Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1345: Arrogant death

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Mu Qiang didn't want to waste time with them, and soon a few needles flew out.

"hidden weapon!"

"Be careful!"

The disciples of these medicinal herbs changed their faces, and the purple figure flashed. All the poisonous powder was spilled out in the hands of Mu Qian.

"Cough and cough!"


"Brother, it's okay! A poison from a low-level refining pharmacist, how can we get us?"

For the poison of Mu Qiang, they all took a contemptuous attitude, but when they discovered that the spiritual power in the body disappeared.

"Hey!" The bones of their bodies were pulled away and fell directly to the ground.

"You..." They looked at Mu Qianyu with a stunned look.

Looking down on the poison of the Quartet refining pharmacist, now it has paid a painful price.

"This is impossible! What poison did she use, it will have a role for us!"

"What a joke? We are the disciples of the medicine, how can they be poisoned by a refining pharmacist in the lower class."

No matter how much they don't want to accept this fact, it is true!

"Detoxification Dan!" They remembered the detoxification Dan on their own body.

However, there was no strength at all, and even the efficacy of detoxification was not available.

"Antidote, hurry up to give us an antidote!"

"Sneak attack, poison, you are not equipped with a pharmacist, not worthy of entering the pharmaceutical industry."


Mu Qianxi looked at them with sneer: "You are from the pharmacists of the medicinal remedies! You have not realized that you are in the situation, and it is better to ask for a better attitude. Otherwise, I will be deadly poisonous. You can It’s going to be the fertilizer here.”

They were so angry that they were gnashing their teeth. One of the older medicinal disciples said, "How do you give us the antidote?"

Mu Qian said: "My antidote, but very expensive!"

"We can buy or take a drug exchange."

"I don't want this, I want the elixir on you."

"This...no!" They were only able to gain qualifications to enter the pharmaceutical industry. Although there are many core medicines, there are many brothers and sisters, and the medicines they can get are limited.

If the elixir is given to her, the absolute loss will be heavy.

Mu Qiang took out a drug needle: "If this is the case, then you can only let you be a fertilizer here."

The cold light that flashed through the bottom of the millennium made them feel terrified, and she seemed to really poison them.

Fear, so that they can only compromise.

"I give it! I give it, I will give you the elixir you want!"

"And me, my space ring is there."


Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "This is obedient!"

Mu Qianxi swept all the things like their space rings, and finished their elixir directly, letting their hearts drop blood.

Although these flies are a little in the way, the harvest is not bad!

I don't want to do it myself. I am looking forward to it. There are some flies, and she can save a lot of things.

"We have given you everything you want. Can you give us an antidote?"

They have a glimmer of light in their eyes. Once they detoxify, they must make this woman look good.

When Mu Qian’s hand moved, the medicine needles flew out.

At this point they finally found themselves moving, and of course the next moment they rushed to Mu Qian.

I want to avenge her, take over their elixir, and even rob her elixir.

However, they were completely unaware of the hatred, but they recovered their ability to act, but did not restore their spiritual power.

When they reacted, it was too late!

Mu Qiang has already started, "Water Dragon is off!"

"Hey!" Their bodies flew out like a scarecrow that was blown away by the storm.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" They screamed and screamed.

Of course, this is not the end of their pain. Several needles flew over and plunged directly into their acupuncture points.

"Ah!" The screams of killing pigs came.

The disciples of these medicinal herbs are all big men, but they are so painful that they burst into tears.

Mu Qian said: "Give you some gentle poison, but you don't know what to do, how is the poisonous taste now?"


"Give me an antidote, beg you..."


The noble disciples of the noble Xuantian four-star medicinal medicinal herbs, with tears in their eyes at this time, are extremely poor and seek for the antidote.

A big beauty crying so I see pity, Mu Qian will not sympathize, let alone a big man who looks flat.

"Cry! It’s useless to cry. When the pharmacy is open, you will go out to your elders who are powerful, and will naturally give you antidote."

Their faces have become even more pale, and it will take so long, they have no life is one thing.

At this time, there are footsteps close.

When I saw a group of crying and horrible medicinal disciples, they stunned. "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

"Yellow brother, help! She...she..." One of them shed tears and pointed to Mu Qian.

The one who was seen by Huang’s brother saw the familiar figure, and suddenly he sank. “It’s you! It turned out to be you.”

He rushed up indignantly, gloomy: "We met again, did not expect to meet you here."

The more Huang Shixiong looked at it, the more he felt that the beauty of this woman was impeccable, and it was more perfect than the first beauty of their medicine.

But the temper is a bit bad, but the pungent beauty is more individual, isn't it?

The other person’s eyes were very pleasant, and the eyes of Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a cold light. “I don’t know you! Now I’m going to give me off!”

"You...you don't even know me!" Master Huang was angry.

This woman, in front of so many refining pharmacists, took him to the lake, and now he said that he did not know him, **** it!

"Brother, save me!"

"Brother, I can't stand it anymore!"


Huang Shixiong looked at their misery and said: "You gave them poison!"

I can't help but scorn these people, and it's too wasteful!

Being poisoned by a woman turned out to be no way to detoxify, and it was a shame for them!

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "I want to solve the medicine, give me the elixir in you, I can consider it."

"Let me hand over the antidote, impossible! Woman, you hand over the antidote, follow me as my little sister, I can take you to collect the elixir at this core, if you have the elixir you see, as long as You are pleased with me, I can reward some for you." Huang Shixiu stopped Mu Qian.

Mu Qian is angry, Xiao Yan!

Mu Qianxi is unceremonious. Anyway, a group of people is also awkward, and the second batch is also awkward.

The strength of this group of people is even stronger than the one that was just robbed.

Mu Qiang started, and when Huang’s brother did not react, he kicked directly toward his shackles.

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