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In the east, a group of people came to the fore, and when Bai Wuhai sent people to investigate and started to chase and kill, the Beihan Hall came to a guest.

A jade tree is a windy, gentle man like a jade.

His face had a smile like a spring breeze, and the pair of fox eyes had the light of calculations.

Mu Qianxi saw the coming laughter: Nalan, I heard the news and thought of it. The economic situation in the east is your handwriting.

Nalan 钰 gentle smile: Yes! It is my handwriting. Now I am chased by the East Pole Hall. You have to take me in the Millennium. After all, there is no place that is safer than the North Han Temple.

His words just fell, and he felt a cold.

A man dressed in white like a snow, cold like a snow sculpture, looked at him coldly.

Nalan smiled calmly: This is the owner of the North Cold Temple!

Mu Qiandao: Xiaobai, this is my friend Nalan! I knew it when I was in Xuezhou. Don’t look at his smile so brightly, it’s insidious! You have to be careful, don't be counted by him to sell money!

Nalan’s mouth twitched slightly, and after leaving Xuezhou, the square was too big, too busy!

He is anxious to become strong, so that he has enough strength to stand by her side to help.

Even if it hasn't changed for a long time, she is still her.

Dare to give the nickname of the North Cold Lord, this world is only one person.

Nalan smirked: Do not joke with me in the millennium, and my point is absolutely unbearable in front of the Lord of the North.

Mu Qianxi said to Gu Baiyi: Xiaobai, this is Nalan! The president of the first chamber of commerce.

Gu Baiyi nodded slightly and said that he knew.

The first chamber of commerce, a mysterious force that has risen even later than the ghost medical building, has never cared about this.

In the past, he only thought about one thing, cultivation, and becoming stronger! Q8zc

Now there are only two things, only cultivation, becoming stronger, and deaf!

When old friends meet, there is naturally a lot to say.

Although Gu Baiyi couldn't insert the words, he did not leave at the side.

Even Nalan is very unsightly.

Anyway, Nalan remained in the North Han Temple.

I have been busy for so long, and I have been desperate for so long, even if I am short-term, I am very satisfied.

The smile on Nalan's face made Gu Baiyi's face cold.

This guy is also very immune, facing the chilly choice of Gu Baiyi.

He is very clear, the mind of the North Cold Lord!

When the white no sea head was ruined, Feng Yunshuo woke up, Bai Wuhai Road: Feng Yunxiu, you can contact your Highness! Gu Baiyi's strength has become a lot stronger, we are not his opponent at all!

Feng Yunxiu faintly said: Who gave me a spell to make me stun, let him out!

White no seaway: When is it, this is the time of the death of the East Pole! You are actually thinking about this personal grievance!

I will not contact the princess if I don't give it to me.

You have no fire in the sea.

At this time, a voice came over.

Seal the Lord, contact the princess, contact the princess to do something?

When Bai Wuhai slammed back, he saw more than a dozen white men appearing at the entrance of the main hall.

They exuded a very powerful momentum, but they were headed by a black-haired old man. He went to the front: No news for so long, will the sealless master not send a letter to the princess? The princess who had harmed sent us out.

Feng Yun repaired his brows slightly, but Bai Wuhai rushed up and smashed down!


Adult, help! You must save the Temple of the East.

The old man of the black hair: Tell me, what happened?

Bai Wuhai gave a deep and affectionate experience to this miserable experience. They did not have any sympathy for him, but they were scornful of Feng Yunxiu.

Sealing the Lord, where did you find the eternal sword so early? You haven't gotten your hand yet!

Don't be stubborn if you don't have the strength!

Yes! If you can't do it, you still want to be alone, and you don't have to think about how much you can! This matter is handed over to us.

Mu Lin sent people to the East Pole Hall, and the North Palace was never vegetarian.

Soon the side of the palace came the news, Gu Baiyi did not want to see the Millennium to see the North Palace, but Mu Qianyi was afraid that he was bullied by the insidious brother, insisted on rushing.

The Palace is a dead end: Mulin has sent people to the East Pole Hall, and my people will soon go to the North Han Temple. However, it is best not to make trouble in the Quartet when you start the war. Otherwise, the defenders are a little troublesome.

Every world has the existence of a defensive person. Otherwise, it is not good for a high-ranking person to turn up a subterranean face.

Muqian Road: If you don't want to make a big noise on the side of the East Pole, we will not! I also hope that the people sent by the Prince of the North Palace will give a little strength, if they are full of words. Then you can default.

The North Palace is a dead end: rest assured! The people I sent will definitely not be weaker than the ones that Mu Lin sent.

That's good! If nothing happens, I will go to the white dress to prepare for the war! Prince of the North Palace, please take your own!

I am too lazy to take care of this guy, and Mu Qian will leave with Bai Baiyi.

Her love for the North Palace is ignored, but she looks like a jewel like a treasure, and makes the North Palace anxious.

Going out of the underground palace, Mu Qiandao said: Xiaobai, the people sent by the North Palace will not be weaker than Mu Lin, but definitely not strong! He won't be so kind! And I am afraid that there will be people in the prison on the side of Bai Wuhai. No matter what happens, your safety is the most important thing.

Gu Baiyi's low road: Hey, you are wrong!


The safety of your nephew is the most important thing! Do not let yourself be in danger.

Just the same! Don't worry about it.

In order to prevent the dark hand under the imprisonment, Ziyou also came to the North Han Hall.

Xiaomei, I will help you conquer the entire Quartet.

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumped, you think too much, I don’t want to conquer the Quartet. It was only the first thing that slaughtered the elders, and by the way, the white sea and the annoying white smoke that had been in the way were solved.

There is also Ji Ji! The eyes of Mu Qianyan flashed a cold light.

Purple secluded road: also! The little beauty has conquered the night, and the conquest of a square in the district does not seem to have much effect.

Although the North Han Temple and the East Pole Hall have been built up, there has never been a devastating war.

This is also because of the forces behind them, the East Dynasty and the North Palace dynasty have not yet undergone a annexation war.

Nowadays, because of the eternal sword, the two fires, the two halls are about to break out!

At the time when the two temples were arrogant, the king of the country, which had been quiet, was standing at this time.

His voice arrived at the North Han Temple and the East Temple!

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