

This voice is very moving, and the atmosphere is as mellow as the wine, with an endless aftertaste.

Gu Baiyi and Yan Yi, who is talking?

Yan Longjian is like a wounded little daughter-in-law who hides behind Mu Qian’s side: "Hey! Master, you have to protect me."

Mu Qian said: "Since you wake up, give me out!"

"Little baby thought of me, I naturally woke up."

There was a white shadow in the soul of the eternal life, and the white shadow was still blurred, making people unable to see his appearance.

But at this time, the power of the darkness rushed to the white shadow, and the white shadow was imprisoned and obliterated!

Life all the way: "Little baby, you have to murder this adult! Hurry up and let the little monster around you stop."

In the nine nights, Mu Qiang was carried into his arms, which seemed to be a hegemonic declaration of possession.

His ice-blue scorpion is full of murderous tempering to the figure of a lifetime. "As an artifact, since you recognize the Lord, you respect each other."

The name of the relative, let the nine nights want to wipe out the things in front of them.

Whether he is a broken iron or an eternal artifact!

I was angry all my life, and this little monster dared to speak to him like this.

However, the situation is compelling to bow, and now he has no entity, really is not the opponent of this little monster.

I laughed all my life: "My little master, is there anything I need to help?"

Mu Qian said: "Nine nights, first save the second uncle, when you want to pack this guy and pack it, I will help."

The two poles of Yin Yang Ding played big this time, and its roots are definitely a lifetime.

I have a head debt and a master, and Mu Qian is still mad at it! I want to live in peace for a lifetime.

Mu Qiang went to the side of Mu Fengling and asked: "When you come over to see my uncle's situation, is there a way to let him recover?"

After a lifetime, he fell into the face of Mu Fengling and put away his injustice.

The soul power swept over his body: "There is no way? The curse of the family is very evil, and the anti-sickness is so deep that this adult has no way to deal with it. However, if the spell can be lifted, the injury caused by the counter-attack is still There is a way to solve it."

"Remove the spell?"

Mu Qianxi was a great elder. The elders were bleeding at this time, and they were more terrible than ghosts.

Ms. Qian said: "Give me the spell!"

"It's useless! Actually, I won't be bound at all! The ban on this cursing family that I applied to Mu Fengling is the remnant of a family I stole. There is only how to cast a spell, there is no curse. Law, you will die this heart!" The elders laughed at this time like evil spirits.

Mu Qian said: "You are old things that are not useful at all."

This old thing is unreliable, and the only thing that can be relied on is the one that is directly obtained.

The elders have found a clue before they started, and now she needs to find it soon.

Nine nights behind him said: "Hey, don't worry. You have the treasure of the supreme supreme, this little thing will have a way."

The icy voice of nine nights calmed Mu Qian’s eager panic and slowly explored the way of the cursed family.

There was a glimmer of light in Mu Qian’s eyes and I found it.

This prohibition is very cruel, and lifting the ban is even more cruel.

The soul of the curse is extracted, and the flame of the Supreme King is burned for seven or forty-nine days, and the soul beads are burned.

Then the soul beads are crushed into powder, and the cursing of the ban is drawn on the banned person.

The curse is very complicated, and Mu Qian has never touched the curse and has never learned it. She does not know if she can.

In any case, let's take the soul of the elders first.

Although I haven’t let this old thing taste more painful, but it’s important to save the second uncle, let him die!

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights, killing the old thing! I will lock his soul, I am useful."

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