Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1343: Ask her for mercy

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"Red Lotus!"

The red-red fire lotus, surrounded by the black satin.

The dragon of the dragon broke out, destroyed, and erased everything!

This new weapon, White Smoke, disappeared without the trace of the power of the Dragon.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the smoker's face paled a few steps back, the body fell weakly on the ground.

The blow just broke out all her power, but still can't! No!

Because, the sword of eternal!

The power of the Eternal Sword is getting stronger and stronger.

White smoke is unwilling to say: "Mu Qianxi, if you don't have an eternal sword in hand, it is easy for me to kill you! You just rely on artifacts."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "If there is no power that Yu Ji gives you, I see that you don't even have the king's order now, but also the spirit of the nineth order? It is easy for the master to pinch you and pinch an ant, you said? !"

Bai Yaner said: "Mu Qianxi, you nonsense! This is not the case at all. My cultivation is based on my strong talents. You are this!"

Mu Qiang cold channel: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

Mu Qian’s palm condensed a powerful mysterious force and patted it toward the white smoke.

"Ring Luo Yin!"

"The sage of the saints!" There are several refining pharmacists in the East Pole Hall rushed to see, with white smoke to avoid the attack of Mu Qian.

However, their speed is still too slow. "Oh!", although the seal of Mu Qianxi did not smash the heart of the white smoke, but the bones of her whole arm were directly crushed!

The white smoke hurts his teeth and bites his face. His face is pale!

Others are also worried about giving her a remedy, "The Virgin!"

"Grandma, let's go! Our man is terrible."

At this time, the peak of the East Pole Temple was full of injuries and ran back, leaving the master of Haitian Island to fight alone.

The master of Haitian Island had blood on his face, and the **** had left him alone.

He also wants to run, but where will the blue shadow let him run away.

White smokers are very reluctant, but the situation at this time is very unfavorable for them.

White smoke hurriedly said: "Go! Let's go!"

"You are broken!"

"Hey!" Invincible and Xiaohong, they naturally won't let them go easily, and the violent attack will fall.

The people in the East Pole Hall responded quickly, but the people in Haitian Island were slower.

"Smoke!" It was hard to stabilize the injured sail directly.

He was thinking about the woman who wanted to maintain, and even ran away without saying anything.

To fight with some people in the East Pole Hall, Mu Qian is not afraid of them.

However, they managed to escape, and they were hard to keep.

Moreover, she did not have the time to chase the deserters!

"Less master, go!"


The peak of Haitian Island was vomited by Qingying, and they finally saw the horror of the enemy.

The reason why the little girl is arrogant is because she has a strong reliance, they really should not be enemies with her!

It’s too late to figure it out now.

"Hey!" Qingying finally made a fatal attack on him, he could not escape.

The peak of this side of Haitian Island, and also a master of refining medicine, has fallen to this place.

Other people's faces flashed the color of fear, Haifan said: "Damn!"

"Go! Hurry up and **** this little master to leave!"

Mu Qianxi sneered: "It’s a bit late to want to go now! I know that you should see me go around and it is a waste of our time."

Some people in Haitian Island are so irritated that they are the worst, and they have lost so many masters!

Today, she actually dislikes that they have wasted her time.

"Protect less master!"

"The **** is less than the Lord!"

Invincible and Xiaohong directly blocked their back roads, and Mu Qian’s plan to move hands. The blue shadow fell in front of Mu Qian’s.

Blue Shadow Road: "Thousands, rest!"

Mu Qianxi broke out of the strongest fighting power of Yanlong. The white smoke was seriously injured. The people who played the Dongji Temple were caught off guard and now they have reached the limit.

Although Qingying is not a person, he is very sensitive to everything he has.

Don't want her to be too tired!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Since Qingying took the initiative to ask, then I will hand you over. These medicinal herbs are for you."

Mu Qianxi did not hesitate to take out a bottle of medicinal herbs to Qingying. Qingying had just battled two peak masters and consumed a bit.

For the medicinal herbs that Mu Qiang gave him, he ate it unceremoniously!

Some people in Haitian Island saw that Qingying was so crazy to eat medicinal herbs. In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred medicinal herbs were gone, and it was still a heavenly order.

They are refining pharmacists! But I have never seen anyone eating dandruff so much.

"No! He is not a person, he has no spiritual strength and strength, and he is very similar to you!"

"I have been a refining pharmacist for so many years, but I have never heard of eating medicinal herbs to maintain the battle!"

"And, with such a large consumption of medicinal herbs, it is estimated that no one can afford such awkwardness."

They Haitian Island claims to be more powerful than Samsung, but there is no guarantee that it will be able to raise such a flaw.

When they were shocked, Qingying had already started.

"Ah!" In the face of the shadow of the blue shadow, they simply did not have any room to fight back.

Want to run? Sorry, a six-level holy beast and a fifth-level holy beast are guarding it! There is absolutely no chance for them to escape.

"Less master, we can't run!"

"Less master, what should I do?"


Haifan looked at Mu Qianxi. He knew that Mu Qiang’s white smoke had burst out with a strong force. Now that the spiritual power has been exhausted, there is no shot, and it must be well handled!

As long as you control the Millennium, all the holy beasts can be solved.

When he thought of the white smoke, he couldn't help but cursing a curse! He even ran alone, and it was good for her to lose weight.

Haifan once again shot against Mu Qian, and a diamond-shaped dart flew out like a lightning bolt.

This dart has the poison of Haitian Island on it. Once it encounters the Millennium, Mu Qian will die.

The attack of Haifan is completely pediatric for Mu Qianxi!

Mu Qian’s arm moved, and it was very easy to catch this dart.

Did not hurt Mu Qian, this dart also fell into the hands of Mu Qianxi!

Haifan suddenly smiled. Even so, he succeeded.

He almost jumped up with excitement and looked at Mu Qianxi: "Mu Qianxi, don't hurry up and stop, kneel down and ask the Lord for mercy?"

Mu Qianxi looked at Haifan with the dart in his hand like a smile: "Stop? Go down and beg for mercy? Do you think it is possible? Idiot!"

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