Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1382: The more you want to ruin

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Mu Qian's face changed greatly, and the soul found her, and all of his body was estimated to be cleaned up by him, at the peak!

This time, dead!

Sure enough, the enchanting blood-red figure floated in front of Mu Qian’s face, and the slender hand fell on the shoulders of Mu Qian’s.

The other hand, smashed the slim neck of Mu Qian.

His movements were too quick, and there was no time for Mu Qian to fight back.

"Kitten, I found you!" The **** red scorpion is beautiful and dangerous.

"It is good to be able to run for a long time under my hand!"

"Invincible, Xiaohong!"

Mu Qianxi is not going to be awkward, and the invincible digests almost, and Xiaohong is also smoothly promoted to a sixth-class sacred beast!

One red and one white rushed out, and the invincible cat's paw caught the heart of the soul!

Xiaohong’s flame shrouded the soul, and a cold force was injected into the body of Mu Qian’s body, so that Mu Qian could not move.

"This time, I won't let the kitten run you!"

Pushing Mu Qianqi away, swearing with invincible and Xiaohong!

"The strength of the six-level holy beast, what do you think you can do?"

The sorrowful gaze looked at them, and the bloodthirsty killing spread.


The collision of the three rays of light accumulated together, and Mu Qiang looked at them and tried to stand up, but they could not move at all.

"Master, the soul of the soul blocked the master's body with the sword. I am the same as the power of the soul, I immediately unblock the master!"

The blockade that the soul can solve with the fingers can be solved, but the dragon has been working for a long time!

Xiaohong and Invincible are not opponents of the soul. After a long time of fighting, they were sent out by the souls.

The sword marks on the body with deep bones are scary, and the soul is saying: "You are the contractor of the kitten, I will keep your little life!"

Invincible bite: "We won't let you hurt the master, you are a pervert!"

Invincible still wants to rush, but the tearing pain of the body makes it stand still.

This is too heavy!

"Damn!" Xiaohong is also very angry. If he advances to the sixth level, he still can't clean up this metamorphosis.

Yan Long rejoiced: "Master, well, Yanlong untied..."

Before he finished, Yan Long felt the soul behind him standing and froze directly.

"Hey, you don't mess, the master is really good, why do you want to be the master..."

"Hey!" What does Yanlong want to say? The result was directly caught by the soul and flew out.

"Your waste is as good as ever!"

"Even if Yanlong untied the blockade, he can move, and you can't escape now." The soul gradually approached Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi retreats and retreats to nowhere.

弑魂道: "Kitten, look at my eyes, tell me, do you want me?"

That pair of scorpions, like the ruby, is so magnificent that it looks like a thousand scorpions, and the sorcerer wants to hook out the soul of Mu Qianxi.

No one can be lost in this blind man.

Mu Qiang’s fists clenched, and the pain in her palms made her awake.

Mu Qianhui replied: "Sorry, this owner can't wait for your big Buddha now, so I am not interested in you!"

If there is enough strength to compete with him in the future, she must clean up the bastard!

"The kitten is so guilty, but the deity will be very angry!" The slender fingers fell on the eyes of Mu Qian!

As long as he worked hard, Mu Qian’s entire eyeball would be dug out by him.

"Is this stubborn eye beautiful?"

"You change your mind now, you still have time!"

Mu Qianzhen keeps himself calm, and if he is panicked, that is the real loss.

"I will say it again, I am not interested in you! Or you kill me, or you can roll it!"

"Hey!" The fingers of the soul smudged a blood mark in the corner of Mu Qian’s eyes.

He approached Mu Qiandao: "You are wrong with the kitten, I will not kill you, it will only make your body a little less."

"You said, I am pulling out your eyes or your heart."

The soul wants to see the kitten in front of him panicking for mercy, but no!

Strongly calm? Then...

When the Soul Eater wants to start, a light blue light flashes and flies out.

A thousand miles, "Blue Shadow!"

A blue figure appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, and the pair of scorpions looked faintly to the soul.

"Thousand, he gave it to me!"

The soul of the soul smiled and said: "It seems that there are a lot of gadgets around the kitten, I play with him!"

The cyan figure and the red figure are interlaced in the air, and in a flash, the fire is shining!

"Hey! It turned out to be a beggar, and it was made of wood! Let me burn you to a gray!" The soul suddenly laughed.

The fierce red fire crow swept away toward the blue shadow.

Mu Qianxi worried about the authenticity: "Blue Shadow, be careful!"

Qingying's body defense ability is very strong, almost invulnerable, water and fire does not invade.

But now his opponent is the soul of the soul, the sword of the eternal sword, the soul of the sword, he is sharper than any spirit, his flame is the flame of the supreme king.


The shadow of Qingying’s clothes burned up with the fire, and there was nothing wrong with it!

At this time, the sword of the soul is here.

The sword shadow is like lightning, and the cyan figure is quickly dodging.

He approached the soul, and a fierce punch hit the past!


The two of them are thrilling and dangerous!

Yan Long leaned on the side of Mu Qianxi: "I hope that the wood won the soul, so there is no way to hurt the owner."

However, in fact, there is no such thing as Yan Long imagined.

The soul smiled and said: "As a beggar, you are very strong! Even if it is strong, it is a piece of wood!"

The sword shadow, the fire, blocked the blue shadow in an instant.


Bloody red sword light, fell on the shadow of the blue shadow!

No one has ever been able to hurt the body of the blue shadow, but it has been drawn out by a soul sword!

Qingying is not a flesh-and-blood body. There is no blood in a sword, but Mu Qiang feels very painful!

This is the first hand injury of Qingying. The sword wounded around and turned into black.

Qingying didn't care at all, and once again rushed to the soul!

He is very clear that this person threatens to protect his life, no matter what the cost, he must solve it.

The soul screamed: "Isn't you still dying? Then I will completely cut you into pieces of wood."

Mu Qianqi shouted: "Blue Shadow, come back!"

Qingying is not a human being. If he is really seriously injured by the soul, she will not be able to heal at all. It is absolutely irreparable.

The soul smiled and said: "Is the kitten so distressed? But the more you feel bad, the more I want to burn him to the ash! After all, the wood is very easy to catch fire."

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