Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1373: Weird request

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Today, Feng Yunxiu is not a big winner in this geek, even though today two people are the same.

Mu Qianqi can't rush up, she can't shoot the match of the peak expert.

Now she is standing in a safe area and can do other things.

I am afraid that Knife Mang blocked Feng Yunxiu, "Tear it!" A few times, his robes were cut open!

For a time, Feng Xiu had a lot of blood marks on his body.

"Hey!" The medicine needle flew out.

"Puff puff!"


There was a flash of light in the eyes of Mu Qianyan, and the power of terror bounced back the needle of Mu Qian’s medicine.

Mu Qianxi hurriedly avoided, "Hey!" a few times, the needle was embedded in the wall.

It’s useless to bounce back, stained with her poison, this guy is finished.


But the guy didn't have any poisoning at all, and Mu Qian said: "How could this be?"

He is not a person!

Mu Qianxi looked at the gray man, so it was very tricky!

Not a person, there is no way to deal with it.

Mu Qian said: "Yun Xiu, come back soon, I think of a way!"

Feng Yunxiu wanted to retreat, but the gray-shirted man did not give him a chance to retreat.

"Hey!" Feng Yun repaired a serious injury.

"You hold on!" Mu Qianxi did not waste time and began to deploy new potions.

The body of this guy is not like the body of a living person, and the poison against the body is useless.

And he can be so strong, there must be something to control her.

This time she has to deploy a potion that disturbs her mental strength. Seeing that Feng Yunxiu is more and more unable to support it, Mu Qianji is getting faster and faster.

Soon, a potion was successfully deployed by Mu Qian.

Put the medicine into the medicine needle, Mu Qian said: "I hope it is useful!"

Mu Qianqi is a person outside the scope of the geek attack, and the weak strength can completely ignore him.

"Hey!" Mu Qian's pharmacy needle specifically picks up some smashing corner attacks.

"Hey!" He didn't hide, naturally it was a trick.

And his knife, at this time, he went to Fengyun.

Mu Qiang swept out and pushed Feng Yunxiu away.

"Boom!" There was another deep pit on the ground!

His eyes are only crazy killing, to solve the people within the scope of the attack. 67.356

At this time, he slashed his knife to Mu Qian.

The power of terror has blocked the envy of Mu Qian, and it is impossible to escape.



Feng Yun repaired in the wind and in front of Mu Qianxi, the sword blocked the strange knife.

"Hey!" The powerful power of the geek made a crack in the sword of Feng Yunxiu.

As long as the sword is broken, Feng Yunxiu will definitely open the two halves.


Just when the knife was to be completely smashed down, this strange icy scorpion was with a confused color.

"Oh!" The knife fell to the ground. He held his head and said, "Who am I?"

"How can I be here?"

Is this a drug that disturbs the spirit? Mu Qian’s face flashed a touch of joy, and then took Feng Yunxiu to escape to a safe area.

"Hey!" Feng Yun repaired out the blood.

Trauma and internal injuries are very heavy, Mu Qianxi hurriedly treated him, Feng Yunxiu seized Mu Qianxi: "Millennium, don't..."

Mu Qianyi, "Feng Yunxiu, do you know what you are saying? You are a seriously injured patient, do not want me to treat, do you want to die?"

He said: "I don't want to die, but..."

He looked back at Mu Qian and said: "Millennium, don't use too good medicine, you can't die."

"I was the first time I heard the patient and said such a request." Others are eager to use the best medicine and get better in minutes.

"If I am seriously injured, I will not be able to rob you of the eternal sword, so don't worry about me." Feng Yunxiu asked.

Mu Qian’s face is helpless, “Chou Yunxiu, why are you!”

Love and righteousness, he chose to use this method to avoid, at the expense of his own body.

Mu Qian said: "We have not yet come out of the illusion! Bai Wuhai, they will not say, there is a terrible beast here, you want me to kill with a half dead, I have not been able to ""


"Don't say it! Let's cure you first. If you want to grab the scabbard with me, I will definitely give you a few knives and then stun, and I will never be soft."

After that, she gave Feng Yunxiu a medicine and then bandaged the medicine to stabilize his injury.

At this time, she felt that her eyes fell on them.

He said: "Who are you?"

Mu Qian said: "We are just the intruders here, who is your lord, what is the relationship with the thousand magical golden beasts?"

He gave a slight glimpse of the thousand illusion gold beast!

He seems to think of something. "I came to the northernmost place to practice and found a space to break in. I thought I could find a chance to break through, but I didn't think it was an endless nightmare!"

"The fierce beast has taken my strength, refining my body, controlling my soul, and keeping me here like a watchdog."

Suddenly, his gaze was full of chills!

But it quickly recovered. "I can't stay for a long time. You promise me one thing. I will send you to leave this hall."

Ms. Qian said: "What?"

"Take me completely and let my mental strength collapse. I know that you are a refining pharmacist, you can do it."

Mu Qianxi wanted to promise, but was stopped by Feng Yunxiu.

"Millennium, this predecessor is a master of the peak, let his mental strength collapse, the risk is great, don't take risks." Feng Yunxiu's face flashed a dignified color.

Mu Qian said: "No other dare to say, but if it is mental, I am still very confident! Don't worry."

She looked at this weirdo: "I promise you, give it a try!"

Her mental energy moved into his spiritual sea and began to destroy!

Mu Qian's powerful spiritual strength has a unique advantage, so that all this is done very smoothly.

But at the last moment, a golden flame began to counterattack.

This soul is estimated to be the one left by the thousand magical gold beasts.

This is a trap, and it is estimated that even this strange person does not know.

How about the trap, it’s broken!

Mu Qianxi struggled with the spiritual power left by the thousand magical gold beasts. Feng Yunxiu observed her face and her face became more and more ugly.

He clenched his fists. If the Millennium is dangerous, he can't manage that much, use the shadow!

If it is the thousand spirits, all the spirits to deal with Mu Qian, it is difficult to win. Nowadays, after a fight, it was broken up by Mu Qian.


The geek fell to the ground, and he looked at Mu Qian: "Little girl, thank you, I can finally lift this spell and get free!"

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