Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1316: Falling out of favor sooner or later

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For the request of Mu Qianxi, nine nights will naturally not be rejected.

Nodded slightly, and stayed around the Millennium.

The lifelong eternal soul of the life is suspended in front of Mu Qianxi, laughing: "Little baby, let's get started"

Mu Qiang nodded: "Beginning"

Mu Qiang began to refine the medicine, and his life and Mu Qiang joined forces. This is definitely an amazing refining ceremony.

Gu Baiyi sounds and nine nights are not attracted to the refining pharmacists, and only Qingying does not feel much.

Of course, the deepest thing that is attracted is the embarrassment. As a descendant of the family, you can see the medicine of the immortal soul, and you will not come to this world.

Perfect impeccable

As long as you look at it, you can enter a wonderful situation.

My eyes looked more and more obsessed with Mu Qian’s gaze, and suddenly I felt a pain in my eyes, and the whole body had to disappear from this world.

I was completely stunned, and I looked down at the shadow with the light.

The man did not turn around and saw that the threat of death was from that man.

That man has a strong possessiveness to the owner, and the master seems to be close to anyone.

I became sober, and now I can only see the medicine, not the owner.

I know that if I look at it more, I will probably never see the owner again.

Sure enough, let 箫尧 take back the burning gaze, nine nights do not care about this little person.

The back of the skull was soaked, and he was relieved in the dark.

In my heart, "This man is too overbearing, so arrogant, sooner or later lost."

The teachings of people who have been in the family for a lifetime are that the beauty who possesses too much hegemony feels that they will not get long-lasting love. Only a tolerant and generous beauty will get long-term care from the Lord.

The two of them joined forces, and the thousands of medicines were very smooth.

Soon, a blue and white drug was released.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Successful"

The success of this medicinal herb means that it can give the uncle a year to fight.

The lazy way of life: "This time forced to wake up by the little baby, I will sleep again soon, baby, don't think about me."

Drilled into the body with the fastest speed, even if you can sleep now, you have to sleep, because the monster is watching.

Now there is a bit of strength and arrogance. I have a body, and the little baby will definitely be fascinated. The little monster, a guy who doesn’t know how to please a woman, will be the opponent.

What I have to do now is to hurry up and get back to the human form. At this time, the little monster is waiting to cry.

Mu Qian said: "You go to sleep, but when you next appear, you can't call it nine nights, the name is called Phoenix Night."

What little monster is so beautiful in nine nights, where is it like a monster?

I cried all my life: "Hey little baby, you don't love me, even so small."

"Lifetime" Mu Qiang interrupted.

"But it is not what people say." Life is not so obedient.

Mu Qian said: "That's good, you can call it nine nights, but I will call you ugly in the future, how do you feel?"

"Little baby, how do you hate the heart, how can you do this to me?" The sadness of life was incomparable.

You must know that the most satisfying thing is the appearance of how to make people call it.

If someone else dares to call it like this, it’s gone, but the little master, how can he be willing

Road: "I know"

A very lost back-contract space in my life repaired the heart that broke into glass slag.

Mu Qianxi took the medicinal herbs and gave it to Mu Fengling. The entrance to the medicinal herbs was instant, and the drug was quickly released to the whole body.

Mu Qiang has buckled the pulse, she can clearly feel the changes of the body every second.

Breathing, heartbeat, pulse, and blood flow have become normal, and they are more like a normal person than when they first met.

I shot in my life, and I didn’t let it down.

Seeing that his second uncle is like a normal person sleeping, Mu Qianxi is relieved.

She just wanted to stand up from Mu Fengling's side and suddenly felt weak.

The color figure flashed, and the nine nights took Mu Qianxi into the arms, and Mu Qian’s arms were in her arms, and she barely stood up.


Super hot

Mu Qianxi couldn't help but squat on the cold body of the nine nights. This move also made the nine-night ice-blue scorpion dull.

"the host"



Gu Baiyi also found that Mu Qianxi is not right.

Her whole face was like a fire.

Mu Qianxi knows what happened to him. Because of the danger, he has suppressed the medicine in his body.

Repression, not elimination, must be intensified.

The time of suppression was long overdue, but Mu Qiang was worried about Mu Fengling, and the powerful consciousness instinct suppressed himself to be the body.

Now that Mu Lingling has escaped from danger, the tenacious consciousness has dissipated, and the medicine in the body has rushed down like the flood after the collapse of the dam.

"Hey, you" Gu Baiyi also understands what happened to Mu Qian, after all, this situation, previously

She let the drug be lifted first, but because of the chaos behind, she simply couldn't get rid of her own medicine.

Gu Baiyi said: "Hey, go to the cold pool"

The medicinal properties suddenly broke out, too fierce. Q8zc

The head of Mu Qianxi is directly dizzy, completely following the instinct of the body.

Hot, there is a big ice cube so comfortable in front of you, naturally you have to touch it.

The more I started, I found that the layer of clothing that was separated was too inconvenient.

Mu Qianyi started, "Tear and tear" the cloth in front of the nine nights was smashed by the smashing of the millennium, more than one layer, continue to tear

In order to avoid the trouble of tearing up the tens of thousands of nights, the top of the shirt disappeared like a magic.

Mu Qiang's hand sticks to the skin: "It's so cool, so comfortable."

Then, Mu Qian will take his hand.

But the bottom of my heart is getting more and more unsatisfied, and Mu Qianxi can't wait for the whole person to stick to nine nights.

The two are so entangled, and it’s common practice to see more.

If the sound is in the air, he will turn his head and say "no evil, no evil, no sight".

Gu Baiyi’s personal image is like an ice sculpture. There is an impulse in the bottom of my heart. I want to kill this person.

Even if the child is not conscious at this time, but can make the nephew so unprepared, the heart is still burned by the fire.

Gu Baiyi said coldly: "Nine-night monarch, now is not the time to take the risk of people, hurry to take the children to the cold pool to lift the drug.",

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