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At the moment, other people are scrambling to compete for the scabbard. White is not seriously injured by the sea.

He is afraid of death!

He was scared by the sword of Gu Baiyi!

Mu Qianxi also had free time to deal with Gu Baiyi's wounds. He was injured inside and outside, and even the spirit sea was hit hard. It is a miracle that Xiaobai can persist until now.

After handling the injury of Gu Baiyi, Mu Qiang made the invincible return of the fight.

After all, invincible is a six-level holy beast, the average person is not its opponent.

"Invincible, hold the white!"

"Hey!" On the other side, a black figure was blown out by Jinguang.

Feng Yun repair climbed up and fight again, and the sound of the dust gently looked at him: "Since Yun Xiu Shao Temple wants to lose, why not give up directly! Why do you let the poor hurt?"

dead! Feng Yun repaired one heart and lost, and it was the one that could not climb.

Although the strength of the sound is strong, but the start is not heavy, but it is not the effect he wants.

Feng Yun Xiu laughed: "The Sanskrit Son is not a Sanskrit Son, since you know, I can do better!"

If the sound sighs: "It is your own to be able to fulfill yours. But since you can't put it down, the impoverished can't help it."

The sound of the sound of the dust has become stronger, and the hand is heavy!

Feng Yun Xiu was originally trying to lose, and there were serious injuries. It was not an opponent of sound.

After being climbed up and down again and again, Feng Yunxiu has reached the limit and can no longer climb.


Mu Qianxi did not think that he had just cured a patient and another one fell.

Mu Qiang plundered the past and found that Feng Yunxiu’s trauma was very serious, and the internal injuries were not serious.

Just want to give her treatment, a golden light flashed!

The sound of the dust on her shot!

"Sound if dust!"

If the sound is bad, "I seriously injured Yun Xiu Shao Temple and I was very unwilling to go, so I promised his last request!"

Mu Qiang’s face sank, “The last requirement is that you will stop me from treating him!”

"Well!" he nodded.

Mu Qian’s face is black and angry: “Feng Yunxiu, you have a pit in your head!”

The noble, elegant, perfect representative of Yun Xiu Shao Dian, but now is surrounded by Mu Qian’s head!

The sound of the dust looks at Muqian: "Mu girl, you recognize the scabbard, I also recognize it. Now, do you give up?"

Mu Qian said: "I will not give up, what about you?"

Sounds like a dust: "I will not give up!"

"It seems that we are the opponents next!"

If the sound is ridiculous: "Please also ask the girl to show mercy!"

It is really going to fight.

Ms. Qian said: "I have a suggestion?"

"Please say!"

Mu Qianxi looked at the group of people who were blushing. "When they are playing, we will work together to solve them. When we get together, how about it?"

The sound is like a dust: "That listens to you!"

Mu Qianxi looked at the face of the sound of the dust and smiled: "It seems that the Sanskrit Son is not so kind in the rumor! Even promised this left-handed fisherman's profit plan."

The sound is like a dust: "Barren is also human! And this is the best way, isn't it?"

The battle on that side naturally has a time to stop.

They were exhausted and eventually did not touch the scabbard!

Mu Qian said: "If the sound is dusty, let's do it!"

"Hey!" Mu Qian's pharmacy needle rushed toward the exhausted people of the war.

Yan Longjian broke out with a hot flame and swept toward them!

"Mu Qianxi, you are mean!"

"You actually took the opportunity to attack us..."


Then, the powerful Buddha light shrouded.

"God! It is the Son of the Sanskrit!"

"He... how can he attack us?"

"How could this be the case, is the Sanskrit Son being broken by Mu Qian?"


Originally, the power on them has been running out. Now they are attacked by two people, Mu Qian and the sound of the dust, all flew out!




Even if they scream, they can't believe what happened today.

Then the holy and beautiful Sanskrit Son will actually count on them with Mu Qianxi.

The other small fish were almost cleaned up. An elder of the North Han Temple supported the pale white sealess road: "Lord, what should I do? Yun Xiu Shao Dian and you are seriously injured, the black bone adults are the North Han Temple. The main spike, now people on our side are very difficult to deal with Mu Qian and the Sanskrit Son."

Not only they, the masters of the North Han Temple are watching them.

Once they act, they must also do it.

White no sea lane: "No, wait and see! There is only one eternal sword. Mu Qian and the Sanskrit Son are only temporarily joined together. At that time, for the sword of eternal, you will definitely fight for you!"

At this point, Mu Qianxi and the sound of the dust looked at each other!

"Mu girl, please advise!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Vatican Son, although the last time I hated it, I really want to fight with you once! Let's do it!"


The two figures were shot like lightning, and the purple figure and the pale yellow figure staggered!

The wounded around, the East Han Temple in the North Han Temple and the Nine Great Luohan became the audience of the two men.

"Ice Dragon Forest!"


"Red Lotus!"

"Fo Guang..."


The fire element of Yanlong Sword broke out arbitrarily, and the water element of the water dragon did everything.

Buddha light can be loving, but it is powerful and powerful!

This is a confrontation between two Quartet metamorphosis geniuses, so wonderful that they must forget the Eternal Sword!

The nine Luohan also shocked: "This little girl can actually play so many rounds with the Son, very powerful!"

"In addition to the Yun Xiu Shao Temple in this world, there are still people who stand shoulder to shoulder with the Son!"


Mu Qiang and the sound of the dust do their best to fight, the sound is as if: "You have become stronger than when we first met!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "That is natural. Do you think that I still run like this one, can you run after you chase?"

The tip of the sword turned, and the majestic fire element broke out again.

The two men had played dozens of rounds and had not scored a victory. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the golden flame and the red flame rushed out of the ground and spread!



"What a ghost thing!"

Everyone’s people were horrified, and they were ashamed of the sounds of the millennium.

Thousands of magical gold beasts actually ran out!

They saw a huge golden flame lion, and the horrible breath seemed to blow a sigh of relief, and they would be wiped out.

Bai Wuhai, this guy is still a good knowledge, after seeing the shape of this flame golden lion, his face is all white!

"This is... this is an ancient beast, a thousand magical golden beast!"

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