Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1317: a dream spring

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The ice-blue scorpion exudes this cold light, and the nine-night cold voice: "Is this a gentleman to let you talk?"

While speaking, the horrible suffocation spread throughout the family.

On the forehead, there was a big drop of cold sweat. This man seemed to be able to let everyone fly out.

The woman who said jealous was terrible, and the man who didn’t think jealous was even more terrible.

However, Gu Baiyi still fell on Mu Qian’s body, without any concession.

The invisible murderousness came out, which was to cool down Muqian.

Mu Qianxi woke up and said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, Hey, Xiaobai, help me take care of my uncle, I have to solve the problem in my body."

Mu Qianxi pulled the nine nights and said: "I can't stand it anymore. You are still stupidly standing here for nine nights."

Nine nights looked down at Mu Qianxi, nodded slightly, and instantly disappeared in front of them.

Gu Baiyi’s standing there, if it’s a phoenix and a night, can stop at all costs.

However, this is the choice of a deaf child. There is no position to stop it, and I do not know what to stop.

Gu Baiyi said: "Hey, find a place to settle the left guard."

Now, choose to forget the scene just now, and finish her confession, wait for her to come back.

At this time, the sound of the chanting of the chanting disappeared without a trace.

Mu Qiang pointed to the road and took her to the scene in nine nights.

The place where we are at this time is the place where she came before her.

The place is spacious and has a big **

Nine nights put down the emperor, and Mu Qian was hooked on the neck, and the body pressed hard.

Mu Qian’s hand clasped the delicate chin of nine nights, took the mask off and threw it aside, looking at this glamorous exquisite face, the more he liked it.

Her fingertips gently stroked the skin, hoarsely said: "Nine nights under the temple, this ghost doctor has spent a lot of effort on treating you in your body, although the final reward Not bad, but there is no charge on the way."

"Today I have to collect interest, and you promised to leave me. If you don't agree, you have to agree."

The woman’s cheeks were red, with a sinister and cynical smile. The pair of fascinating eyes made the nine nights have no choice but to surrender.

"This Jun naturally promised"

Promise, Mu Qianxi will go down in person, entangled in death.

The pro is very eager, can't wait, nine nights have never encountered such a time to wait.

Goodbye, Mu Qianxi will give up the shackles.

In the nine nights, I also took Mu Qian’s clean and the skin of the two men was tightly attached. The cold skin of the nine nights was reddened by the hot skin.

Sitting and waiting is definitely not a nine-night style, saying: "I am tired, let me come"

Mu Qianxi is overbearing: "You give me a little bit of peace, obedient obedience, but today I am lucky."

The arbitrarily arbitrarily, the individual is going crazy. Even if the nine-night monarch is very human, the breathing is getting more and more urgent.

The terrible medicinal outbreak is definitely beyond the expectations of the Millennium and the Nine Nights.

What cursed the counter, she did not care.

She only knows if she is in the head, if it is, it is okay, because she likes this person very much.

I want to think very much

Mu Qianqi took the initiative, but in nine nights, he hurriedly turned over and pressed Mu Qian’s leg to the hoarse voice: "I can't do it."

Mu Qiang’s shoulders hold down: "What happened to you, why don’t you get it today, what are you shy about?"

The current Mu Qianxi is like a bully who robs the public. However, there are pushers who want to turn back on the night, but they don’t think that this person is like a copper wall.

Can't be strong

Mu Qianxi looked to the road: "Golden nine nights, you don't count."

At this time, Mu Qianxi is totally unreasonable, but nine nights and ones are not good at reasoning, just proof of practice.

How do you want to, want to be crazy, can feel

For a time, confusing, **, I don’t know what day it is.

However, Mu Qianxi was not satisfied. She said: "Nine nights, I have not succeeded in taking the medicine every time. You should not have to do it."

"You don't want to torture me."

Nine nights of kissing kissed Mu Qian, and stopped her from saying nothing.

In this case, using a radical method, a man can't help it, or let her not talk well.

Mu Qiang’s almost breathless kisses have to stop, and some pity will be hugged by the envy of the water. “Oh, obedient, it will be good soon.”

It’s not good, Mu Qianyi feels that he is not good at all.

After leaving the lips for nine nights, Mu Qianq called the airway: "Nine nights, I don't care what I want, I want you now."

Sticking to the skin, all kinds of ignition

I don't want to take care of it, but I have to ignore nothing.

I look at the woman's charming eyes, the chaotic heart, and how I want to have it.

But as long as one person is enough, as long as one person is enough, how can she go with her?

In the nine nights, a dark red fruit was taken out, and only the fruit of the size of the grape was pressed on the lips of Muqian.

"Hey, eat it."

Mu Qianxi shook his head. "I don't eat, I don't eat phoenix and nine nights, you bastard, I want you to eat the most."

Mu Qianqi is like an octopus hanging on the body, looking straight at the nine nights, I can't wait to swallow it directly.

Nine nights were very helpless. I ate this dark purple fruit, clasped the back of my mind, and kissed it.

The general fruit was sent to the mouth of Mu Qianyu for nine nights.

"呜呜呜" No matter how many struggles of Mu Qianxi.

When Mu Qiantang swallowed the fruit, it seemed to come to another space, and the flowers covered the entire ground.

Out of the body, the consciousness is clearer, but the effect is still there.

Soon, she was surrounded by people who were overbearing.

"Here, this gentleman will be satisfied"

"Here, here is what is going on here."

"A dream that I found for Ziyou can make people's knowledge come together."

Purple is the heart of the distressed, can not see to eat, it is better to die.

This did not find all the people, finally found a useful thing.

The curse is above the body, the body can't be lifted intimately, but the soul can, this one dream is the use.

Obviously, it was hard to bear the nine nights. When there was such an opportunity, I didn’t waste a little time and directly dumped Mu Qian’s. Q8zc

Even if Mu Qian’s soul is strong, it will not rival the nine-night ghost-like ghost.

She shouted hoarsely: "Nine nights, don't you stop me."


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