Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1339: One's own power 2633

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Too angry!

The refining pharmacists in the Quartet were also angry. If they didn't take care of their faces and took care of the powerful medicinal herbs, they all wanted to bring this group of people to the lake. 135%7924?*6/810

Hu Changlao said: "Try again, this time if it fails! You can only postpone the test, and wait for the arrangement in Zongli!"

"The next time the Zongmen sent people, you must not let them waste into the pharmaceutical industry!"

"Yes! What are their qualifications to enter the pharmaceutical world!"


The most powerful thing about screaming is the disciples of the medicinal herbs of the team where Mu Qianxi is located. The next time they are not allowed to enter the pharmaceutical industry?

Mu Qiang’s eyes flashed a dark light. If she couldn’t go in, she went to find a good place to find Jiuyang Xuanguo!

The purple figure flashed and Mu Qianxi rushed to the front.

Some of these people are still screaming, and Mu Qian felt that they were noisy, and they stretched out their feet and squatted out.

"You are too noisy!"

"Hey!" A few figures, like a rag, fell into the lake.

Everyone saw this scene all stunned, she... she even flew the disciple of the medicine sect!

Many refining pharmacists in the Quartet feel that they are very popular! What they didn't dare to do, this little headache and painful did.

However, Haifan and White Smoke have been gloating, and Mu Qianzhen is really daring, and even the people of the medicinal daring!

To know that the drug sect is a four-star force, here is not the North Han Temple, Mu Qianzhen is still so arrogant, it is self-destruction!

"You... you are so bold!"

The disciples of the medicinal sects were also angry. A small scorpion film in the Quartet, who dared to move their medicines.

The people who fell into the water also hurriedly climbed up, and wanted to rush to the palm of their hand.

At this time, a horrible spirit shrouded.

Everyone present was shuddering, even the elders of this time, the elder of the medicinal sergeant, Hu’s eyes, showed the color of fear.

This is a terrible spiritual power. This four-party world has such mysterious masters.

They did not know at all what the spiritual power came from, and they could only be carefully guarded against it, so as not to be obscured by God.

Elder Hu’s low voice: “I don’t know which adult? We don’t mean to offend, please...”

Mu Qianxi said: "The elder does not have to be nervous, not the enemy. If you still want to open the passage of the medicine industry, then be quiet, come again!"

Everyone looked at Mu Qianlong with wide eyes. Is this spiritual power from her?

This is impossible. This little girl is not even twenty years old.

This is a refining pharmacist from the east: "I know who this mental power is, it must be a ghost doctor!"

"Yes, it must be a ghost doctor!"

"Ghost doctors have come, but he did not sign up for this refining pharmacist conference!"

"No registration is good! We signed up and we want to fight for the first place, but there is no chance at all."

Hu Changchang, "Ghost doctor?"

They don't know about this person!

Mu Qian said: "Don't waste time, let's get started!"

Elder Hu also calmed down and said: "Get started!"

There are high-level people to help, such an opportunity they absolutely do not want to miss.

Soon, they concentrated their mentality to open the channel again.

The medicinal disciple who was enthralled into the water, because of a powerful spiritual deterrent, did not dare to start with Mu Qian.

They squatted on the millennium, and then walked around the back of Mu Qianxi.

The previous time consumed all their mental power, but this time it was not ideal.

Mu Qian’s face was relaxed, and she stood at the forefront and she finally saw it clearly.

This lake has a point of cut between the pharmacy and the Quartet. In fact, as long as the mental power is injected into that point, then the passage can be opened naturally.

This array of medicinal herbs is completely brute force.

The brute force is natural, and if the power is not enough now, it will be troublesome.

Mu Qian’s spiritual power was continuously injected into that point, and soon a vortex appeared on the lake.

The vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and it quickly stabilized.

Hu Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, "Open!" q8zc

Surprisingly smooth, he can feel that other people have not used much strength, and the current state can not help anything?

All this is done by a mysterious adult, amazing!

Even the Sovereign can't do such a thing.

He must warn those disciples to talk carefully in the future, even if it is the weakest plane, there is the possibility of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Once you have offended a high-ranking person who can't be offended, you may be in trouble for the drug sect.

In fact, it is not the spirit of Mu Qian’s spirit, even if the spirit of Wanju Daquan becomes stronger, there is no ability to tear open.

Only as the master of the eternal guardian, the sensitivity to the room is much higher than that of the ordinary people.

"Opened! Great!"

"Great! Finally opened."


Everyone is a little weak and rushed to take the remedy.

After all, opening the channel is something other than the test, and then entering the pharmaceutical world, the test really begins.

Hu Changlao said: "The pharmaceutical industry has been opened smoothly, and it is possible to close at any time. Please hurry in! See you after half a month!"

"Hey!" Countless figures rushed into the whirlpool of the lake.

They stepped into the pharmacy, and the aura with medicinal scent came to them, making them feel a lot of spirit in a moment.

They are extremely strange in this pharmacy, and many familiar pharmacists are ready to team up, so that they can complete the task better.

Haifan said: "Smaughter sister, if you don't give up, can you cooperate with this young master."

Bai Yaner said: "The smoker will naturally not let the sea and the Lord suffer, and he will bother the sea to take care of the smoke."

Haifan smiled and said: "No trouble, take care of such a child like a smoker's sister, how can this young master feel trouble?"

The East Pole Hall and Haitian Island were slandered, and Haifan gloomyly looked at Mu Qianyi, first completed the assessment, and then cleaned up this stinky woman.

When I got here, I saw the owner of the North Cold Temple. How can I support her?

White smoke eyes look sinister to Mu Qian, this is definitely the best place to deal with Mu Qian, she must be here to torture her.

Mu Qianjing naturally noticed this unfriendly place, but such a good place, the elixir is more lovely than these slag, she does not want to waste time on them.

The purple figure swept out, and the cute elixir came to the doctor.

The disciples of several medicinal herbs smashed to the disappearing purple figure. One of them said: "Yellow brother, the **** woman dared to do it to us. Have we let her go like this?"

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