Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1350: Thank you so much.

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These people think that they have gotten a suspenseful thing.

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Well, Jiuyang Xuanguo, 1 I will give you..."

The words of Mu Qianxi have not yet been finished, and the area covered by the cold poison has begun to erupt with the power of violent violent.

The ice beneath their feet began to shatter.

"Hey!" Countless ice scum, rolled up by the wind.

This power is terrible, and it can be violent to destroy everything here, no matter who it is! Still something!

Some of these people have also changed their faces. They also refused to admire the Jiuyang Xuanguo of the Millennium. They hurriedly said: "Not good! The seven-level holy beast must self-detonate the core!"


"Damn! That seven-level holy beast did not die safely, but I want to blew myself!"

Seven levels of spirit beasts blew themselves, even if their strength is strong, it is difficult to resist.

Mu Qianxi glimpsed slightly, and the corner of his mouth slightly slid a curve.

The poison under her makes the ice lizard not fighting, and the two forces are so tormented by it, it must be tormented by this guy.

But she couldn’t think of it, it would be ridiculous to blew them and die together!

"Abominable human beings, die together! Let me die with me!" The ice lizard made the last growl.

In the face of this self-destructive power that can destroy everything, the heartfelt heart of the whirlpool in this place can be wiped out at any time.

Mu Qianxi is very cheerful: "Big guy, you really did a good thing! Thank you so much. You are also very valuable to die."

"Boom!" A loud noise, everything around it was destroyed.

The consciousness of the ice lizard heard the words of Mu Qiang’s thanks before it was completely dissipated. He almost wanted to reincarnate immediately and then slaughtered the human.

thank! It blew them to death together, and this **** human is also thankful, neuropathy!

"Run! Run!"

The barriers of some strange people broke, and the disciples of the medicinal corps also ran hard.

The guys at the bottom of the pressure box are all out, they don't want to die.

However, Mu Qianxi did not move, and seemed to turn a blind eye to the dangers around him.

She looked at the blue shadow: "Blue Shadow, you can sleep now."

“Thousands of caution!” After reading this sentence, Qingying closed the pair of perfect eyes that were decorated with ink.

After Qingying went to sleep, Mu Qianxi put him in the space.

When the power was to destroy the Millennium, her heart burst into a pale blue light.

There is no power to destroy the space barrier of the eternal guardian.



Under the guardianship of Crystal Ying, Mu Qianxi did not suffer any harm.

However, other people were directly fled out, and the blood spit was not stopped. 67.356

Even if some of them are powerful, they are still struck by the power of this blast.

"Hey!" They didn't listen to vomiting blood.

"The little girl didn't escape?" Their faces changed.

"Her strength is so weak, it can be blamed if she can escape. Damn! Jiuyang Xuanguo will not be destroyed too!"

"Looking for it, maybe you can find the space ring she left behind?"

They just wanted to get up and look for it, and suddenly they seemed to be frozen.


"It's so cold!"

"Ah! I am going to die cold, how can this be?"

The ice lizard has a powerful self-explosive power, but the terrible cold poison that erupted in the self-explosion is even more terrible.

Some of these people turned blue and purple, and they had half a life, and now they have only one breath.

At this time, I also refused to go to find Jiuyang Xuanguo, "forced! Try to poison!"

The chilling of the savings is really scary, although they have the means to devour the poison, but at this time there is a weak letter.

When they tried to control the toxicity, suddenly a purple figure swept in front of them.

Mu Qianxi looked at them and smiled: "You don't want to come to me? I am here?"


Mu Qianguang is cold and cold. "You can't stand up even now!"

Everyone was shocked to see Mu Qian, she was fine!

In the nearest place where the seven-level holy beast blew herself, she was not only okay, but also had no injuries at all. How is this possible?

"Damn!" They wanted to rush and smash the head of Mu Qian.

"Hey!" But just wanted to stand up, but fell to the ground.

Cold poison, so that they have no room to fight back.

There is a smile on Mu Qian’s face, and that one ice lizard is really a big help.

Let her lift the crisis and not even say that they have made them look like this.

Today, she wants them to die, it's easy.

These people are really too evil, and Mu Qian did not talk nonsense with them.

Yan Longjian, a sword directly hit a person's heart.

"Hey!" Yan Long was excited when he killed one of them.

"Master, good evil soul, very delicious!"

The excitement looked so that Mu Qianyi felt that Yanlong wanted to call her to eat together!

The evil soul that can make Yanlong Swords excited, Mu Qianjian naturally knows that it is not good.

"Hey!" Another sword, solved, and only one left.

It was the guy who pretended to be Zhao’s brother. He said, “Little sister, do you dare to kill us?”

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Why don't you dare?"

"But I am very curious, who are you?" It is definitely not a medicinal person.

"My family can know you, I won't say it, can you kill me directly?"

"If you don't say it, I will ask you to say it!"

This time, Mu Qianxi is not using a sword, but using a potion.

This person is not good to deal with, this pharmacy, she added a lot of material.

The highly toxic outbreak of the pharmacy, coupled with the cold poison, is enough to make him tortured.


The pain of the whole body doubled, doubled and continued to double.

Mu Qian said: "To be honest, I will send you to accompany your brother, or you will be slowly absorbed!"

"I can't say it!"

Mu Qianyi has tried many people with poison, and such a mouth-to-face person is really rare.

If you can't ask for it, you can only use another method. The poisonousness makes his consciousness weaker and weaker. Mu Qianji gave him a medicine needle.

Soon, his pupils were scattered and hypnosis was successful.

Mu Qianxi asked: "Who are you guys?"

"I... We are evil spirits, and our evil spirits will be the overlord of the whole world. You are all ants, ants..."

A thousand miles, this is a race, and ambition is not small.

"Are you evil spirits in the Quartet, or in Xuantian?"

Some of these people became medicinal disciples. I don’t know if they were dropped from Xuantian, or they were dropped in the Quartet.

If it is in Xuantian, it is nothing, but if the Quartet hides such an evil race, she has to be careful.

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