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It was only when he wanted to touch the person in front of him, but he stopped.

He used all the people he loved, but the instinct of the body felt that he could only get close to this point.

Why is this happening?


Feng Yun repaired his eyes, his heart was in chaos, and the people in front of him could not seduce him.

The illusion can't have any effect on Feng Yunxiu, and the illusion is broken!

Feng Yunxiu woke up and looked at this familiar face, which was close at hand. He was somewhat suspicious and entered another environment.

The spirit of the wind element erupted, and Mu Qian said: "Yun Xiu, you are out of the illusion."

He converges on his own strength, and he looks at Mu Qian, and the whole person is stunned.

Among the beautiful amber scorpions, this delicate face is reflected.

He looked at it like this, and he couldn’t return to God for a long time.

A headache, a heartache, and a feeling of pain in the whole body.

He knows why he can get out of that illusion because...

Mu Qianxi waved in front of Feng Yunxiu: "Cloud repair, what's wrong with you? No stupidity!"

"But if I am stupid, I can still cure. If your soul is in the illusion, I can't get it."

"Millennium!" Feng Yunxiu shouted in a low voice.

"I'm fine, don't worry!"

Mu Qianxi finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Since you are fine, can you let go of your hand now?"

Feng Yunxiu panicked and let go, seeing that the white wrist is now red.

Mu Qian took out the potion and applied it to her own medicine. Feng Yunxiu said with annoyance: "I'm sorry!"

"Apologize is free, and it is not a serious injury! I am very happy that you can get out of the illusion. I am really afraid..."

Just now, he got deep!

Mu Qian said: "It is not appropriate to stay here, first find a way to find out the road. Is it together, or separate?"

Feng Yunxiu replied: "Together!"

They swept out, and on the way she did not touch the sound and Xiaohong.


A strange footstep came out, and Mu Qian was wary: "Someone!"

There are human forms, human footsteps, but these guys are not people at all!

This is a golden flame illusion of Jin Yan, the pair of golden pupils are also turned into flames.

I don't know the strength of these guys, but it's definitely not a good deal.

Mu Qiandao said: "Cloud repair, run!"

They left at the fastest speed, but another group of Jin Yanzhen stopped her. 67.356

Soon, surrounded by all sides, it seems that the guy is not going to let them go.

The road was blocked, and now only one gap can be made.

"Yanlong lore!" A fierce sword swung out, red red Yan Long rushed over.

Faced with this fire dragon that suppressed their power, "Hey!" They suddenly roared, and the golden light flourished, and they swooped toward Mu Qianxi and Feng Yun.

"Wind! Lonely!"

"Ring Luo Yin!"

Mu Qianxi and Feng Yunxiu launched the attack, and the attack was not weak, but the killing power of these Jin Yanyan was not great.

"The water dragon is broken!"

"The ice dragon is coming!"

To deal with them, the water element attack is more effective.

Mu Qianxi said: "Feng Yunxiu, this is not a way to consume! My fire element and Yanlongjian open a way, you rushed over to clear the remaining obstacles!"

Feng Yunxiu nodded: "Listen to you!"

Mu Qiang held the Yanlong sword and said: "Yanlong, give a little strength!"

"Of course, the master!"

A red-red fire lotus bloomed in the sky. When the fire lotus bloomed, the light of these golden scented gloom was dim.

"Red Lotus!"

The voice of Mu Qianxi just fell, and the cold water element spirits rushed out wildly.


Two forces seem to arrive at a corner at the same time!

A loud noise, Mu Qianzhen blasted a crack.

The figure of Feng Yunxiu rushed out like lightning, and the elements of the wind opened the way and made obstacles.

Mu Qianji pointed to the ground and rushed out at the fastest speed to keep up with Feng Yunxiu.

Although Mu Qianxi and Feng Yunxiu rushed out of these encirclements of Jin Yanzhen, some of them were chasing after them.

"There is no end!"

Here is the site of the thousand magical golden beasts, no matter where they go, they will find them.

Mu Qianxi ran to the main hall of the center, and the door of the hall looked very strong.

Feng Yun Xiu Dao: "Millennium, these things can't be lost at all, we will be completely exhausted. We can only try and take a step."

Mu Qianxi looked at the hall of the temple: "The masters here are extremely insidious and trapped, but they can only go here first."

"Let's go in!"

When Feng Yunxiu and Mu Qianxi rushed into the hall to close the door, the sly Jin Yanyan did not attack the door.

They can kill the humans who enter here, but they can't destroy what their masters created.

These Jin Yanzhen did not catch up, but Mu Qianxi and Feng Yunxiu did not breathe a sigh of relief.

"Go ahead, always get out!"

When they just took a few steps, a very powerful force broke out and shrouded the entire hall.


In a corner of the main hall, where does a gray robe sit down?

The hoarse voice came out, "Go further! Die!"

Mu Qianyi said, "This is also the hand of the thousand magical gold beasts."

Outside, there is Jin Yanzhen surrounded by a mysterious person in front.

They can't stand stupidly here, and Feng Yunxiu understands it, so they are ahead of the first step.

"Hey!" A powerful knife smashed, Feng Yunxiu hurriedly avoided, but his feet were still scratched by the knife.

"Tick!" The bright red blood flowed from the legs of Feng Yunxiu.

He said: "Millennium, you stand there and don't move, I will come alone."

This person is very strong, if you put it outside, it is definitely not the peak of Gu Baiyi.

The amber scorpion is getting more and more heavy, and the power of Feng Yunxiu has reached the limit.

For such a dangerous guy, you must do your best, and if you are a little weaker, you may die.

Ms. Qian said: "Be careful!"

That gray man waving a big knife, like a ghostly appearance behind Feng Yunxiu, is another!


工具 修修 again, the 上!


Feng Yunxiu is now also a peak master, even if he is suppressed by the gray man, but he will not easily admit defeat!

"Hey!" The third knife, Feng Yun Field, blocked it.

The fire element broke out and Feng Yun repaired the sharp counterattack.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the entire palace was shaken a few times.



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