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The sound is like a dust: "Barren is also a human."

Mu Qianxi looked at him and said, "Yes? It's a bit like it!"

They did not rest for a long time, but continued to move forward.

Although they walked together, but they have not gone long, they lost.

Even Xiaohong, who has been following her, is gone!

"Little Red!"

no respond!

She seemed to be in the back garden of the palace, deep in the garden, and suddenly there was a shattering sound.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “In the end, who has the leisure in the back garden of the Millennium Fantasy, staged a passionate play.”

When Mu Qianqi walked in, I finally saw the appearance of the two men.

Her pupils suddenly shrank, and the cold and perfect face was too familiar.

The pair of ice-blue cool scorpions have turned red-red, and the cursing on the body covers the body. The whole body exudes and powerful power can tear everything.

This is the face of nine nights, and it is still nine nights when the curse is completely outbreak.

And that woman, she turned out to be her.

Like, but definitely not her!

Mu Qianxi escaped from anger, but the thousand illusion Kim also gave her a big net of feelings.

This time, Mu Qiang is still angry and angry than seeing the elders.

Mu Qianshao cold channel: "Thousands of magic gold, I really want to cramp your skin, do not bring you such a disgusting person!"

She believes that nine nights, even if the curse breaks out completely, he will not become like this.

Her patient, her man, she knows very well.

Knowing that everything is a fantasy, I can’t force her eyes at all.

But there is uncontrollable nausea and anger.

Even knowing that the other person is a powerful beast that she can't beat at all, she also wants to cramp it.

Faced with a person with his own face and nine nights, Mu Qian’s hand, but it must be a trap.

Mu Qianxi took back Yan Longjian and released the invincible road: "Invincible, give me protection!"

Mu Qianxi took out a lot of elixir from the space, and then arranged the pharmacy.

Her speed is very fast, because she can't stand it for a second.

Soon, a large bottle of medicine was configured by her.

Can't attack at close range, then attack from a distance!

Mu Qianqi pushed far away, and then threw out her refining pharmacy.

Mu Qianshao cold channel: "falling flowers and rain!"


The water arrow shattered the bottle of medicament, and soon the medicine fell.

When the medicine was sprinkled, all 30 meters around it were frozen.

The two people were naturally frozen, and it didn't take long before they disappeared into the face of Mu Qian.

Thousands of magical gold is a fire attribute, she tried to try with ice, did not expect the effect is still very good.

Ms. Qian said: "I think I have to refine a bottle of eye drops to wash my eyes."

Invincible and indignantly filled the road: "That guy dared to make such a magical master's eyes, I must teach it!"

Mu Qianxi looked at invincible: "Invincible, although you are six, but I am afraid that this beast is still a lot worse."

Invincible: "Master, I will cheer."

Solved this trouble, Mu Qianyi continued to move forward.

Invincible and sound, she did not touch.

Invincible: "Master, don't worry about the lazy pig! The guy is not lazy to die, it is estimated that there is nothing to kill it."

This palace is too neutral, not a figure.

Thousands of magical golden dragons have also been demoned many times along the way, but after Mu Qianyi found a solution, this illusion could not help her.

At this time, Mu Qianxi looked at a black figure and passed, what did he seem to be chasing?

"Feng Yun Xiu!"

Invincible: "Master, this is a fantasy, don't be fooled."

She thinks that person is very real!

In the end, Mu Qianxi chased him up. If it is fake, he is just fine.

Mu Qianxi chased the figure into a room, and Mu Qian went in. He shouted: "Feng Yunxiu!"


Suddenly shut down, Mu Qianyi felt wrong, first evacuated.

A black figure appeared, Feng Yunxiu pulled him and forced her to the corner.

There is temperature, there is heartbeat, everything is incomparable.

Mu Qiang's big eyes, looking at this elegant and beautiful man in front of his eyes: "Cloud repair!"

The beautiful amber nephew was looking at her, and it seemed that she was not looking at him.

"Feng Yunxiu, you wake up!"

In the case of Feng Yunxiu, Mu Qianxi knew that he must have fallen into a illusion.

At this time, Feng Yunxiu said: "Princess, Princess, I can finally get close to you."

Admiring a thousand miles, Feng Yun repair in the illusion, seeing Miao Linyi.

"From the day you were taken away, I decided to be completely loyal to you, even to love you."

The affection of the pair of amber scorpions, gentle can kill people.

"Feng Yunxiu, you look at me with big eyes?" Mu Qianqi shouted.

Useless, completely useless!

Feng Yunxiu fell into the depths of the illusion, more serious than her one.

Entering his own world, everything outside can't affect him.

He is so deeply in love with Mu Lin, loves to the bones, can not be stripped.

"Princess, I miss you."


In the past, if there was no chance to say it, Feng Yunxiu kept talking to Mu Qianxi.

This love is low in the dust.

Mu Qianguang is getting more and more heavy. As a doctor, she can have many ways to save her body.

But emotional hurt, she is completely helpless.

Mu Qianxi looked at Feng Yunxiu: "Feng Yunxiu, I will give you some time. If you can't come out by yourself, then I have to be violent to you."

Feng Yun Xiu is getting deeper and deeper, and time is slowly passing!

Mu Qianxi wants to open the Fengyun cultivation medicine, but Feng Yunxiu is getting tighter and tighter.

In the mind, a voice of confusion was heard.

Love is not allowed, why should we be quiet and guardian, and give everything silently!

Take possession!

As long as she is completely possessed, she is yours!

Feng Yun Xiu's pair of amber scorpions are getting darker and darker, getting closer and closer to Mu Qian.

Mu Qian’s voice was cold, “Feng Yunxiu, I started!”

A needle was inserted into his arm.

But it didn't work, all the damage to the body couldn't stop him from falling into a illusion.

Mu Qian said: "Do you want to let the soul sleep?"

This is in the illusion of the thousand illusion, and Mu Qian is afraid that if he really makes Feng Yunxiu's soul statement, he will never wake up.

She does not dare to take such risks.

Feng Yunxiu was in the illusion at this time. He had already banned her prey and his clothes were messy.

This is his woman who is in love with her day and loves her heart. Looking at the perfect and delicate face, his heart is beating.

He whispered, "Princess... Princess..."

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