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Originally, the thousand-magic gold beast thought that Xiaohong’s strength had fallen sharply, so there was no fear. Ggaawwx

Now, in the face of such a strong pressure, it is completely unwilling to confront each other.


The people saw two powerful beasts fighting each other and sighing with relief. It’s best to lose both, so that they have a way to live.

Just when the Thousand-Fantasy Golden Skull was scared to escape, it did not notice at all, and a white light followed.

Thousands of magical beasts and Xiaohong are old friends. Its achilles heel is where Xiaohong has slept for many years, but still remembers very clearly.

In the blink of an eye, invincible falls on its back.

I found the position, the sharp claws, I caught it.


Soon, it dug up a golden round bead.

Get this bead, it swallowed unceremoniously.

The invincible start is too much for the expectations of the thousand magical golden beasts. It lost the inner Dane and it fell from the sky.

Xiaohong is also angry, "stupid cat, vomit it out quickly"

Invincible said: "I don't want to go to the things in my stomach, I can have the reason to spit it out."

The behemoth in the air turned into a mini red pig, and the breath was very weak, and it didn't look strong at all.

Thousands of magical gold beasts stare at Xiao Hongdao: "How are you?"

"I didn't think that you were so mean and counted me."

Xiao Hongdao: "Only you can count others, don't let others count you? The power of your physical strength, return to me."

The red-red flame surrounded it, and it wanted to struggle, but it lost its inner dan and it was unable to struggle.

I can only watch as I am swallowed up by the flames, and I am so angry that I want to hit the wall before I die.

"Giggle" invincible has been constantly playing, and uncomfortable to die.

"呜呜呜 Master" is invincible and pathetic.

"Master, is there any digestive medicine?"

Xiaohong gloats: "You stupid cat, do you think that the inner beast of the beast is the same as the spirit of the beast? You didn't immediately blast you, you are very lucky."

Invincible: "You don't want to be alarmist, I am not so easy to explode."

The most powerful inner Dan is gone, Xiaohong is also very depressed, can’t wait to give this stupid cat a meal.

Mu Qianzhen checked the invincible body: "I still can't think of any potions that can solve your problem."

"I am sleepy, I am sleepy."

"I go to sleep, the master must be careful"


Invincible is really unbearable, and the sly rushed into the arms of Mu Qiang and was thrown into the contract space.

The man has been stunned, and the fierce thousand-magic golden beast was just solved by Mu Qian.

Bai Wuhai is not reconciled. At this time, he said: "Hands the eternal sword and the scabbard and grab it back from the hands of Mu Qian."

"Lord, but"

They think of the fiery red beast just now, some fear

Bai Wuhaidao: "It’s just a bluff, now the power is running out, there is no need to be afraid, do it."

If it is not serious, it will go straight up.

The remaining masters of the North Han Hall rushed to Mu Qianxi.

"唰" Mu Qianji hurriedly avoided.

The people were stunned, "The North Han Temple is still working."

"Mujiazhuo saved us, and they actually shot the family."

"That is the sword of eternal. She is not for us, just for self-protection."

As soon as the North Han Temple shot, some people were eager to move.

Enthusiastic rivals are not wanting, so some people are eager to move.

As a result, the North Han Temple and the Nine Great Luohan were in front of them.

The nine Luohan Road: "We have orders for the Son, if you dare to move. We are welcome."

The people in the North Han Hall are obviously not so gentle. They said: "Who dares to shoot the small hall and kill innocent people?"

In the face of those who are in front of us, they choose to retreat.

"Boom" both sides once again played.


"Ice Dragons"

When Mu Qianxi was entangled with these people, suddenly a pale yellow figure passed.

When I passed by, I took the scabbard of the Yanlong sword.

"Mu girl, I can't help it."

Mu Qiang’s eyes widened, "sound if dust"

She couldn’t think of it, and the sound would be a manipulator.

"When you are a Sanskrit Son, when is it a thief?"

Even the nine arhats are astonished, and the Sons have succeeded in squirting fish.

However, is this like what the Son does?

The sound is like a dusty road: "This is the best policy, and it is inferior to this plan. Thanks to the girl."

Mu Qian’s froze, is this the church apprentice, starving the master?

Damn, who said this guy’s Buddha’s heart is completely deceiving.

Mu Qianxi chased him up and said: "If the sound is dusty, you will stand for me"

The pale yellow figure flashed, and the sound was gone.

"Master, I have to advance, and I can advance to sleep." Xiaohong jumped into the arms of Mu Qian, and swallowed up thousands of gold scorpions to make it advanced.

"back space"

Mu Qianzhen let people send away the two wounded, and then go to chase.

The scabbard must not fall into the hands of others, or it will deal with the soul and lose one more chip.

The "唰唰唰" rushed out of the ancient domain and arrived at the northernmost land.

The sound of the sound is too fast to escape. When it comes out, there is no shadow. Even the nine arhats do not know where the children go.

They did not greet them at all, and they made such a shocking thing.

"Hurry up and go to the Son"

Mu Qianxi also rushed out to find out, and got rid of those who followed her.

She asked Yan Long, "Yan Long, did you feel the scabbard breath?"

Yan Longdao: "The smell of the sheath seems to be hidden by people, I can't sense its position."

Mu Qiang feels like a slap in the face. "Well, you are so good that it is so good that I don't want to be caught by me. Otherwise, I must give you medicine to make you a real vulture for a lifetime."

Even if she was taken away from the scabbard by Feng Yunxiu, she would not be so angry, and she was robbed by a good old man.

Lian Yanlong couldn't find the guy, and Mu Qianxi didn't have a clue, but she couldn't forget it.

There is no clue in the entire northern land.

Just as Mu Qianxi was leaving, a breath of bloodthirsty and coldness suddenly came.

This kind of creepy feeling makes her know who is coming.

"Kitten, you made me a little disappointed. The scabbard to the hand was actually taken away by others."

The blood-red figure appears slyly, and it seems to be slow but strange.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, and looked at Mu Qianxi. ,

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