Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1383: Actually ran away

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For example, the **** moon is generally swaying in the air, with a fierce wind, cut towards the neck of Qingying.

"Soul!" Mu Qianxi looked at the soul with anger.

If this sword, the blue shadow can't be avoided, the consequences are unimaginable!

He does not want to be destroyed, he still wants to stay with thousands!

Qingying avoided this sword with the fastest speed, and the ink hair was degraded a lot.

The soul continues to chase after victory, and it is a sword, aimed at the heart of the blue shadow.

Qingying’s pair of calm eyes were a little flustered at this time, and the body could be destroyed, but the thousand gave him the heart, and he definitely didn’t want to ruin it.

"I really want to kill you, swear!" Mu Qiang gnawed his teeth.

"Occasionally, I think so too!" A light figure came out, and the pale green light shrouded everything around.

The soul is caught in the air by God!

At this time, Mu Qian took up Yan Longjian and injected all her spiritual power.

"Red Lotus!"


The red-hot fire lotus blew from the air and swallowed that enchanting figure!

Daddy, the figure of the soul is coming out of the flame, and the body is hurt, but not heavy!

The soul smiled and said: "The power of the kitten is that there is no way to break me!"

A stopped figure was in front of Mu Qianxi: "You are still annoying as always."

"The small pavilion, I haven't seen it for a long time! Knowing that Crystal Ying recognizes him as the master, I guess you will definitely."

"You have the courage to bully my contractor, even if you are a ghost, I will not let you go."

The light green light is shining, and Ah stopped to the soul.

That pair of faces that are more beautiful than the elves, with a chill.


The power of the fire element and the power of time!

A battle between the Eternal Pavilion and the Eternal Sword!


Surrounded by trees, there is no residue left by the two forces.

Qingying fell on the side of Mu Qianxi, for fear that she would be stunned by this terrible power.

Eternal artifacts exist above God, and they have a serious battle, which is unimaginable.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Blue Shadow, you are fine! I have medicinal herbs here, you can eat soon!"

Mu Qiang took out a lot of stock, and Qingying was not polite!

After eating some medicinal herbs, the blackened wound on the back disappeared.

Mu Qian’s hand fell on the wound and said: “It’s good to be useful, you should eat more! Until you eat it.”

The strength of the medicine contained in the refining medicinal herbs is to repair his body, and the blue shadow continues to eat the medicinal herbs handed over by the envy of thousands of envy.

If you let others know that Mu Qianzhen is urging the Qingying to eat the medicinal herbs, it will definitely vomit blood.

The two figures in the air could not see clearly, and Mu Qian asked: "Crystal Ying, can you stop?"

Crystal Yingdao said: "There is no need to worry about the children. The battle of the scorpion has already consumed a lot of power. Now he can stop the benefits of going to Shang A."

Mu Qian said: "Then I can only hope that Ah will win now! I will not let go of the soul!"

The vast forests erupted with terrible power, and the beasts here desperately went deep into the forest.

Many people are curious, but they dare not approach this half step!

This power is powerful that they have never seen before!

Gu Baiyi, who came to Mu Qian’s, felt that there was a strong fire element power here, and his pupil suddenly shrank.

This is the power of the fire element of the Eternal Sword, absolutely right!

He rushed to the vast mountains with the fastest speed.

"Hey!" The soul was knocked out. When he stepped back, the flames of the mountains burned and vanished.

The horror of the flame of the Supreme King, no vegetation can resist!

After Qingying ate the medicinal herbs of Muqian, he recovered a lot. He once again swept out and started to work on the soul!


Next, it was A-stop and Qingying who both besieged the soul, and the blood-red scorpion of the soul became deeper and deeper.

The soul smiled and said: "Little pavilion, what I want to do, you can't stop it!"

The bloodthirsty killings broke out instantly!

Yan Long is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. "What to do? The soul is going to move, and he wants to launch the ultimate kill! It will be the six parents who don't recognize it!"

A stop: "A dead woman is a little weaker, but all aspects are qualified. What dissatisfaction do you have! A little bit, it is better!"

The soul smiled and said: "The kitten is very good, it is suitable for my sword slave! It is absolutely impossible to be my master."

A wrath, the pair of pale green scorpions instantly condensed.

"My sister and I, you can be your sword slave! You are too arrogant!"

If you swear by the soul, you will completely anger the blue shadow!

How can you become a sword slave who is manipulated without soul and freedom?

The battle was upgraded again, and they were shocked by the earth, and the entire northern territory was filled with horrific murder.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, and the soul is engaged in this crazy battle is very enjoyable!

A blood-red long sword appeared, and the tip of the sword swayed like a drop of blood. The power of the majestic condensed on it.

Just when he was going to do it, his light was sinking!


The bloodthirsty sword disappeared instantly, and the shadow of the soul disappeared in front of them.

"Kitten, this time we didn't have fun! Next time, the deity must accompany you to have fun!"

A pause, the green figure flashed and rushed up.

"Hey, you can't beat it, do you want to run? Give me a stop! Today I have to pack you!"

Qingying naturally did not want to let go of this dangerous guy who threatened to be in danger, and quickly chased it up!

A stop running the power of time: "Time stops!"

But when he caught up, the figure disappeared in a golden glow.

A stopped face instantly darkened, "Transfer scroll!"

"You will run away with a transfer reel, screaming!"

"Boom!" In the place where the souls left, the violent force of Azerbaijan directly blasted the ground into an abyss.

Mu Qianxi also chased over and saw the wrath of the Aberdeen: "What? Lost?"

A stop: "The soul of the soul actually ran with the transfer reel, can't chase!"

He muttered: "Have the soul of this family changed for so many years? It is not like his style to fight and escape. Once he starts, it is the end of the end, the blood of the hand!"

"There is also a transmission array, when did he use this kind of thing, or run away!"

Don't mention how depressed it is at this time, this is a good opportunity to clean up the soul!

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