Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1354: Sleepless today

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Soon, they returned to the ghost medical building.

Nine nights approached Mu Qianxi, and said in her ear: "I can't do delicious food, then I can only give this lord to you, are you satisfied?"

A burst of "hey...", nine nights to untie his clothes.

Every line of his body is perfect.

Delicate skin with a cold air.

This is simply tempting her!

"Who is this who gave you a bad idea?"

If you let others know that the only nine nights that I admire are mainly using the flesh to seduce people, it is estimated that no one will believe.

"It doesn't matter. What's important is that you don't like it?" The hot air squirt was in the ear of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianyi wanted to wrap this guy in the quilt, and the result was not standing still.

"Hey!" The whole man rushed toward the perfect nine-night of the red fruit.

Nine nights laughed, the charm of the smile was fascinating and fascinating. "It seems that I like it very much, so I can't wait!"


The flap was caught.

Hand, was shackled!

Legs, pressed!

The sweat gave the hair of the two people to the infiltration, and Muqian gasped and said: "Nine nights, you have to stop! I want to play, don't you say that you want to cheer me?"

"of course!"

"You are like this, if you are indefinite, Crystal Ying will send you away, and you will cheer."

"Hey, rest assured, this gentleman has a measure! Ben knows that you can't leave me."

"I can't wait for you to leave now!" Mu Qianyi sneered at the nine nights of chaos, but he was buckled by his ankle.

"That depends on whether you have this ability!" She was locked in her arms for nine nights.


It’s boring, and it’s hard to sleep now.

"Well! Ah! It hurts! It hurts me."

"You lightly! Tap!"


When the two were lingering, another room also heard a scream of heartbreaking.

Yue Ze is going to give it down. "You are not satisfied, you are taking medicine yourself, I am too lazy to take care of you."

The screaming of this monk is simply unbearable.

Unbelievable grievances, "Let Xiaoze you ignore me, I don't want to live."

"Then go to hell! Whoever offends better than the good comet, if the boss doesn't want you to die, do you think you can live?"

After that, Yue Ze went straight and ruthlessly, leaving the cry of grievances.

The next morning, I woke up in the morning and went straight to the neck of the nine nights. "I want to kill you."

Nine nights let her groan, it seems that there is no feeling, whispered: "Well!"

Mu Qiang said to her: "I will close the refining medicine next time, and I will not be allowed to come again."

Although most of her alchemy can guarantee 100%, but she has not refining such a high-quality medicinal medicine alone, naturally she must be fully prepared!

Never fail!

"I am with you!" replied nine nights.

After nine nights, I went to the alchemy room with the millennium, and then Mu Qian began to refine the medicine.

He is like an invisible person and will not distract Mu Qian.

He just wants to look at her and see her more.

Mu Qianqi whispered in a low voice. "Tianjie Sanpin, with my current strength, can only refine this grade."

Mu Qianxi is equipped with some medicinal herbs similar to yin and yang dynasty. Naturally, there is no such anti-day effect, which is purely a joint effort.



At this time, Yan Longdao: "Master, how do you use this ordinary flame in your alchemy! My brother used to use alchemy in the past! And often kidnapped me to let me spurt fire?"

A thousand miles, "Can you spray fire to my alchemy?"

Yan Longdao: "Of course! I haven't completely integrated with the sword body. Naturally it can't be done! But now it's okay! How much fire the master can have, although there is no master, you have the fire element so easy to use, but I promise absolutely It’s much better than this fire.”

"Hey! The **** is too disobedient, or the owner doesn't have to be so wronged."

Mu Qian said: "So, you try! Yanlong!"

Yanlong came out of the blade and turned into a small fire dragon. The flame burned in the soul of the eternal life.

Nature is not what ordinary fire can do!

Yan Long became a blood-red bracelet ring on the wrist of Mu Qian, and Mu Qian began to refine Dan.

Yan Long is not a fire remedy for a lifetime, it is really very easy to use, and then the effect of refining the remedy, once again strengthen!


Mu Qianguang is as bright as a galaxy, and has the strength of the ninth-order peak of the spirit emperor. In addition to the flame of the dragon, this time the Quartet refining pharmacists meeting, she will never lose!

The seven-day time is about to pass, and she is quietly guarding her without disturbing.

For the first time, he did not cross the border with strong restraint. Once again, he did not believe that he could control it.

If she couldn't get into the refining pharmacist's meeting, she was afraid that she would give him a few shots.

After seven days, it was the final test day of the refining conference.

After passing the previous round of refining pharmacists, they all vacated an extremely empty refining workshop, and many people came to watch the game.

This is definitely a feast for the refining pharmacists in the millennium, and no one who will be qualified to watch the game will miss it.

This time the host of the test was the elder Hu. Since I saw the nine-night monarch, I had a nightmare every day. At this time, my face was a bit bad.

He now wants to finish soon, give a reward, and leave immediately!

Elder Hu announced: "Please start to refine the medicine in the prescribed area according to the number you got!"

"This time, I will refine the medicinal herbs that you are most proud of, the quality and grade of the refining medicinal herbs, and judge the high! Our medicinal medicinal herbs will certainly maintain a fair and just judgment. Now I declare the trial to begin."

“Hey!” All the refining pharmacists are at the door, and the audience are nervously sitting and watching.

The position of Mu Qianxi, who happened to be opposite the white smoke, so she quickly received a sinister vision.

The white smoke child looked at Mu Qianxi, the last time she was missed the competition because of the envy of the Millennium Jewelry Conference.

Let Mu Qianxi get the first, good life!

This time, she will never let her do it!

White smoke brought out an extraordinary medicine, and many people who knew the goods widened their eyes. "This is... this is the heavenly spirit!"

"I'm afraid not only! This breath is stronger than the Heavenly Spirit!"

"The singer is really a blessing, and she has obtained such a good medicine."

This medicine tripod is just an appetizer, and the dark spirits appear, so that many of the fires on the scene are almost extinguished.

Mu Qianxi took out the eternal soul, unless the three major pharmacists, no one recognized that this is the respect of Wan Ding, the eternal.

The ghost fire is screaming, Yan Long snorted and said: "What is that fire? Nothing great."

The red-red flame appeared, illuminating the whole world, and everyone's body could not help but tremble.

"That is... that is the fire of the eternal sword!"

"Absolutely! It must be!"


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