Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1340: See you have 2545

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The yellow brother said: "The **** woman looks so sign, I must greet her well and let her know that she is offended. 135%7924?*6/810"

"But Huang brother, the mysterious strongman is afraid..."

"You are stupid! This is a very weak circle. Even if the medicine industry is coming, it is only on the first floor. In fact, there are not many treasures. Otherwise, where is it our turn? The predecessors can’t see it, how is it possible? Will come in."

"Hey! Huang Shixiong said it too, but by the time, Master Huang should not forget to share us a cup!"

"This is of course! What is our relationship." Huang Shixiong smiled.

There are seven kinds of elixir on paper, which is not an ordinary elixir.

There is no real learning in refining, and it is estimated that half of the elixir above is not known.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It’s not a test of medicine, it’s quite awkward!"

However, it is hard to stop her.

Here the elixir can be seen everywhere, and Mu Qian is very excited to search for elixir.

She smiled and said: "It’s a place where medicine is also remembered. There are a lot of treasures here."

Mu Qiang’s luck was good. A lot of elixir was harvested along the way, and she also found the first round of assessments to ask her to find Yuan Tianguo.

When Mu Qianxi planned to uproot the Yuanguo fruit, a gray robe old man came over.

He said: "The little girl, the old man is in need of this day Yuanguo to pass the assessment, can you give me this day Yuanguo."

"First come, first served! You are late." Mu Qianxi faint.

"Don't you want the old man to grab you?" The old man's eyes were threatened.

Mu Qianxiao smiled. "Old guy, grab me?"

"It's you……"

He glanced, "Don't think that you have a few medicinal sects and think that you are more powerful, and that you are surrendering, and I don't care about you with a little doll. ”

"You are rolling now! I don't care about you!"

"A big tone, it seems that the old man does not shoot, it is not alright!" The power of the nineth order of the Emperor of the Emperor came out, and the thousands of glory were cold.

Mu Qianxi was also angry. "I am bothered by the interest in collecting medicine. You will die very badly!"

"Invincible! It is handed over to you!"

Only half a month's time of collecting medicine, how precious, she is not like a waste of one minute, the things to clear the obstacles are handed over to invincible and Xiaohong.

Invincible is obviously very happy to do such a thing, the white light flashes, the pressure of the six-level holy beast makes this old guy's eyes wide open.

"Six-level holy beast!"

Although he is a nine-level spirit, he is a refining pharmacist!

The refining pharmacists are not good at fighting at all. The skin is very thin. Where is the opponent of the sixth-level holy beast?

His face was white and said: "This day Yuan Yuan will give it to you, the old man will not grab you!"

After that, he ran at the fastest speed!

Invincible is very helpless: "This old guy is too courageous to give me a chance to do it."

Mu Qianxi is very satisfied with this drug industry, it is a paradise.

Some of the attacking beasts were blocked by invincible and Xiaohong, and she could take medicine without barriers.

Mu Qianqian said, "Most of them are ancient medicines, and even the shadow of a heavenly medicine is not seen. It seems that this is not the core of the pharmaceutical industry."

Some of the medicinal medics did not tell them where the core of the pharmacy is. Is it true that some of the disciples of the medicinal tract should know?

Ms. Qian said, "I knew that I had some tracking powder on them. Now I want to find someone to look at luck."

Although there are no people who have found the medicine, there are four kinds of medicines that have been found in the four medicines.

She smelled a scent of ecstasy, very light, not a sharp-smelling refining pharmacist could not detect it.

Mu Qianxi plucked into a place where there was no growth of any elixir, but rather a lot of transparent stones.

Mu Qianqian said, "Jade Jingshi can not be used as medicine, but there are so many jade stones, there are treasures under this place."

Mu Qian took out the tools, found the place, and then dug down the ground.

Under the ground, there is a trunk that can be kept by one person. Mu Qianji digs the middle of the trunk and has a light green liquid inside.

"Wan Nianshu soul liquid, heavenly elixir, the strongest heavenly step to nourish the holy things, good things!"

Although she doesn't need this thing, she only needs a drop, and she doesn't know how many people want to get it.

When Mu Qianxi was carefully collecting this eternal tree soul liquid, the rich aroma of the spirit liquid led a group of people.

When I saw the liquid in the center of the dead wood, I was very excited. "It turned out to be Wannianshu spiritual liquid, and it turned out to be Wannianshu soul liquid!"

Mu Qianxi completely ignored them, and installed this Wannian tree soul liquid, and did not leave a drop.

"Little girl, such a heavenly elixir that can be encountered and not available, sees a share, is it not a bit unreasonable to take it alone?" A gentle-looking middle-aged man came over.

"This thing was discovered first. Can I take it away? If you find out first, you will keep this good thing for others. Everyone is a peer. You should not come out funny." He laughed.

These people's faces are iron and blue, and this little girl doesn't even give them a face.

"Don't stop here, waste my time."

In this marginal area, luck is good to find a spiritual fluid like Wannianshu, but to find the level of Jiuyang Shenguo, it is estimated to go to the core of the land.

"Little girl, you dare to talk to us like this!"

"Senior brother, don't talk nonsense with her, just grab it. This little girl who doesn't know how to be tall and thick, will not let her go, anyway, we will clean her up so that she will not be able to fall into the hands of the medicine!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Do it, good, I will accompany you!" q8zc

"Invincible, Xiaohong!"

One red and one white rushed to this group of people like lightning. After seeing invincible and Xiaobai, their faces changed dramatically.

"No wonder this little girl is so arrogant, it turns out that there are two contracted beasts!"

"I was able to contract two holy beasts. I really looked down on her."

"What about that? She has only two holy beasts, but we have more than two people. I will pack that little girl first."

Soon, a figure approached Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianqi pulled out and looked like Yan Longjian. Yan Longjian broke out a terrible flame.

This girl, who is clearly only the eighth-order strength of the Emperor, gives a very dangerous feeling at this time.

The gentle middle-aged man who was entangled in invincible hurriedly shouted: "Teacher! Come away from her."

However, his reminder is too late.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Yanlong lore!"

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