Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1370: Millennial anger

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If the sound of the thousand magical gold rushes out, I am afraid that the entire square will not be peaceful."

This is the ancient beast, even if there are many powerful peaks in the Quartet, it is estimated that this guy can not help.

Mu Qianxi secretly cursed: The **** soul, threatening him to take the scabbard, even the inside of the situation is not inspected.

Take the scabbard and estimate that you must face this ferocious beast. If you don't take it, the soul seems to be more ferocious than this beast.

Today, it is really in a dilemma.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Since you know this? Are you still planning to take a scabbard?"

Sounds like a dusty road: "Yes?"

"Buddhist Sacred Heart, the Sanskrit Son of the World, you will even ignore the Quartet?" Mu Qianxi felt strange.

“There are more important things to do in poverty.”

For the choice of sound, Mu Qianzhen has doubts.

"It’s because of the soul!"

The only thing related to the scabbard is the soul.

The sound of the dust was calm and looked at Mu Qianxi, no answer, no denial.

Mu Qian said: "Since the Sansk sound son is so happy to decide, I am not bound to do it. I will smash the illusion of the thousand illusion, and find the scabbard."

The sound of the dust nodded slightly: "Well!"

They entered this palace, and there were countless golden towers, and everything around them was darkened.

"Sound if dust!"

Mu Qianxi has completely felt the sound of sound, and suddenly there is a golden flame that illuminates the entire palace.

Everything around it has become a golden ocean, dazzling.

Suddenly, a figure passed.

Mu Qianxi saw a familiar old man, the one who made her hate.

His body, with the power of the cold curse that makes Mu Qianji very familiar.

Mu Qianjing suddenly shrank. "Old fox, you dare to run here."

The elders saw Mu Qianxi, and he smiled and said: "Mu Qianxi, we met again. Mu Fengling is estimated to have died. It is also, that kind of curse is counter-attacking, even if our patriarch does not necessarily save. ”

"Do you want to kill me to avenge your uncle! Come on! I have to see, do you have that ability?"

Mu Qian’s eyes flashed through a cold killing. "You are looking for death!"

As he said, the situation in the second uncle is almost impossible to save.

If she hadn't got the sacred curse from the dragon, wouldn't it be that **** curse on the nine nights, if there was a life, the second uncle would have to leave her forever, and the soul flies!

"Yanlong lore!" Mu Qian's sword.

The elders of the elders flashed a glimmer of light and escaped the attack of Mu Qian.

"Ha ha ha! Do you know how Mu Ling has come over these years? He is like a dog, doing anything for me."

"The Tang Dynasty Donghuang Mu's family is the arrogant son of the Emperor, and it is completely controlled by me. The old man is extraordinarily comfortable in these years."


Mu Qian’s eyes became red, "Dead!"

Control the proud second uncle, hit him hard, imprison his freedom, and even trample on his dignity.

This old thing, sin must die!

Sin must die!

"Red Lotus!"

"Ring Luo Yin!"

"Ice Dragons!"

"The rumble!"

Mu Qian’s crazy attack seems to be irrational.

"Death!" Yan Longjian, running through the heart of the elders.

Just when Mu Qianxi wanted to extract his soul, he found nothing.

Mu Qianyan’s face changed greatly, and suddenly the golden flame wrapped up Mu Qian’s.

The golden flame burns her skin and even invades her body, her spiritual sea...

A strong pain, so that Mu Qiang's face pale.

She quickly recovered a little rationality and ran up the water elemental power of her body.

The water element of the water dragon is strong, effectively repelling the golden flame of the thousand magic gold.

But at this time, there was a flame to attack.

Xiaohong is angry!

"Mixed things, even dare to hurt my master, give me aside!"

The red-red flame erupted and forced back some of the golden flames.

Xiaohong worried: "Master... Master, you are fine!"

Mu Qianzhen is running the water element to remove the flame, and Xiaohong's face is getting darker and darker.

Suddenly, the golden flame was lit up in the darkness of the land. "Hey! The familiar atmosphere, the familiar flame, is it!"

Said, its body is stiff. Soon after, "I can't be it! Is it so lazy? How come here?"

Some of the flames were removed, and Mu Qian also fainted directly.

This time, she was not hurt.

Thousands of magical illusions use the illusion, which evokes the strongest anger in her heart.

She used a lot of power in the battle, and now she is exhausted by the flame.

Xiaohong’s vigilant guards the side of Mu Qian’s, and he can’t guarantee that the thousand-magic gold will not follow.

There was a footstep and it saw a familiar figure.

Xiaohong was very dissatisfied. "Why is my master seriously injured? You have nothing to do with this monk."

The calm face of the sound of the dust flashed the color of worry, "Mu girl!"

Going over, check out the injury of Mu Qian.

He sighed: "Fortunately, there is something in the girl who suppresses the inflammation of the golden scorpion, or it is dangerous."

The sound has been protected very well, a heart is clear and free of dirt, no desire, no hatred, no anger.

Therefore, this illusion of the Thousand Magical Gold Beast has no use for him.

When Mu Qian opened his eyes, he saw a pair of compassionate eyes, muttering: "Sound if dust!"

As a refining pharmacist, she knew that her body was a little bad, and that she had drunk a lot of medicine and remedy to restore her condition.

As Xiaohong said, the Thousand Magic Gold is a terrible and cunning guy, and the road after that is probably not easy.

She has been worried about the second uncle, and she wants to catch the old fox. She did not expect to let the thousand illusion gold dig into the air, and she was almost killed by it.

The drug effect was very fast, and Mu Qianyi quickly recovered. She asked: "If the sound is dusty, how long can you not sleep with your temperament, do you not go by yourself? Maybe you can take the lead and find the sword. sheath."

The sound is like a dusty road: "Go together, there is a care."

Mu Qian said: "Since you have to do good deeds, I naturally don't mind."

Thousands of illusions are too embarrassing, and one more person is more secure.

The sound is astonishing: "The poorness has developed some eyebrows on this illusion. This thousand illusion uses the negative emotions of people to make people fall into the illusion. As long as there is no desire, no love, no hate, no heart and no heart, here The illusion will not affect it."

Mu Qianxi looked at the sound and said: "These, can you do it?"

The voice is modest and modest: "The meditation of the poor, the introduction is these, and should be barely able to do it."

"You are a Buddha, but this girl is a human being. It is very difficult for people to avoid this. How many thousand illusions are completely grasping the dead points of people." Mu Qian's face was dignified.

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