Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1388: Three battles

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A loving voice came out, the two halls fought, the masters were numerous, not only the masters of the Quartet, but once they started the war. I am afraid that half of the east and north will be destroyed.

In addition to the heavy casualties in your two halls, there will be many innocent ordinary people will be caught. I also ask you to think about it for the sake of life and give up this war.

Hearing the voice of the king of the Vatican, Mu Qianxi thought of the sound of his hand.

Her voice is not good: the voice of the king of the Vatican, persuasion to stop the war seems to be better for the Sanskrit Son of the Buddha's Sacred Heart, isn't it?

What is the Buddha's Sacred Heart, she wants to tell the Fanyin Kingdom to false propaganda.

Cheat the dead!

The main voice of the Fanyin country: If the dust is not closed, it is up to him to do it. The owner of the Northern Cold Temple, Mu Shaodian, can you promise the old man's request.

Mu Qiandao said: The casualties are heavy, I don't want to! If the East Pole Palace can promise to surrender the big elders who betray the North Han Temple and hand over the Prison, we are too lazy to fight!

The elder must catch, she wants to save the second uncle!

There is no meditation, white sea and white smoke are not a threat at all, and it is directly related to the **** curse in the nine nights.

The side of the North Han Temple cannot be said, and the side of the East Pole Hall is the same.

There is only one requirement for Mourin’s men. Just give them the sword of eternal, they can not fight!

White no sea road: There are still thousands of deaths! Mu Qian must die!

The contradiction between the two sides is simply not a word of the voice of the Vatican, and a compassionate heart can be settled.

He is not so naive!

In the end, he took out the killer and shouted: the protector does not allow this kind of thing to happen. If you really fight, all those who do not belong to this world will be expelled!

In addition to the people of the North Palace Prince and Princess Lin, the Lord of the North Cold Temple and the soul of the Prison, all will be expelled!

To expel white!

Mu Qian is angry, old vulture! what did you say? Xiao Bai is the owner of the North Han Dian Temple, the people of the Quartet, why do you say that the expulsion is expelled!

The main voice of the Fanyin country: But his power has surpassed the line of the Quartet!

You are a strong word!

This is what the protector said.

I really don't want to go, if I really go to the prison, it will definitely be completely stupid.

Gu Baiyi definitely does not want to leave!

Both sides are silent and stalemate!

At this time, the main voice of the Fanyin country: the old man has a proposal!

You said!


The main voice of the Fanyin country: the sea of ​​no return, there is no one in the sea, you can start a big battle there. Each sent three people, three wins in two games to decide the outcome!

The first group is the one sent by the Prince of the North Palace and Princess Lynn!

The second group, the battle between the two temples!

The third group is the battle between the two halls!

The victorious party can get what they want, so that it can reduce casualties and not destroy the stability of the Quartet. How?



The two are not, they are all from the East Temple.

Bai Wuhai and Feng Yunxiu!

White no sea road: Absolutely not, this is not fair, my strength is far too far from the white clothes!

Both of them are the masters of the two temples. If you say this, there is no sea and no blush. Q8zc

He is terrible, don't face, and he must be white, he must be!

Feng Yunxiu did not agree, he is not limited to thousands of miles, very much do not want to.

Mu Lin 琅 some of the men’s hands: Feng Shaozhu, are you afraid? It’s just a small hall of Samsung’s power. You can’t beat it?

I heard that it is only a 17-year-old little girl. If you can't deal with it, you have to go to see the princess.

Feng Yunxiu faint road: The opponent I want to fight is not the Muqian, but the owner of the North Han Temple, Gu Baiyi!

Bai Wuhai lived, you are crazy!

You dare not deal with Gu Baiyi, I am coming!

You obviously want to admit defeat, complete the Millennium, do not want to get the sword of eternal! White no sea lane.

Feng Yun Xiu Dao: I am not trying to admit defeat, I will try my best to defeat Gu Baiyi and win this test! Get the sword of eternal.

This is my decision, I am telling you, not to let you comment.

Some of those people's faces sank, although they found this opportunity to mock and despise Feng Yunxiu, but he came from that one.

Never look down, since he decides, give it to him.

This is the case, Feng Yunxiu’s opponent is Gu Baiyi!

In the North Han Temple, Mu Qianxi also stunned when he heard the news.

Yun Xiu, even to the white!

Gu Baiyi whispered: Hey, don't worry!

He asked: The opponent of Yun Xiu Shaodian is me, then who is the opponent of the child? If it is white without sea, I refuse!

What about me? White smoke goes to the front.

Mu Qian, I will be your opponent, can you dare?

Gu Baiyi's brows are slight, he doesn't know, Bai Wuhai's daughter is in the body, but there is the soul of the prison.

Mu Qiandao said: You want to die, what do I dare?

The main voice of the Fanyin country: The three groups of dueling candidates have been determined, what other objections?


Then please tell your terms!

The Temple of the East won, they want the sword of eternal, to admire the thousand 汐 and Gu Baiyi to die, but also the ghost medical building.

The Northern Han Temple won, and the Great Elders, the East Pole Hall, and the life of Bai Wuhai and Baiyaner (Jiji).

Two golden scrolls appeared, and the cinnabar was suspended in the air.

The two sides signed the word, I am notarized by the Fanyin Kingdom! This time, I will go to the referee with the 18th Arhat of the Pantheon, and guarantee the fairness and justice of this test.

Gu Baiyi and Bai Wuhai signed the name, in fact, it is only a proof, and there is not much constraint!

If the losing party, if it defaults, the Van Gogh God Congress will help the winning party and let the losing party complete this agreement.

A piece of paper does not have much effect, but the strength of the Fanyin Kingdom has to be taboo.

The test time is determined by both of you!

Can't be too long, just three days later! That black old man said.

Mu Qiandao said: Just three days!

The main voice of the Fanyin country: That's good! After three days of confrontation, the location was no return to the island.

The golden Buddha light disappeared, and the lord of the Fanyin dynasty retired.

Three days, very fast!

This battle that determines the fate of the two major forces in Samsung, many powerful people in the Quartet also went to the sea of ​​no return, ready to witness this exciting moment.

In order to grab a good position, they can come earlier than the war.

Suddenly the sky was dark and some people said: It is the East Pole Hall, and the people of the East Pole Hall are here.

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