Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1344: When it is fertilizer

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Haifan said: "Mu Qianxi, you really don't know how to live and die, your poison, but my secret of Haitian Island!"

"Listen to what you said is very powerful, but it is just like this!" Mu Qianxi played with a smile.

Her wrist flicked gently, and this dart flew like a lightning to the sail.

Now that the sea sails are hiding, the abdomen is hit by the poison dart.

At first thought of how terrible the poison on the poison dart, Haifan was scared and his head was blank.

Even with antidote, he forgot to come.

His lips began to darken, and the great pain made him tremble.

"Antidote...Yes! I have antidote!" I hurriedly took the remedy from the space ring.

As soon as the purple figure flashed, the antidote in Haifan’s hands fell into the hands of Mu Qian’s.

Haifan is almost in a hurry, and he grabs Mu Qian’s words: "Give me... give me an antidote..."

"Ah! Give me an antidote, it's too late, it's too late, I beg you!"

At this time, Haifan was swallowed by fear. He said: "If you kill me, Haitian Island will not let you go. My soul is left with my mark. Once you kill me, I will know. You killed it."

"Give me... give me an antidote..."

Mu Qianxi is a light face, "I threaten me, I will not give it! Haitian Island, North Han Temple will be afraid of you a small island?"

Haifan is going crazy, this woman simply does not know how powerful they are in Haitian Island, and does not buy it at all!

He bit his teeth, and in order to survive, he is also in a hurry.

"I know, I know where the core of the first layer of the pharmaceutical industry is, as long as you give me an antidote, I... I will give you the map."

"Ah! Come on!"

Haifan's face was pale and screaming, and almost fainted.

Mu Qianxi is slightly stunned. It seems that it is no coincidence that they meet them here because the purpose is the same.

Mu Qian said: "Well! You hand over the map, I will give you the antidote."

Haifan now has no choice but to take out a broken map from the space.

Mu Qianxi whispered: "This map is not complete!"

Haifan said: "This is what we can't get on Haitian Island. Even if it is broken, it is very precious..."

"Give me the medicine and give me the antidote..."

Mu Qianxi gave the sail bottle that was robbed to Haifan. "Your antidote, it is for you."

Haifan took the medicine and hurriedly ate it.

Mu Qianxi told the invincible they said: "Other people, one should not stay."


Some people in Haitian Island are facing the disaster of extinction. Mu Qianyi opened the map and saw that this map is not helpful to her.

Based on her observations and this map, it is absolutely possible to find the core of this pharmacy within these days.

"Hey!" Invincible and Qingying, they solved all of them.

These large and small refining pharmacists in Haitian Island are destined to become fertilizers for the pharmaceutical industry.

After Haifan ate the antidote, the situation seemed to have improved a lot.

However, after the people of Haitian Island were wiped out, he suddenly felt that there were countless worms smashing in his body.

"Ah! How can this be? How can this be the case, how can the antidote be ineffective?" Haifan shouted with tears.

Mu Qian said: "If you are a refining pharmacist, don't you find that this is completely different from your family's poison, and it is much more advanced."

Haifan discovered at this time that he had a new poison.

"You... you have poisoned me, you are a monk, antidote... give me an antidote..."

Mu Qianxi puts a hand in his hand: "I am sorry, I just raised it for a while, and added a little medicine to it. Let your family's poison and your family's antidote add a little bit of my home, and the success has changed. The toxins, I have not yet thought of such detoxification."

Haifan stunned, "You... what do you say? I will not let you go to Haitian Island."

Mu Qian said: "This poison will not let you die now! You will never die in front of me. You have no live mouth in Haitian Island. How much do you think they have a chance to know that you are killing me."

Of course, there is still a loophole, that is, white smoke. But even if Haitian Island knows, there is no evidence, they dare to try!

"You...you..." Haifan was fainting.

Mu Qian said: "This poison will make you suffer until the medicine industry opens, then you can get rid of the fertilizer."

"You... you hate it!"

"Hey!" A large mouth of blood spouted, and the sail directly fainted.

And when Mu Qian took the map and left, he must find the core place as soon as possible.

The time to reach the core of the pharmacy is even faster than the imagination of the Millennium. There are countless remedies for the best of the world.

This is definitely a paradise for refining pharmacists. Don't be too happy.

When Mu Qiang was happy to collect medicine, suddenly there were a few breaths close, and the person who came naturally was a medicinal person.

When they saw the purple figure, "It's you! You actually came here."

Watching a sacred medicine drop into the hands of Mu Qian, their faces are more gloomy.

"This is not where you can come? Don't you leave soon?"

Mu Qianqi slightly raised his eyebrows. "Since I entered this pharmacy, it is also a drug industry. Why can't I come?"

"You are a yellow-haired little girl in the Quartet. This treasure has always been the place where our medicinal disciples collect the elixir. Where is yours?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I am really funny. Is this a medical profession that is not a cure for your medicine? Is this site a written name for your medicine?"

"Let's leave, don't waste my time." Mu Qianxi walked over.

How precious it is to collect medicine, she really does not want to waste time with this group of flies.

"Don't think that if you open a medicine channel with a mysterious powerhouse, you can not put our medicines in your eyes. In fact, you can open them without the medicinal herbs. Now let me get out of this area, otherwise don't Blame us for being polite." They screamed at the Millennium.

"You're welcome! I have to look at it, how are you going to be polite?" Mu Qianxi is not good at temper now.

Being disturbed by a group of flies to collect the elixir, it is strange to have a good temper.

"Give her a lesson!" One of them is humane.

Although it wasn't for them when they were outside, they were also playing the face of their medicinal herbs in the red fruit.

Nowadays, this woman still wants to take the core medicine of the first layer of this medicine industry. She will not give her a little lesson to see. Do they really think that their medicine is good to bully?

When they finished, they surrounded Mu Qianji.

"To deal with this woman, one hand is enough to solve, my brother, come on!" A younger medicinal disciple, take the initiative to ask.

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