Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1386: Sanction begins

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"You said who is dead." It is like a thousand years of cold snow, with the chill of the cold rushing sweeping over.

Hearing this familiar figure, the white no sea's pupil slammed.

"Gu Baiyi!"

Gu Baiyi's breath has become a lot stronger. He was only a better line than him. Now he seems to feel a gap that he can't cross.

This trip to the Northland, Gu Baiyi is a breakthrough.

His sword is faster and more dangerous.

"White no sea, since you dare to come to the North Han Temple, you will stay here completely!"

He did not think that he was just looking for a child, and the East Pole Palace actually came to the door.

He didn't care much about the North Han Temple, but they were targeting the deaf children, and that would not be forgiven.

Thousands of cold swords swayed down, and at the same time appeared a few identical swordsmanship, forming a silvery moon in the body of Gu Baiyi.

The full moon rushed out and swept the master of the white sea.

In an instant, they felt the air around them being torn and frozen.

All defenses were destroyed.

Everyone’s face showed a desperate color.

Gu Baiyi, the first strongest in the Quartet, is even more powerful and horrible than before.

"Lord! Help!"

"The Lord..."

Gu Baiyi's strength has made Bai Wuhai an old rival also frightened.

His face was staring at Gu Baiyi, damn, if he knew that he would come back so soon, he would not attack the East Pole Hall so rashly.

At the time of his death and death, he also sacrificed a defense aura!


"Ah!" Bai Wuhai is the master of a Samsung force, and the defensive spirit is still very strong.

However, outside the scope of defense, those who are outside the scope of the defense of the spirits have instantly become the soul of Gu Baiyi’s sword.

A sword made him so many people died in the East Pole Hall, and Bai Wuhai’s face twitched.

"Gu Baiyi is too strong! Retreat! Hurry and retreat!"

At this time, he was very jealous to look at Gu Baiyi, and other people were also afraid.

The prestige of the first strongest in the Quartet is so eloquent, and now they are faced with a more powerful Gu Baiyi, where they dare to fight!

The elders who were beaten by Mu Qian also found that the strength of Gu Baiyi became so terrible, his face sank, and today’s action seems to be no way to succeed.


Gu Baiyi cold channel: "White no sea, since it is here, leave it!"

Mu Qianxi went to the elders. "If you come, don't want to live!"

"Boom!" The heavenly spirit filled the entire battlefield. The people in the North Han Temple were naturally desperate in order to escape.

The sneak attack is not killed in the north, it is really terrible.

The appearance of Mu Qianxi changed the situation!

With the appearance of Gu Baiyi, the people in the North Han Temple have no war, and they will not be defeated!

Next, it is the beaten water dog!

"Ah!" The miserable voice came out, and the East Pole Hall was defeated.

The elders shouted: "Mu Qianxi, a thousand temples, don't kill me! You know my ability, I am a curse, if you leave me a life, I can..."

"Hey!" Mu Qianjian's Yan Longjian runs directly through his heart.

His face became grayish. "It’s a little girl with a slap in the face. Fortunately, this time I came forward with a substitute, or I really want to die under your hand."


Mu Qian’s face was gloomy, and this guy was too careful to use it as a substitute.

It’s too much trouble to catch a scheming, cautious curator.

The elders who pierced the heart by her eyes instantly condensed into a black mist.

This black fog, with a horrible curse, rushed to Mu Qian.


The evil power made Gu Baiyi have a bad hunch, and there was no time to take care of the white sea, but to sneak into the millennium.

Bai Wuhai found this gap and hurriedly evacuated.

That is the power of the curse, the power of the curse.

Contaminated with the skin of the person, invading the body and soul of the person, the life of torture is not as good as death.

However, this power did not play a role in Mu Qianxi, but was swallowed up by the soul of Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang lived and swallowed the power of this curse. She didn't seem to have any bad feelings. It should be no problem!

Immune spells, the power to devour the curse, should be part of the sacred mantra.

Mu Qianxi returned to God and looked at the worried Gu Baiyi: "White, nothing! Don't worry, go to the people who intercept the East Pole."

Big fish white no sea is running, leaving only some small fish and shrimp.

Gu Baiyi cold channel: "All disposed of!"

The North Han Temple was sneaked and lost a lot. The defensive array was broken and many masters died.

This battle made the North Han Temple and the East Pole Hall the same.

A thorough battle is about to break out!

In the preparations, Mu Qiang was attacked by the East Pole Hall, and this time her Bei Han Temple was ready to kill the door.

The loss of the East Pole Hall was heavy, and the strength of Gu Baiyi became so strong. Bai Wuhai is now particularly afraid of killing the door and asking them to strengthen the defensive array.

They were able to break through the North Cold Temple's formation thanks to the great elders, so it is not easy for Gu Baiyi to break the array of their East Pole.

Bai Wuhai wanted to attack the Temple of the East, but he was dragged by Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi didn't have a good spirit: "Xiaobai, you haven't recovered after you have recovered. If you run around, you will still zoom in. You should rest first, and when you recover your strength, you can kill the Quartet better."

Under the mandatory requirements of Mu Qianxi, Gu Baiyi can only obey.

Of course, before this, Mu Qianxi sent a little appetizer to the East Pole.

Nowadays, the ghost medical building in the east has closed, and the whole east has become less popular with elixir and medicinal drugs.

The East Pole Hall was cut off by 90% of the drug source, and many refining pharmacists left the East. In addition to their own refining pharmacists, the North Cold Hall could not recruit a refining pharmacist.

There will be casualties in the war! Spiritual consumption also requires medicinal supplements. There is no medical team, and there is not enough supplement of the elixir. The North Han Temple is very unfavorable.

After Ghost Medical Building imposed medical sanctions on the East Pole Hall, Bai Wuhai did not expect that even worse things happened!

The economy in the east is hustle and bustle, the restaurant is closed, there is no spirits to sell, cloth... It involves all kinds of transactions in all aspects of life, and it has become a pot of porridge.

Although they are cultivators, the world's strongest are respected, but after all, it is enough to make people feel bad.

When Mu Qianqi got the news, he also said, "There are some economic sanctions against the East, and they are beautiful!"

White no sea anger, "Give me a check! In the end, who dared to help the Millennium, for our East Pole."

Although economic sanctions cannot affect the war situation, the lives of the people in the entire east are in a mess, and naturally they will complain about the East Pole Hall and affect the prestige of the East Pole.

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