Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1378: A terrible battle

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"What is the ancient beast?"

"The fierce and sinister thousand illusion, we run fast"


The eternal sword, although it is tempting, but also has a life.

Life is gone, nothing is gone.

When Bai Wuhai learned that it was a thousand magical golden beast, he immediately ran away. Ggaawwx

As for the heavy injury coma, Feng Yunxiu can not care.

Mu Qianxi said: "Xuan Yi, take your family master away quickly"

"And you, take the white away quickly" Mu Qiang's humanity to the North Han Temple.

"then you"

"Little Hall, you"

Mu Qian said: "Do not talk nonsense, go first"

She still can't go, now Xiaohong is fighting the guy, and it is very weak.

They quickly evacuated, and even the sound of the dust allowed the nine great arhats to leave.

Although they are worried, they can violate the Holy Order.

Mu Qianxi looked at the sound and said: "You don't want to be a scabbard."

The sound echoed back: "This is not an ordinary scabbard, but a scabbard of the eternal sword."

"The scabbard of the Eternal Sword is worthy of you." Mu Qian's figure rushed to the scabbard like a lightning bolt.

"The sheath, the thousand magic gold beast has broken through the seal, are you still willing to follow me?"

Xiaohong and the thousand magical gold beasts started a battle, but the power of the scabbard could not suppress it.

The scabbard flew to the side of Mu Qianxi, and the relatives touched Mu Qian.

At this time, Xiao Hongdao: "Master, you will leave with a scabbard, I will come."

"Leave, do you think that here, if you want to leave, you can leave?"

Those who left, found themselves spinning around.

A golden hood, shrouded them inside.

Thousands of magical golden beasts are not allowed to go, and none of them can run.

Xiaohong’s eyes flashed a cold light. “You are looking for death”

Thousands of magical gold beasts said: "You are also pretending to be crazy, the strength is so weak, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

The state of Xiaohong is very bad. Mu Qianxi looks at the humans who have turned back: "Together, if you don't defeat the thousand magical golden beasts, no one can run."

In order to survive, we can only do this.

These people are the top masters of the Quartet. In an instant, they shot at the golden Persimmon Lion.

Thousands of magical gold beasts laughed wildly: "Even if I have been sealed here for tens of thousands of years, it is not that you can be defeated by some ants."

The golden flame rushed like a huge wave.

Everyone also condensed and blocked the power of the majestic.

A loud bang of "Boom", one by one, flew out, and the golden flame broke out in the air like a fire.

"Puff puff"

Just a trick, let them suffer a lot.

Ms. Qian said: "Immediately healed the wounded, this is the healing agent and the remedy, hurry to eat."

In this battle of life and death, Mu Jiazhu did not have any embarrassment.

It’s so cool to get so many medicinal herbs that they are also shocked by the murder.

Of course, people who are not in the sea, don’t want medicinal herbs.


Bai Wuhaidao: "Mu Qianxi, now we are working together, why we don't."

Mu Qianhui replied: "Your East Pole Hall is the strength of Samsung. Where can I see these little things in my refining?"

At this time, the Thousand Magic Gold Beast has once again attacked.

"Golden roar"

"You guys, all of them are going to die."

A golden fireball, as large as a hundred feet in diameter, with a devastating heat, rushes toward them.

"Hide, hurry to hide"

"Being dead is strong"


In the face of such a powerful attack, their faces are full of horror

This big fireball has fallen down and no one can escape.

The scabbard that was taken by Mu Qianxi in his hand flew out and formed a blood-red big net, which caught this big fireball.

The big fireball was bounced out and threw it into the distance, and soon the ground completely turned into a flame melt.

We couldn't help but shudder, and if the flame fell on them, it was absolutely finished.

Thousands of magical gold beasts look at the scabbard, which begins to change in the flame, and turns into a dark red scabbard.

There is not much pattern decoration on the scabbard, it seems calm, introverted, and even so, it can not hide its strength.

This is what the scabbard really looks like.

It is angry: "A scabbard without a sword, dare to do it right with me."

"This is a scabbard, not an eternal sword."

"How could this be"

White no sea lane: "No, this is the scabbard of the eternal sword, and the eternal sword in the hands of Mu Qianxi is true."

His people are also suddenly realized, but know how

Nowadays, there are no way to escape the thousands of magical golden beasts.

In the golden light, a reddish illusion appeared in front of everyone.

They exclaimed: "What is this again?"

"This momentum seems to be another beast."

"Ferocious beast"

A fierce beast has been unable to stand up, and one more, they have no chance of surviving.

A low voice came, "It’s better to worry about your own head than to laugh at other guys."

The hot flames of the sky swept through, and Xiaohong said to Mu Qiandao: "Master, that some waste can't stand, you give me your strength, I will try my best to defeat it."

Mu Qianyi said, "Then you won't have anything to do."

"Master, it's okay, if I can beat this guy, I will swallow it up, and I will get a little bit of something to make that stupid cat help me."

Mu Qiang nodded: "Good"

The power that Mu Qianxi can borrow from Xiaohong is only spiritual, and that spiritual power is not enough for the thousands of magical beasts. Q8zc

When the spiritual powers of their connections were connected, the reddish illusion became even bigger and seemed to cover the sky.

The man looked at the terrible illusion and exclaimed: "What the **** is this?"

"I have never seen such a beast in ancient books."


There are at least some information on the thousands of magical beasts, but this red beast seems to have no record.

Thousands of magical gold beasts felt the pressure of Xiaohong, and they stopped. "How could you suddenly become so strong?"

It seems to have seen the guy who once feared all the beasts, the powerful guys who made them helpless.

"Your nonsense, too much"

In an instant, the wind is raging, and the red-red flame sweeps over it. ,

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