Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1353: Nine nights insidious

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Ms. Qian said: "Look for me!"

"Purple secluded said that you want to participate in the Quartet Refining Convention, this is your man. Naturally, I want to cheer you, isn't it?"

"Help!" Mu Qian blinked.

"There are still some things to be handed over to you!"

Nine nights came out with several elixir, and Mu Qiang excitedly said: "Are you all found?"

"If you are not looking for the three ancient beasts of the ancient times, it will be faster!"

"It's already very fast!" Mu Qiang's incomparable joy.

All the elixir needed to refine the medicinal herbs that save the snow enchanting are all found.

This is the best medicine of the heavenly order. I have not awake in my life. She does not have enough spiritual power to refine this level of remedy.


Thinking about the things sent by the Prince of the North Palace will not only help her to have enough spiritual power in this refining pharmacist's meeting, but also to refine the yin and yang.

Double-edged with one arrow!

A horrified voice came, "You..."

"The Yellow Elders..."


When Elder Hu felt that it was not good, he rushed over.

"You North Han Hall, even dare to kill the elders of my medicine. Even if there is a Prince of the North Palace to support you, you also..."

A cold face fell on the body of Elder Hu, and the elders of Hu Chang suddenly shrank.

The cold figure was introduced into his ears. "These ants are killed by the prince! Do you have opinions?"

Elder Hu couldn’t help but hit a spirit, and hurriedly retreated almost out of the door.

Such a terrible momentum, ghost mask, a drop of white bones, claiming this!

"Nine ... nine nights monarch..."

He did not forget that before he came to the Quartet, the nine-night monarch almost cleaned up the inside and outside of their medicines for several elixir.

That is definitely the most miserable one since they were established.

And such a terrible comet has appeared in the Quartet, how is he so unlucky!

Elder Hu has become a statue. The nine-night monarch killed those people. Where can he say?

Even if their lord is standing here today, it is estimated that there is no courage to express any opinions.

Elder Hu laughed and said: "These people have offended the Highness of the Nine Nights. If they kill, they will kill them. How can we blame you for the medicinal herbs!"

Resist the fear, the voice of the voice with a vibrato.

Mu Qianyi is also a glimpse. The original nine-night prince is not only scary in the Quartet, but also in the Xuantian world is still famous!

Nine nights did not talk to Hu Chang’s nonsense, and took advantage of Mu Qian’s slim waist to take people away.

He doesn't like this place, it's better to be a smashing place.

In the nine nights, I took away Mu Qianxi directly, and the light of Bai Baiyi was cold.

To say that Elder Hu was just in a sullen hell, now he can be said to have fallen into the snowfield in the blizzard.

Even the owner of the North Cold Temple is the master of a Samsung force, but the elders are involuntarily cautious in the face of him.

"The Lord of the North, I am cleaning up here, I will not bother you."

He is also an elder of the medicinal sect. He has not been so sorrowful in Xuan Tianjie. He has to go to the square of this low plane, but he wants to have a grandson. He really wants to die!

Because of the intervention of the nine nights, the medicinal genius lost several disciples and said that the elite elders also died.

But they dare to anger and dare not say, they do not want to find death, just hope to hurry than to finish, they will leave soon.

"Master, you are back, I thought that you would be lucky in the North Han Temple! I did not expect to come back, is it to be lucky..."

I learned that Mu Qianxi was back, but he was dressed up in a beautiful and bright way.

But when I pushed the door, I saw that black figure, scared the three souls and seven scorpions to be separated.

He showed a smile that was crying. "I... I was sleeping, I went back to sleep, I..."

I have never had a face without skin, but in the face of nine nights, he is not courageous!

Without waiting for him to escape, a force directly flew him out.

"Ah!" A scream came out.

Mu Qianqi asked: "I won't hang it! If you hang up, where can I find a chief poisoner?"

Nine nights back: "Can't die!"

The dawn of the nine nights is getting deeper and deeper. Mu Qianyan stretched out and said: "I will be exhausted in the medicine industry. I have to go back to my own nest. I have to sleep well. Let it be!"

Mu Qian’s door, but could not stop the shoulders of nine nights.

He took Mu Qianji, who had no bones in his body, into his arms. He said, "I am letting you feel free, not letting you climb a bed?"

"The only thing that this gentleman wants to do is this!" The nine nights were tighter.

He kissed the thousand scorpion's slightly sly scorpion and said: "Hey, I will not quarrel with you."

"Do not believe!"

There was a danger in the eyes of the nine nights. "Do you want to do something for you? Do you believe it?"

Mu Qianxi buried his head in the quilt: "Speaking, if you dare to wake me up, I will abolish you."

"Do not move, this King still has time!" Nine nights are close to Mu Qian Road.

Mu Qianxi slept very well. After half a month of nerve stimulation, she was very tired and went to sleep the next afternoon.

The sun was scattered on his face, and Mu Qian opened his eyes and then squatted in his nine-night arms.

The ice blue scorpion sinks, "Wake up?"


She still hasn't waited for what Mu Qiang said, her lips are blocked, and nine nights are not moving according to the agreement.

But it does not mean wake up, what will not be done?

After all, I have endured for so long, just woke up in the lazy and charming look, even the nine-night monarch can not hold it.

Mu Qianxi was suffocated when she was kissed. She pushed the nine nights: "Nine nights, I am hungry, you... you calm down me!"

"I can't calm down, how about giving you a shot?" Mu Qian took out the killer and threatened him.

Looking at Muqian for nine nights: "Hungry, Benjun is going to cook for you."

Mu Qian’s face froze, and her killer is weaker than the killer of nine nights.

Mu Qiang took the night of nine nights: "Don't go, actually I am not so hungry!"

Nine nights, I looked down to Mu Qianxi, like a delicious taste, deep kiss.

Mu Qiang felt that he had to go into the tiger's mouth. The nine nights were able to let go of Mu Qiandao: "This gentleman will accompany you to eat!"

Mu Qian’s face showed a happy color and said: “Okay!”

The entire North Cold City is a refining pharmacist. Nowadays, various restaurants and restaurants are also full of people, but when they step in, they will vacate the best private rooms.

This adult is terrible! It’s not that they offended.

After eating and drinking enough, Mu Qianxi was taken away by nine nights.

Mu Qianxi took a bite directly on his arm. "You want to raise my spirit, feed it, and then I plan to eat it, right?"


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