Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1318: Don't be shy

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When the effect of the fruit disappeared, the whole person was exhausted.

I said that I have to eat for nine nights. This is good, I am being eaten by myself.

The soul of Mu Qianxi is in a dormant state, the soul is satisfied, and the body should be good.

Obviously, Mu Qianzhen thinks so good.

Even if the soul is dormant, the effect of the medicine is still effective, and the body almost instinctively wanders around the Millennium, and the nine nights that wake up wake up to her.

Soon I woke up, and my body was wrapped around my eyes.

And his body, the most evil curse.

Fortunately, Ziyou gave his master a lot of homework, so this situation can be changed nine times a night to give Mu Qianji the remedy.

Mu Qianxi is very comfortable to sleep, but nine nights can be miserable.

Originally with such a curse of curse, but also to resist the **** ** of Mu Qian, is definitely not for people.

But watching her is not so painful, it is worth it.

Mu Qianxi took a comfortable sleep and woke up to see the scary nine nights.

Nine nights hugged her: "Don't move, there is not much medicine"

Mu Qianxi also knows that the nine nights are still the endurance to the extreme, Bodhi Heart Dan does not know how much to eat.

Her hoarse voice: "It's already much better, take me to the cold pool, I can solve it myself."

Seeing the appearance of nine nights, she still wants to be angry after taking a dream.


Although I still want to stay close, but nine nights know to continue, everything will get out of control.

After setting up a good medicine, Mu Qiang said to the Nine Nights: "You also go to the bubble."

There was a danger in the nine nights of light, "You are sure to let me go"

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Of course I am sure, but I am already awake a lot now. If you are willing to act rashly, you will dare to abolish it."

During the talks of Mu Qian, the nine-night lip has been attached to her earlobe.

"When I cross the river, how can you take the bridge?

When I think of the souls of the two people entangled in the soul space, even if there is no physical touch, the feeling makes her feel like she is

Mu Qian’s breathing is getting more and more urgent, knowing that the soul is more sensitive than the body, and where it is.

Mu Qian’s heart was completely calm, and she jumped into the cold pool.

"If you want to resist yourself, if you don't come down, you will be free."

Soon, nine nights went in and took Mu Qianxi into his arms.

"Since I hope that the king will come down, this gentleman will come naturally."

The medicine of Mu Qianji was very effective. Although the body's movement was suppressed, the two hearts leaped in a hurry.

This moment seems to be still

The two looked at each other for a while, and they entangled the lips of Mu Qian’s lips for nine nights.

The kiss made people suffocate, and as a result, it was discovered that Mu Qianyu fell asleep nine nights.

In fact, Mu Qian is tired, and nine nights have also struggled a lot.

The nine-night arms tightly held Mu Qian’s arms in his arms and then slept.

There was silence around, and the whole family’s poisonous scorpions became very quiet.

Mu Qianxi didn't know how long he had slept, but he waited until he woke up.

Mu Qianxi looked at the person who was holding it tightly. The nine nights of sleep were perfect for people to care for, and put all the guards in front of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi looked a little fascinated and seemed to be confused by the powerful magic.

She was close, approaching, hitting the perfect lip, with a hint of cold, but greedy to capture.

I looked at the door outside the room where Mu Fengling was located, like an ice sculpture, as if it would not move at all.

I sighed and sighed, I don’t understand the feelings.

箫 family training, only talk about desire, not emotional

Now, I finally understand why there is such an ancestral training in the family, because once the emotions, even the strongest in the world, will be tortured and die, more vulnerable than any weak animal.

Even if this person is the one who destroys the family, there is some pity.

He said: "I found a few jars of old wine in my cellar, and I don't want to have a cup in the North Cold Hall."

Said that you can use alcohol to eliminate

Gu Baiyi replied: "My children let me guard, there can be no bad pool, naturally I can't drink."

"You" is speechless.

Muttering, "You are really boring."

Since you have to stand up and feel uncomfortable, it will always be uncomfortable.

In fact, there are not only white clothes, but also blue shadows.

Even if Mu Qiang did not let it be here, the instinct of being a beggar should stay close to the master, but

Looking at her close to nine nights, the only thought in her heart is to escape, and it is best not to see anything.

It’s a jealousy, but it’s a deliberate jealousy, and it’s really painful to see it.

A strong attack fell on the body, not as much as a millionth of that pain.

Can not stay with her, do not dare to stay with her, so can only choose to stay with her very important relatives.

“Is this something for my family?” As soon as he walked into another room, he found that the furnishings of the ** layout had now become a Buddhist temple.

a buddha that radiates this sacred glow

The sound of the dust on the futon began to chanting, and it seemed that everything around him was not bad.

Kneeling, it seems that in addition to this, the six clean monks are the most calm.

It’s been three days, and the owner hasn’t returned yet. The owner is so brave.

The man is estimated to be unable to walk.

Mu Qianxi secretly kissed for nine nights. In fact, nine nights have already woken up, but she still has her eyes closed. Q8zc

By her, greedily breathe the breath of her fascination.

Mu Qianxi gave the pulse for nine nights, screaming. "This time, it’s okay, there is no load on the body, and the curse has not come out as a demon."

Mu Qianxi did not expect her to finish, and she looked back at the pair of ice blue eyes.

The hoarse road: "Since this is all right, then"

Nine nights approached Mu Qian, and Qian Qian said: "You are fine, I have something."

"Is it clear that it is excessive debt collection, is it not intended to return?"

Mu Qian’s face is coming again.

This guy actually has to settle accounts after the fall, "it is too much for you."

"But the initiative is 汐"

Nine nights hold Mu Qian, "You don't have to be shy"

The plundered kiss fell, and the lips were greedily allowed. Although the water in the cold pool was cold, it did not meet the hot feelings of the nine nights. ,

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