Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1349: Distinctive power

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"Hey!" This force directly blocked the attack of Mu Qianxi.


"Invincible, Xiaohong!"

When they rushed over, Mu Qianxi shouted invincible and Xiaohong out of the enemy!


Invincible and Xiaohong stopped the two, while the other three arrested Mu Qian.

The strength of the darkness emerged from their arms, with a strange appeal.

Because of this strange power, Mu Qian’s body could not control the flight to them.

Qing Ying took Mu Qian, and isolated this strange power.

He rushed up to deal with the three remaining people.


Very strong, these five people are really strong.

Invincible can still support, but Xiaohong can't last long, because they are all masters.

How to do?

Mu Qianxi looked at another group of medicinal disciples!

She is not able to deal with the peak master, but these defeats will be better.

The purple figure passed, and the medicinal disciple who took the lead changed his face. "You... what are you doing?"

At this time, Mu Qianxi has come closer and put people in his hands.

She held the needle against her neck.

Mu Qianxi looked at the five humanities: "Give me a hand, or some of your younger brothers, I will not let go."

As a result, the Zhao brother suddenly laughed. "Small sister, you actually thought of this way, you want to kill and kill!"

The hostage in the hand can't believe his ears at all.

"Zhao Shixiong, what do you say? You are not acknowledging that your sister should take good care of me? You grew up watching me grow up, how can you bear it..."

"A group of medicinal waste, even if you don't kill, we will clean up at that time." The voice of the man was extremely gloomy.

"You... what are you talking about? You are not a brother Zhao, you are definitely not!"

"Yes, this is not like Brother Zhao. That trick is not the practice of our medicine!"


At this point, the disciples of this group of medicinal herbs were shocked.

Although some of these people have the appearance of their fellow brothers, they are too strange!

Admiring a thousand miles, "Your medicinal herbs have been mixed in by others!"

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi lost the man, and since it was useless, he did not have the strength to kill.

"The fire is burning!" Xiaohong broke out of its most powerful power, but still can't break the opponent's defense!

"Hey!" The punch with the evil force slammed into Xiaohong's stomach.

"Hey!" Invincible flew directly out.

Invincible and serious, Mu Qiang can only throw it back into the contract space to recover.

And that person approached Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianqi’s crazy operation has made a spiritual effort and hurriedly dodge.

The man sneered: "The speed is very fast, but for me, it is still too slow!"

As soon as he reached out, he grabbed the neck of Mu Qian.

"Hand over the nine Yang Xuan fruit!"

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi was caught, and Qingying resisted the three attacks of the three men, desperately rushing to Mu Qianxi.

"Boom!" Qingying used the strongest force to repel the one who had smashed Muqian.

But the blood marks on the neck are extremely shocking.

Qingying said: "Thousands, you go first!"

"Want to go, dream!" One of them broke out with a powerful force and shrouded the surroundings.

Mu Qian’s face sank. “The space here is blocked.”

Qingying looked to Mu Qiandao: "I won't let a thousand things happen!"

"You don't have to be useless, it's useless, you can't be my opponent!"

"Boom!" Invincible was knocked down by them, and the huge body fell and turned into a slapped kitten.

Six sacred beasts can't cope with these guys.

"Invincible!" Mu Qianxi summoned the invincible.

Invincible: "Master, you have to be careful! Their spiritual power is very weird!"

Some of the medicinal herbs are also dumbfounded. "Some people are so strong, their spiritual power is very strange. Who are they?"

"No matter who? It is definitely not the person who is our drug lord. When they kill the woman, I am afraid it is our turn to die."

They also want to escape, but the cold poison does not say, the space is blocked, they can not escape, can only wait to die!

Mu Qian’s face flashed a dignified color and held the Yanlong sword tightly.

The blue shadow plunged out, and his figure was swift. Now he wants a person to confront these five strange masters.

"Although I don't know what you are, I have to beat us five and dream!"


Several figures slammed together, and Mu Qian felt that the power of these people seemed to suppress the power of the blue shadow.

Faced with them, the blue shadow is very expensive.

Mu Qianxi waved Yan Longjian, "Yanlong lore!"

"Little sister, don't play this little trick, wait for us to pack this thing, then come and pack you!"

Yanlong is just a scorpion, and the medicine needle that follows is the real attack.

Mu Qianxi knows that his combat power is strong and powerful. Faced with this level of opponents, there is no poison and it is effective.


"It turned out to be a hidden weapon!"

After he found out that it was a hidden weapon, he escaped, but he was still scratched by a needle.

Mu Qian’s face flashed a happy color and succeeded!

As a result, the humanity said: "There is still poison, very interesting poison, but..."

Mu Qianxi clearly felt that he did not have any signs of poisoning. It seems that the traces of being swallowed are not normal. This...


The power of the blue shadow is consumed very quickly, and the medicinal herbs of the omnipotent are not available.

The two have a contractual relationship, and Mu Qian knows that he is in a good situation!

Even so, he is trying his best to fight!


Qingying broke a person's head, and some of them stopped. "You killed us!"

"Destroy him, how is the defense strong? Give it to me!"

Mu Qianshuang sprinkled a variety of pharmaceutical powder, these people have already had a defense, they simply can not hurt them half!

"Hey!" Qingying flew a guy, but the other three people joined forces to hit the blue shadow.

Qingying’s body squatted on the ground, and Mu Qian’s body swept to his side: “Blue Shadow, you’re fine!”

Qingying looked deeply at Muqian: "Thousands, I have to sleep for a while, can't help you kill these people."

Mu Qian said: "You will rest if you are exhausted by the blue shadow! I will not die in their hands, don't worry."

Qingying is very sleepy, but at this time, he is still not at ease, and he will not hold his eyes.

He whispered: "Thousands! Thousand..."

The four of them fell in front of Mu Qianxi: "Your guardian seems to be unable to fight, hurry up and take out Jiuyang Xuanguo!"

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